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Some Of Those Pad Have No Values?


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Putting one's own child at the heart of any large scale demonstration is at the very least irresponsible. Would the argument that the police etc would be to blame for any injuries/deaths of the children somehow make it more acceptable to the parents?

Many are stating that this is a peaceful protest/sit-in. I'm not going to argue that one way or the other but the very same posters are claiming these peaceful protest sites are under bomb attack etc by their opponents. Why should children be exposed to such danger?

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What's so dangerous about it? It's pretty clear no one is going to disturb them, and they've already said they wil be out on December 2nd.

So they say :o

As for the kids, probably got them from " rent-a-tot "

Ah so, once again Chamlong is not a man whos word can be believed......no surprises there....he has always been like this. Says one thing while planning something else.

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Just saw some docu on Thai TV on how many of those PAD protesters brought their kids to this airport siege over the weekend???

Are they out of their mind or what? Thois kids should be taken away from those parents to never being returned again. Who in their straight mind would ever endanger their own kids like that??? And then when Police or Army moves in we will have to look atall those litle corpses and say shame on the Police or what??? Just a bit of tear gas would do serious damage to any kid. They brought some kids out there younger then 5 or 6 years old as it was some sort of family outing like going to Pattaya Park water park???

Shame on you I can understand youhave something against somethig or want to make a point but never ever put any kids in danger.



Not meaning to be intolerant but apparently your anger has damaged your brain. You seem to be in what is known as "fugue" mode by psychologists. That is a mode where you are so angry you will stike out at anyone or anything, even hurt yourself without thinking. The classic example is someone getting so angry he breaks his fist by smashing a wall.

I have seen the pictures and videos of the PAD at the airport. Some of course are thugs, especially the security people. But the large majority are just ordinary Thai working people. Perhaps you are not familiar with that type of people but I recognise them well. I have a family of them I support.

As to why they broght their children, the answer is thay have nowhere else to keep them. They don't have a nanny or maid to leave the children with. They are poor people (yes, some are not, I can see that) and their family is their life. They can't leave their young children at home. So the children go with them.

In any conflict the first thing that goes away is the truth, the next is good judgement. I do not have any particular love for either side, in case you want to know.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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You see it as a "siege" and they see it as a peaceful sit-in to protest the government.

Keep in mind their leader is saying "We will fight to the death". I don't see how they can consider it a "peaceful sit-in" with many of the mob carrying large sticks, and guns and their leader spouting quotes like that.

That could be why YOU see it as a siege ....

They apparently see it as something different than you. (as do I) Spend enough time here, get to know people from different backgrounds, learn the language enough and talk with folks (not your own family etc) enough to be trusted to have meaningful discussions with, etc

Do not forget they will all be wearing their amulets and sacred images , how could they possibly get injured ? Once you have been successfully 'Thai-ised"you will understand .

As advised by JD , learn the language and trust in meaningfull discussions , like me you will probably remain like me , Thais do not love their kids enough to feel responsible for their safety on an on going daily to day basis .

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Just saw some docu on Thai TV on how many of those PAD protesters brought their kids to this airport siege over the weekend???

Are they out of their mind or what? Thois kids should be taken away from those parents to never being returned again. Who in their straight mind would ever endanger their own kids like that??? And then when Police or Army moves in we will have to look atall those litle corpses and say shame on the Police or what??? Just a bit of tear gas would do serious damage to any kid. They brought some kids out there younger then 5 or 6 years old as it was some sort of family outing like going to Pattaya Park water park???

Shame on you I can understand youhave something against somethig or want to make a point but never ever put any kids in danger.



Not meaning to be intolerant but apparently your anger has damaged your brain. You seem to be in what is known as "fugue" mode by psychologists. That is a mode where you are so angry you will stike out at anyone or anything, even hurt yourself without thinking. The classic example is someone getting so angry he breaks his fist by smashing a wall.

I have seen the pictures and videos of the PAD at the airport. Some of course are thugs, especially the security people. But the large majority are just ordinary Thai working people. Perhaps you are not familiar with that type of people but I recognise them well. I have a family of them I support.

As to why they broght their children, the answer is thay have nowhere else to keep them. They don't have a nanny or maid to leave the children with. They are poor people (yes, some are not, I can see that) and their family is their life. They can't leave their young children at home. So the children go with them.

In any conflict the first thing that goes away is the truth, the next is good judgement. I do not have any particular love for either side, in case you want to know.


What, no maid, no nanny? :D I thought the PAD were against ignorant poor people, who don't know how to vote.

How can they allow such riff raff to tarnish the noble cause of the PAD?

Enought BS. Yes, you make a good point. They çannot leave the brats with grandma, cause she's there, too.

They do let them ride motosais when 9 years old, much safer.

I would say that if they cannot leave the kids with anyone, it would be their duty to stay the <deleted> home and take care of the kids and keep them out of harms way. Instead of sitting on your ass all day shaking a handclapper, with the occasional grenade or bomb going off. Yeah, sounds like good parenting. Mommy believes in something honey, that's why you got to be here when the big bad meanies arrive to kick our asses out.

But <deleted> do I know? TIT, I am just a farang baa.

BTW, tig28, thanks for reminding me about NTN. Had a good giggle again.

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Just saw some docu on Thai TV on how many of those PAD protesters brought their kids to this airport siege over the weekend???

Are they out of their mind or what? Thois kids should be taken away from those parents to never being returned again. Who in their straight mind would ever endanger their own kids like that??? And then when Police or Army moves in we will have to look atall those litle corpses and say shame on the Police or what??? Just a bit of tear gas would do serious damage to any kid. They brought some kids out there younger then 5 or 6 years old as it was some sort of family outing like going to Pattaya Park water park???

Shame on you I can understand youhave something against somethig or want to make a point but never ever put any kids in danger.


You want to blame the parents if the police murders children???

I've been thinking: maybe we need a rule banning idiots from the forum...or maybe a special place for them (the room for the "mentally challenged"?) so that the others can use their time more productively.

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