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Hi to all,

I'm a web novice, so any and all advice is most welcome (posted or emailed).

I have MS Frontage and have been trying to use it to develop a website database (simple hotel names, location, contact details etc.).

I've kept it simple (no graphics at all yet) and have used only the database wizard, which created an index page with two hyperlinks; one to a submission page, the other to a results page, and of course the databse itself (an MS Access DB).

However, things are not going well and it hasn't met my expectations; for example a seacrh page wasn't provided etc.

What i want is a simple index (home page) containing 2 links; one to a submission page via which hotel details etc., are entered directly into the database and the other link to a search page through which a hotel name can be entered to search the database. Finally, a search results page should come up with the hotel's details stored in the database.*note:only that hotel, not the whole database!

So, my questions is, can i achieve the above using MS Frontpage? I have everything down on paper (flow diagram etc.) and my initial goal is to get the mechanics of the site to work before i start to attmept the inclusion of graphics etc. Ideally, i'd like the whole testsite completed on disc. Would i be going off on a tangent by researching the software "MySQL" as i've read a little, but to be honest am quiet lost....!!!!

Any and all help, advice would be most welcome.

Best Regards


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Layout the first page inside FrontPage.

Put in words of the links,

highlight the first link and right click,

select hyperlink properties on the menu that appears.

Enter second.html as the name in the link, make sure the name is just as I have typed nothing else, no www etc!!

Save the first page as index.html

Create the second page and name it second.html.

Then you can test with your browser.

Select index.html as the file.

the page should appear and when you click on the link you should see the second page.

Good idea to have a link back to the home page (index.html) each of the other pages.

Good luck.

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