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I see U Tapao is used in High season for some international flights and am wondering how they are set up for the new influx of flights and passengers?

Some of you may already have been through the airport and have some idea.

Luggage - do they have limited carousels for luggage? (asking because I can take only hand luggage if there is a long delay)

Immigration - many booths or is that liable to be a long wait too?

Customs and Excise - Red hot at the moment due to the 'current problems' or up to their usual standard?

Security - Are there likely to be any problems in the near future (with demonstrators etc ) or have they beefed up security around the airport?

Access roads - good roads or single lane? Friends driving down to pick me up from North of BKK and also wondering if best to go through Pattaya or via Rayong.

Thanks for any relevent info :o


Only spent 10 minutes there but it is very small, just saw one luggage carousel, don't know about immigrations booths as i was coming in on a internal flight, suspect not many but temp ones should be in place i suspect.

Roads around are ok, would guess best to get on to Bang Na- Trat highway to get to or from north of Bangkok. However as its going to be very busy this could be different

Small train that takes you to and from the aircraft are going to be busy. Hope this helps.


Simply read newspapers: this is from that source.

UTP is as an airfield base big enough to handle all aircarft-as far as landing/take off etc goes

the terminal building is just a small barracks without facitlities to process more as the few flights scheduled till now.

BUT: there is a big process going to get buses to/fro BKK, to do the chekc-in etc in separate hotels-apart per airline, and then hus you ''secured'' directly into the airport. again; dont ask here, ask YOUR airline-obviouslu always the very first to ask these questions. That it wont run smoothly or have hickups is only to be expected.

the main and quite big hassle of landing at UTP in the past was that NO other transport as the overpirced and rip-off Pattaya bahtbus maffia was available. this was so much of a hassle that most in the know had alternatives arranged beforehand. Most biggger flights were charetrs anyway (from Roussia and Europe) with the usual direct bus waiting


U Tapao is doings its best, and every aspect of the airport is what you would expect from a tiny provincial airport in terms of customs, immigration and terminal facilities. You can access from Sattahip side, roads are great.  It has the longest runway in Asia so it is no problem for any aircraft type


>>Some of you may already have been through the airport and have some idea.

I came thro International on Sunday morning at 3am. Flight was scheduled to land the day before at 9pm. Needed to wait 40 minutes on board after landing for a stair vehicle and bus to become available.

>>Luggage - do they have limited carousels for luggage? (asking because I can take only hand luggage if there is a long delay)

Just one small carousel. Needed to wait about one hour for bags to arrive. Lots of luggage left lying around probably from delayed transfers... easy way to loose your bags... no security or customs except a couple of army guards at the way out door.

>>Immigration - many booths or is that liable to be a long wait too?

There were about 6 immigration booths or makeshift tables set up. Service was much faster than I have ever seen at BKK airport, but that is not hard to do.

>>Customs and Excise - Red hot at the moment due to the 'current problems' or up to their usual standard?

What customs? Never saw a customs other than the two army guards at the way out door.

>>Security - Are there likely to be any problems in the near future (with demonstrators etc ) or have they beefed up security around the airport?

Security looked very poor, the airport has people sleeping on floors everywhere, left baggage lying everywhere, out the building the car park looks a mess with touts all over and rubbish overflowing on all the bins. As one drives out the main gate a large sign U-Tapao International Airport see's one on their way.

>>Access roads - good roads or single lane? Friends driving down to pick me up from North of BKK and also wondering if best to go through Pattaya or via Rayong.

At 3am the roads were not busy.


Wish they'd leave U-Tapao open after all this is over. Fantastic location for the eastern seaboard. I could get to my build in Bang Saray and over to Koh Samet really easy from there.


Thanks all, for the info. Very helpful, especially the report from DB on his pass through the airport.

Hard to get in touch with airlines at the moment as they are so busy. The U Tapao website is minimal too.

I'll be taking hand luggage!!! :o

Now, also, I can give my friend guidance on the best way to get to the airport.

This is the sort of thing TV is very good for.

Appreciated :D

the main and quite big hassle of landing at UTP in the past was that NO other transport as the overpirced and rip-off Pattaya bahtbus maffia was available. this was so much of a hassle that most in the know had alternatives arranged beforehand. Most biggger flights were charetrs anyway (from Roussia and Europe) with the usual direct bus waiting

This is inaccurate as Bangkok Airways have a contracted bus service to and from the airport for 250 baht. Included in the price is pick up or drop off at your hotel. The company running the bus service is Crane & Co.

I don't have the number at hand at the mo, but a call to Bangkok Airways Customer Service should do.

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