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Air Force Chief Repeats Call For Govt To Dissolve House


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Is there some relevance in posting this today :) Root admin . I can't see it. What am i missing?

Some PTPers have been telling Thai media that a coup is imminent and Somkid will be made PM.

Edited to add; Not sure that is the reason but this little gem of politcking seems unreported so far on TV

If we want a reliable indicator find out where Gen Prem is today. If he's at the beach as I suspect he is then the government needn't be concerned.

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I'm still at a loss why this thread, with a very misleading headline, was resurrected. We don't discuss moderation issues on TV, but I wonder in what capacity Dr.Patpong bumped this thread.

So am I

Apart from the emoticon the new post did not say anything

I posted immediateky after Dr Patpong as I noticed the dates :)

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