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What The Silent Majority Realy Thinks Of The Situation


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If you look to the numbers of demonstrators of both sides its seems to be an very small % of the population who take part of of the demonstrations. Most of the Thais go to work and carrying on normal.

They keep silence and low profile.

In the old USSR there was an underground news calles Samizdad, and I know this excist in Thailand also, and this already for many years.

In many offices sudently copied tapes founnd on office desks with tapped phone cals of high ranked people, faxes circulate with the wildest uncontroled rumours. This documents and tapes are discussed only in family and with very close friends and only whispered behind the hand.

I have knowledge of it, but its impossible to discus them ina public forum.

So I do wonder what the common Thai think of the present situation.

What even surprises me more is that since the last 2 day's of turmoil the SET indices are going up (even tourism)

very puzzling country Thailand is.

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No one knows for sure, but everyone seems to think they know. :o The 'silent majority' is most second-guessed by incumbent leaders or their supporters when faced with persistent protest movements.

My personal observation from traveling around the country and talking to Thais is that roughly a third of the country supports the aims of the PAD (if not the tactics), a third are loyal to the current government and the remaining third are indifferent.

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If you look to the numbers of demonstrators of both sides its seems to be an very small % of the population who take part of of the demonstrations. Most of the Thais go to work and carrying on normal.

They keep silence and low profile.

In the old USSR there was an underground news calles Samizdad, and I know this excist in Thailand also, and this already for many years.

In many offices sudently copied tapes founnd on office desks with tapped phone cals of high ranked people, faxes circulate with the wildest uncontroled rumours. This documents and tapes are discussed only in family and with very close friends and only whispered behind the hand.

I have knowledge of it, but its impossible to discus them ina public forum.

So I do wonder what the common Thai think of the present situation.

What even surprises me more is that since the last 2 day's of turmoil the SET indices are going up (even tourism)

very puzzling country Thailand is.

It is just fixed or sustained by dwindling resources as the property maket has been for the last couple of years. Now they are just spending their reserves to keep the baht afloat.

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Let me help out a little with your reference to the numbers of demonstrators: A few days ago a local man approached the girls who work in my local bar in Phuket and asked them if they were interested in earning 300 Baht a day by attending the demonstrations in Bangkok - I heard the same story repeated in each of my three "locals". OK, it's a funny line but true nevertheless and it speaks volumes about this whole current adventure.

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It looks like taking over the airport has eroded much of PADs silent support.

Yeh, i would be rich if i had 100 baht for everyperson i have heard say "i wish they would just shoot them (PAD)" over the last few days. FYI - i dont know any Thaksin supporters, this is from normal people.

Thaksin supporters aren't normal people then? ... Not the sort of normal average everyday joe that would hold the country to ransom because they didn't win an election. hmmmm.

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Most of the people I know are sympathetic to the aims of the PAD, while at the same time believing they may have gone too far with the airport occupation. Most are equally sympathetic to the people who are being used by the Thaksin machine to further his own interests. They all understand that Thaksin must never return here, ever.

It is at this point I query them about why don't THEY join with others like themselves to demand better education and opportunities for the people Thaksin garners supprt from. This is where the ugly side of Thai culture raises its head. While they don't say so, in so many words; it is clear they would not want to risk their own stations (and those of their children) if opportunities were open to all members of society. They like where they ended up on the hierarchal ladder and they don't seem particularly willing to extend a hand down that ladder to help others up. Even to save their own country. They just can't see that far into the future.

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Most of the people I know are sympathetic to the aims of the PAD, while at the same time believing they may have gone too far with the airport occupation. Most are equally sympathetic to the people who are being used by the Thaksin machine to further his own interests. They all understand that Thaksin must never return here, ever.

It is at this point I query them about why don't THEY join with others like themselves to demand better education and opportunities for the people Thaksin garners supprt from. This is where the ugly side of Thai culture raises its head. While they don't say so, in so many words; it is clear they would not want to risk their own stations (and those of their children) if opportunities were open to all members of society. They like where they ended up on the hierarchal ladder and they don't seem particularly willing to extend a hand down that ladder to help others up. Even to save their own country. They just can't see that far into the future.

They like where they ended up on the hierarchal ladder and they don't seem particularly willing to extend a hand down that ladder to help others up. Even to save their own country. They just can't see that far into the future. You hit the nail right on top.

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the silent majority thinks?

Where can I find a beautiful mia noi

How much is a new car

are 3 bottle chang enough

look did she had a breast surgery

what to eat now

So that's how a PAD supporter sees the people of Thailand. Revealing...

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In Chiang Mai I would say the majority of silent people support not necessarily Thaksin, but the opposite of PAD and what it stands for. This would throw them into the red camp. If they can't make up their mind politically they will side with red as it is pro Chiang Mai and they see PAD as pro BKK.

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the silent majority thinks?

Where can I find a beautiful mia noi

How much is a new car

are 3 bottle chang enough

look did she had a breast surgery

what to eat now

Sorry to disagree, old chap, but in my experience EVERY Thai person, (no matter what colour shirt they wear!) , thinks of what to eat now, first and foremost. :o

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