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Diet & Excercise


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I found that, in the last couple of months, I gained a few pounds living the good life in Isaan. Thai food is good but just how much fibre is there in rice? Also, most of the food is made with fresh veggies which is good for you. But then, there are so many good dishes fried in oil that I just can not walk past.

Do you have a special diet to keep trim? And what about excercise? I tend to sit around most of the time and the only real excercise I get is when I walk to the shop to get another beer.

I tried all this diet and excecise bullsh*t for almost an hour the other day and it didn't do me any good. Any suggestions?

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I can't get excercise by walking anymore, but I sure can by swimming here in my front yard....



On a more serious note, it really saved my life.... My body was going downhill very fast, and I also have diabetes which requires excercise, which I couldn't get since my stroke left me partly paralyzed 3 years ago. I'm now much healthier and stronger, but the best part is that my head is in such a happier place now, too :D

Edited by Ajarn
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I found that, in the last couple of months, I gained a few pounds living the good life in Isaan. Thai food is good but just how much fibre is there in rice?

Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Walk early in the morning one hour at least. After getting strong, walk fast.Bring a stick for the dogs.This time of the year start about 0600.

About food: Eat fish and vegetables, not rice. Boiled or steamed food or soups. If hungry eat fruits. Drink water, not coke. If You like alcohol, drink some beers but only once a week. Not rum or whisky.

After a year following this advice you will have changed to another man.


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Buy yourself a pile of bricks and have them delivered to your place. Then move them three to four times a week from one side of the garden to the other !! This should help a bit. If yo ufind yourself losing loads of weight then great ....you can shink ash mush beer ash you wish !! haha

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Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

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Cut out the beer and Bob's your uncle! Speaking from experience, I lost around 5kgs since I stopped drinking beer regularly. Been here a year and a bit now and have lost around 8kgs.

Beer and alcohol have absolutelly nothing to do with body weight. The calories coming from them are thermal (dummy) calories that disappear and would not fatten you a gram.

It's a lifestyle that goes with boozing (nibble food, unhealthy food, bursts of hunger, no exercise) that does.

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Cut out the beer and Bob's your uncle! Speaking from experience, I lost around 5kgs since I stopped drinking beer regularly. Been here a year and a bit now and have lost around 8kgs.

Beer and alcohol have absolutelly nothing to do with body weight. The calories coming from them are thermal (dummy) calories that disappear and would not fatten you a gram.

While true that alcohol (7 calories per gram) has no carbs, beer sure does, and that contributes to weight gain... Do a google if you want to learn more on the connection between alcohol and weight loss. It's not quite as simplistic as you stated....

Fot starters... http://www.thefactsaboutfitness.com/research/alcohol.htm

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Cut out the beer and Bob's your uncle! Speaking from experience, I lost around 5kgs since I stopped drinking beer regularly. Been here a year and a bit now and have lost around 8kgs.

Beer and alcohol have absolutelly nothing to do with body weight. The calories coming from them are thermal (dummy) calories that disappear and would not fatten you a gram.

While true that alcohol (7 calories per gram) has no carbs, beer sure does, and that contributes to weight gain... Do a google if you want to learn more on the connection between alcohol and weight loss. It's not quite as simplistic as you stated....

Fot starters... http://www.thefactsaboutfitness.com/research/alcohol.htm

For me, even after reading the link, still, alcohol is no worry. BTW I knew there were nitty-gretties but in general, "stop drinking beer and you should be ok " is not true.

It's fat and inactivity that makes you fat and you need 60-odd grams of it per day. I drink alcohol every day, 5-6 large beers but watch how much fat I take and have had no problems with weight ever (I am not slim built).

Since concentrating on pasta, fish and low fat meals, without reducing drinking I lost weight 8 years ago and never regaineid it.

(well, did some after moving to Japan where I can not stand uncooked and odd food and resort to KFC or similar for feed).

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I found that, in the last couple of months, I gained a few pounds living the good life in Isaan. Thai food is good but just how much fibre is there in rice?

Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Rice is high on the Glycemic Index & low in fibrer which means your body turns it into sugar quickly.

The rise in blood-sugar promotes an insulin response which turns off your ability to burn fat.

Eat white rice with protein/fibre to 'slow it down', don't eat it in the evening & better still - eat white rice.

Unless you are eating way more than you consume - fatty foods will not make you fat - it's foods high in sugar/high on the Glycemic index that makes you fat. White rice, white bread, potatoes.

Of course - before and after intense exercise - stuff like this is fine.

Read it & weep.

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I found that, in the last couple of months, I gained a few pounds living the good life in Isaan. Thai food is good but just how much fibre is there in rice?

Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Rice is high on the Glycemic Index & low in fibrer which means your body turns it into sugar quickly.

The rise in blood-sugar promotes an insulin response which turns off your ability to burn fat.

Eat white rice with protein/fibre to 'slow it down', don't eat it in the evening & better still - eat white rice.

Unless you are eating way more than you consume - fatty foods will not make you fat - it's foods high in sugar/high on the Glycemic index that makes you fat. White rice, white bread, potatoes.

Of course - before and after intense exercise - stuff like this is fine.

Read it & weep.

duh - I mean better still - eat BROWN rice...

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Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

Since when is it wrong?

Rice is for Asians is what bread is for westerners since they started cultivating it.

Are you Atkins-diet advocate?

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Crackin' pool there, Ajarn; but where's the sunken bar? :D Never eat rice for breakfast if I can help it, tastes awful in the morning I think. Try and start the day with cereal followed by poached eggs. Plenty of meat and/or fish throughout the day along with copious amounts of fruit and veg and always drink lashings of water. Very important, especially in this climate, to drink loads of water and then some. Also a good idea to have a Dechamp or two a day, or equivalent, to keep the salt levels up.

