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Man Who Was Caught On Camera Being Beaten By Pad Guards


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has anyone some real evidence?

You think the photos were PhotoShopped? :o

CNN also showed the footage on their news couple of nights ago. (one angle looked like they were secretly filming from across road)

what was visible is the guy in white tshirt running carrying a yellow tshirt in hand

no one could figure out what was going on...as report was saying he might be pro government, but didnt quite make sense...as pro govt couldnt have got in given the PAD guards had check points (even police couldnt get in), and the guy in white ran from direction of inside airport, running out.

observation based on footage shown on CNN :D

The worst thing for any group is for the other side to see is dissatisfaction among the ranks. PAD have been over confident for a pretty long time knowing that the cheques that they have been receiving cannot ever bounce. With that in mind being filmed means nothing to them, you either serve a cause or you are an enemy. One must understand that even the women, children and those that looked well past it may have come for a look see but no chance would they be able to leave. They took the Devils silver and now they are stained and knowing that they could not leave. Those guards were not there to keep people out they were there to keep people in.

Thailand must for it's own self respect prosecute all those that have taken an opportunity to exceed their powers, in a time of war we would classify those individuals as war criminals.

However we expats now have a duty to try and restore Thailand to the way we have know her to be the Land of Smiles not to stamp on her and moan about the next 5 years, those and I mean those that have decided that she is our home because of our wives must try and mend this mess. If not we are just as mad as the nutters that have disgusted our screens.

It is not easy but we have to dig deep into our hearts and realise that we must hold onto our own sanity and not get carried away with lynching the wrong doers.

We are not vultures and should be a source of understanding and consolation for the society that is in turmoil, as I said this is for those that Thailand is our home not just a fishing ground.

Wonderful that people will try and sue a cloud for that is what PAD is a loose net of worthless air bubbles that have hoodwinked a whole nation by acts of terrorism, what is important is that any re-enactment is squashed by a bullet in the right quarter by authorised personnel fulfilling their roles

Yesterday morning, rescue workers found Chaiwat Maleerak, 24, with a gunshot wound to his back and a knife wound under his chin, in a ditch near the airport. He remains unconscious at Nopparat Ratchathani hospital.

It was suspected Chaiwat might be the same man seen earlier being chased by PAD guards who accused him of being an undercover pro-government supporter at the airport.

The man asked for help from media members at a broadcast van behind the airport's parking lot, telling them he feared for his safety and wanted to go to his home in Phitsanulok

While talking, the man spotted the guards and started to run but he was apprehended and beaten."

From today's Nation-

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The worst thing for any group is for the other side to see is dissatisfaction among the ranks. PAD have been over confident for a pretty long time knowing that the cheques that they have been receiving cannot ever bounce. With that in mind being filmed means nothing to them, you either serve a cause or you are an enemy. One must understand that even the women, children and those that looked well past it may have come for a look see but no chance would they be able to leave. They took the Devils silver and now they are stained and knowing that they could not leave. Those guards were not there to keep people out they were there to keep people in.


I have been hearing that there were people from the villages hired to help with the PAD protests, then got stiffed out of their pay and were not allowed to leave. One guy from my town was sick and wanted to go home but could not.

I hope the guy in this story lives to talk about what happened.

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I have been hearing that there were people from the villages hired to help with the PAD protests, then got stiffed out of their pay and were not allowed to leave. One guy from my town was sick and wanted to go home but could not.

Now I know why many PAD cried when they were leaving the 2 airports.

Too happy to be able to leave.

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My staff told me that he was a man who had lost his job and saw the PAD on TV sitting around eating lots of food and he thought that if he went there, they might give him some. He was attacked instead. If it is true, it is very Sad. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Since PAD had little to NO support in Issan villages,

why would anyone believe rumors coming from Issan vilages

about PAD actions? Sorry no credibility there.

When the police show this guy in TV, when he's better, god willing,

and he says this is what happened, then I will find that reasonably credible.

Yes there certainly was a beating on camera and it's deplorable.

But the rest so far appears inuendo and disinformation.

Lets not also forget PAD was well infiltrated by government spies

and purported double agents, this man may have been one.

Certainly he was suspected of being one.

This doesn't absolve the beaters or make this less deplorable.

But it is not so far proven that much of this is connected,

except by questionable joining of images in photoshop.

And I don't see that the face of the man on the ground is

the same as the face of the man held by the guards.

A little perspective is in order here.

