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Any Yellow Shirt Sightings In Cm?


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With the unrest in BKK and some shift in govmt. meetings up here to peacefull CM there may be a potiental of the People Against Democracy [PAD] to move some of their opertions up north. I mentioned that possibility to the wife and she says it would never happen, as the yellow shirts would be blocked from comming up because the north is a Taxin strong hold.

Another event that the yellow shirts could disrupt would be the up-comming Asean conference next month..

am I paranoid??

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With the unrest in BKK and some shift in govmt. meetings up here to peacefull CM there may be a potiental of the People Against Democracy [PAD] to move some of their opertions up north. I mentioned that possibility to the wife and she says it would never happen, as the yellow shirts would be blocked from comming up because the north is a Taxin strong hold.

Another event that the yellow shirts could disrupt would be the up-comming Asean conference next month..

am I paranoid??

Not sure about "Paranoid", but be aware that emotions out there can boil over - and yes, in Chiang Mai / other areas, also.

PAD supporters this morning in Lamphun were throwing stones at vehicles without much logic as to the target.

A (Thai) friend had windscreen smashed of the company van he was driving - and he thought it was probably because his vehicle was "red color".

So for those of us (farang) living here who are used to moving around more than the average tourist, take care.

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i'd be a sit surprised if PAD didn't have something planned to disrupt the ASEAN conference, or at least attempt to, though the geography and support for PPP up here might make it difficult. best idea is probably not to wear anything red or yellow for the next few weeks.

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With the unrest in BKK and some shift in govmt. meetings up here to peacefull CM there may be a potiental of the People Against Democracy [PAD] to move some of their opertions up north. I mentioned that possibility to the wife and she says it would never happen, as the yellow shirts would be blocked from comming up because the north is a Taxin strong hold.

Another event that the yellow shirts could disrupt would be the up-comming Asean conference next month..

am I paranoid??

Not sure about "Paranoid", but be aware that emotions out there can boil over - and yes, in Chiang Mai / other areas, also.

PAD supporters this morning in Lamphun were throwing stones at vehicles without much logic as to the target.

A (Thai) friend had windscreen smashed of the company van he was driving - and he thought it was probably because his vehicle was "red color".

So for those of us (farang) living here who are used to moving around more than the average tourist, take care.

Crikey somehow I don't think they will last long! Maybe they are the remnants of the yellows who came up on the train the other day; they seem to have a death wish.

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I went to the food market near Rattanakosin bridge as usual this morning. Usually you would see a large number of the traders wearing yellow shirts (out of deference to the king, not PAD) but it was noticable that there wasn't a single one on display today so obviously they aren't taking any chances either.

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I had to do a 90 day check in at CM Imm last Monday.

Usually the place is filled on that day with a dozen or so farang in yellow King shirt polos.

I wore mine, only because it was a warm day, it was the only light polo I had that was clean....and no, I'm not a suckup with a King shirt looking for a favour. I've been in the 5 minute rubber-stamp category for a couple of years now.

Only yellow shirt there- think I might be wearing a neutral colour like black, from now on in. :o

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There's no issue wearing red. I saw a bunch of Reds in a pick-up yesterday going somewhere, I gave them a big smile and fist.. 'Soo!!'.

A lot of people (incl. women, regular quiet people) are saying very matter of factly that it the yellow mob ever attempts to come to chiang mai then 'they will die'. No anger, just very matter of factly.

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Indeed Kwai... Everyone i met last night out doing research at the local thai bars was a red, apart from one 'white', In a random poll of about 700 7 people,

they all seemed to think that the police would not shoot at the airport. ranging from 100% to 1000%

One of the reason given to me was that there are farang still at the airport? :o

Nice tuktuk driver told me every day he goes to the guesthouse, take people go to airport, no plane, come back to guesthouse, they drink, they sleep...

also took great delight in telling me ALL the taxi's, tuk tuks, etc are RED drivers!

Brrr. it was cold last night.....

Edited by SomNamNah
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