I used to exercise quite a bit, at least six hours in the gym a week along with lots of cycling. Not a fitness-freak by any stretch but I like to keep in shape as well as feel good. Haven't done much over the last few months though due to family matters and moving etc, etc. Slowly getting back into it again...cycling and swimming are two of the best forms of exercise. Running, and even walking, can stress the knees and ankles too much, especially road running and with average shoes, as I have found out already in my young years.

I never worry too much about the beer, though, and I'd never use keeping fit as an excuse for not going out with the lads.

Try not to lie-in too much Lourens and buy yourself a bike (can get an average mountain ike for peanuts over here) to potter around on and maybe go swimming a couple of times a week. If you set yourself some goals of, say, 10 lengths a session, you'll be feeling the affects in no time and don't worry about the beer, just try not to binge too much and always remember to guzzle tonnes of water before and after you go on the piss. :o

Hope this helps, mate.

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Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

Since when is it wrong?

Rice is for Asians is what bread is for westerners since they started cultivating it.

Are you Atkins-diet advocate?

I said you were wrong, specifically, " That won't make you gain any weight.

",.... I never even suggested eating rice is wrong. Just the facts, no opinions.. :o

I'm an advocate for balance and accuracy, that's all. :D

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I read lots of stuff about this food or that food is good for a diet (even the experts cant agree). In my mind its simple (purley for weight gain not colesterol ect).

If your energy intake(calories) per day is more than your energy use a day you will put on weight, if its less you will lose weight.

So you have 2 choices consume less calories or burn more off (OK a 3rd a bit of both:P)

I eat and drink what ever I want, my weight tends to vary with the ammount of work exercise I'm doing. I'm a couple of kg over weight (at the moment ist coming down I'm busy :o )

Oh I cant stand rice in the morning, my usual breakfast is 4 rashers of bacon (fried), 2 duck eggs (fried), 2 pices wholewheat toast (heavaly buttered) and a black coffe (3 sugars). It does help that I eat it about 9:30 in the morning and have been up since 6 milking the cows :D

Edited by RamdomChances
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Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

Since when is it wrong?

Rice is for Asians is what bread is for westerners since they started cultivating it.

Are you Atkins-diet advocate?

How about living on beer only as you implied I was suggesting eating rice only.

Even then, rice will make you live but beer only...?

Edited by think_too_mut
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Nothing right or wrong.

In the USA....

Over the past 20 years, the trend has been towards less saturated fat and more carbohydrates.

Over the past 20 years there have been massive increases in heart disease.

The thought is that it's the carbs that are bad & that we were doing OK in the first place.

So - eat steak, bacon, eggs, butter, unprocessed cereals. Avoid sugary, processed foods. You'll be able to eat your fill without getting hungry again/hitting the wall on the downside of a sugar rush.

Whilst its true that to lose weight your calorie intake needs to be below what you burn, it also helps not to have sugar cravings & insulin spikes.

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Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

Since when is it wrong?

Rice is for Asians is what bread is for westerners since they started cultivating it.

Are you Atkins-diet advocate?

I said you were wrong, specifically, " That won't make you gain any weight.

",.... I never even suggested eating rice is wrong. Just the facts, no opinions..

I'm an advocate for balance and accuracy, that's all.

How about living on beer only as you implied I was suggesting eating rice only.

Even then, rice will make you live but beer only...?

I never implied any such thing as you stated I'd implied. Notice the word IF. No implied suggestion of any sort... I was simply illustrating my point to you that your statement (which I outlined) was wrong. You can gain weight from eating rice, and IF you were to only eat rice (and noodles), that would make it clear that your weight gain came only from eating too much rice (and noodles)

Hope that's clear now. Please watch your false assumptions about what I'm saying. I think my points are usually quite clear, and almost always with supporting evidence for my words. If you have any evidence to back your hypothesis, please offer that up, too.... :o

Edited by Ajarn
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Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

The oily stuff would.

Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

Since when is it wrong?

Rice is for Asians is what bread is for westerners since they started cultivating it.

Are you Atkins-diet advocate?

I said you were wrong, specifically, " That won't make you gain any weight.

",.... I never even suggested eating rice is wrong. Just the facts, no opinions..

I'm an advocate for balance and accuracy, that's all.

How about living on beer only as you implied I was suggesting eating rice only.

Even then, rice will make you live but beer only...?

I never implied any such thing as you stated I'd implied. Notice the word IF. No implied suggestion of any sort... I was simply illustrating my point to you that your statement (which I outlined) was wrong. You can gain weight from eating rice, and IF you were to only eat rice (and noodles), that would make it clear that your weight gain came only from eating too much rice (and noodles)

Hope that's clear now. Please watch your false assumptions about what I'm saying. I think my points are usually quite clear, and almost always with supporting evidence for my words. If you have any evidence to back your hypothesis, please offer that up, too.... :o

Sorry then, I misread your "If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... " and said "How about living on beer only".

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Coffee and Toothpaste for breakfast.

Sandwich and a coke for lunch

Hamburger and chips (potato IS a vegetable as far as I'm concerned) for dinner.

I get enough aerobic exercise every morning when I take the motorcycle taxi to work. My heart rate goes through the roof for a good half hour after the ride.

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I play football twice a week at school with the kids. I also play in the Expats Casual league on the weekend. I'm not really fat but have a bit off a gut. Due to the amount of beer i consume.

One must add that you're quite the snazzy dancer, too :D

Thank you very much. :D:D:o

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