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PAD protests had more supporters than we first thought. Most PAD guards were local thugs, bullies, low lifes that people were much happier to see on TV than in their backyard. Sondhi and his friends had kept them busy for the past few months, now they’re coming back home. Not everybody is happy.

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Since PAD had little to NO support in Issan villages,

why would anyone believe rumors coming from Issan vilages

about PAD actions? Sorry no credibility there.

When the police show this guy in TV, when he's better, god willing,

and he says this is what happened, then I will find that reasonably credible.

Yes there certainly was a beating on camera and it's deplorable.

But the rest so far appears inuendo and disinformation.

Lets not also forget PAD was well infiltrated by government spies

and purported double agents, this man may have been one.

Certainly he was suspected of being one.

This doesn't absolve the beaters or make this less deplorable.

But it is not so far proven that much of this is connected,

except by questionable joining of images in photoshop.

And I don't see that the face of the man on the ground is

the same as the face of the man held by the guards.

A little perspective is in order here.

This is one of the most ridiculous posts in the history of this website. I'd laugh if I wasn't so incredibly angry.


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Lets not also forget PAD was well infiltrated by government spies

and purported double agents, this man may have been one.

Certainly he was suspected of being one.

You wouldn't be from Czech or East Germany by any chance? You sound like you are repeating the Stasi party line . . . murder anyone who looks like a spy . . .

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Since PAD had little to NO support in Issan villages,

why would anyone believe rumors coming from Issan vilages

about PAD actions? Sorry no credibility there.


arrrg. the PAD apologist gang.

in an other thread, here, someone was little bit suspicious, because of that seedangdotcom picture collage.

before the next PRO PADscista jumps on that point and declared everything to an isaan conspiracy i looked for the photos on yahoo news and found them.

not isaan village photoshoper but Reuters and Associated Press photographer.

i posted the photos and linked to the source on yahoo news.

now the argument of the PAD cult apologists over there is that REUTERS did a Gleiwitz incident a like stage show. and that you can not trust any international media anymore. (no kidding)

maybe a moderator can cut that there and bring it over here. because the other thread is actually about how isaan village photoshopers and government officials put the government house in a total mess only to blame the PAD for all the damage.


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Since PAD had little to NO support in Issan villages,

why would anyone believe rumors coming from Issan vilages

about PAD actions? Sorry no credibility there.

When the police show this guy in TV, when he's better, god willing,

and he says this is what happened, then I will find that reasonably credible.

Yes there certainly was a beating on camera and it's deplorable.

But the rest so far appears inuendo and disinformation.

Lets not also forget PAD was well infiltrated by government spies

and purported double agents, this man may have been one.

Certainly he was suspected of being one.

This doesn't absolve the beaters or make this less deplorable.

But it is not so far proven that much of this is connected,

except by questionable joining of images in photoshop.

And I don't see that the face of the man on the ground is

the same as the face of the man held by the guards.

A little perspective is in order here.

This is one of the most ridiculous posts in the history of this website. I'd laugh if I wasn't so incredibly angry.


Unfortunately there are people that live life in denial oblivious to even a whiff of reality. Fortunately they do on occasion reveal the intellectual vigor they engage to defend the indefensible.

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Since PAD had little to NO support in Issan villages,

why would anyone believe rumors coming from Issan vilages

about PAD actions? Sorry no credibility there.

When the police show this guy in TV, when he's better, god willing,

and he says this is what happened, then I will find that reasonably credible.

Yes there certainly was a beating on camera and it's deplorable.

But the rest so far appears inuendo and disinformation.

Lets not also forget PAD was well infiltrated by government spies

and purported double agents, this man may have been one.

Certainly he was suspected of being one.

This doesn't absolve the beaters or make this less deplorable.

But it is not so far proven that much of this is connected,

except by questionable joining of images in photoshop.

And I don't see that the face of the man on the ground is

the same as the face of the man held by the guards.

A little perspective is in order here.

Your posts become more and more one-sided, Animatic.

You're full of non-sourced definitions, than excuses and followed by "But's" if it comes to the darker sides of the PAD and the behaviour of it's ''supporters'' and/or so called guards.

That's sad because some time ago I still considered you as an intelligent non-biased poster.

No more...you're no longer able to find the balance between truth, fiction and reality..... :o

A reality, impossible and not allowed to discuss here :D


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don't forget it's possible for red shirts to put on a yellow shirt and stage such events...

Oh for gods sake...

So that makes it OK?

These "gaurds" are just nazi style thugs, remanicent of the pre SS brown shirts of nazi Germany.

who said it makes it ok???

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