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How Far Does A Frog Travel In One Night?


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We are trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted frog tenants from our pool filter. By trial and error we are sealing up the entrance points but in the meantime we forcibly evict them but without fail they are back by the morning.

Does anybody have any idea how far I would have to take them before they couldn't find their way back? Or any humane ways of discouraging them?

After a few Singhas one night we thought about putting a snake in there but thankfully came to our senses the next morning :o

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It doesn't really matter cos I reckon you are fighting a loosing battle. Once the frogs sense the water is there, more will come. The snake might be a good idea as long as it's non poisonous

Edited by Mosha
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Maybe totally unrelated but here goes. There was a news report in Oz a few days ago about how cane toads have evolved in the 70 years since they were introduced into Australia.

The bigger and faster toads at the front of the invasion spawn young with bigger front legs and longer back legs which can travel 1km a night - compared to the average 10 metres a night of the original colonisers.

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We are trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted frog tenants from our pool filter. By trial and error we are sealing up the entrance points but in the meantime we forcibly evict them but without fail they are back by the morning.

Does anybody have any idea how far I would have to take them before they couldn't find their way back? Or any humane ways of discouraging them?

After a few Singhas one night we thought about putting a snake in there but thankfully came to our senses the next morning :o

Issan neighbours will do the job for you.

When ever it rained at night at my house in Bang na and the frogs would come out I'd see the maid and her family dash out with buckets to collect them along with nearby construction workers

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We are trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted frog tenants from our pool filter. By trial and error we are sealing up the entrance points but in the meantime we forcibly evict them but without fail they are back by the morning.

Does anybody have any idea how far I would have to take them before they couldn't find their way back? Or any humane ways of discouraging them?

After a few Singhas one night we thought about putting a snake in there but thankfully came to our senses the next morning :o

Issan neighbours will do the job for you.

When ever it rained at night at my house in Bang na and the frogs would come out I'd see the maid and her family dash out with buckets to collect them along with nearby construction workers

Are you sure those maids carried buckets ? I would have thought it would have taken bath-tubs to collect all of those construction workers .

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Why would you want to get rid of them,chemicals obviously don't bother them,they won't go away.

As to how far they can travel in a night, well that's hard to say,I had three living in my waterlily/fish pond,

which I put into training at a very early age,first I taught them to lead (at this early age I found light string better than dog collars and leads),they are clever little b-ggers,first day, string on,I set off at a fair clip.

Look over the shoulder,there they are like champions, straight behind me same pace,everything perfect.

A few small problems though,when I stopped for a rest they wanted to jump around,as we all know youngsters do,we can't hold that against them. The secret is a 2lb. ball pein hammer(now, for your own

benefit, take this tip on board) because it not only teaches them not to jump, but also to stay,BONUS.

I digress,back to the question of how far in a night,now you may guffaw and pooh-pooh this but I can guarantee and prove to you my three kids could travel 13klms.in a night.

The proof--three frogs go out for their nightly stroll and scavenge,next day,two come home,one missing,

same day I travel to CMai and what do I find, the missing frog squashed on the road by the moat.

Now I know they must have travelled on all fours because I hadn't got around to their catching a mini-bus

lesson yet. Hope this helps you with your query.

ps. Even if you take them 13klms. from home they'll still come back,excellent noses.

pps. If two travelled 13klms. to CMai.and then back home,then they can actually travel 26klms.in a night.

(Sorry for the misleading information.)


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We are trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted frog tenants from our pool filter. By trial and error we are sealing up the entrance points but in the meantime we forcibly evict them but without fail they are back by the morning.

Does anybody have any idea how far I would have to take them before they couldn't find their way back? Or any humane ways of discouraging them?

After a few Singhas one night we thought about putting a snake in there but thankfully came to our senses the next morning :D

Issan neighbours will do the job for you.

When ever it rained at night at my house in Bang na and the frogs would come out I'd see the maid and her family dash out with buckets to collect them along with nearby construction workers

Are you sure those maids carried buckets ? I would have thought it would have taken bath-tubs to collect all of those construction workers .

Nah, no need for buckets or bathtubs - a few red notes waved in the air and a bottle of lao kao and you could get the whole crew round your house. :o

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We are trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted frog tenants from our pool filter. By trial and error we are sealing up the entrance points but in the meantime we forcibly evict them but without fail they are back by the morning.

Does anybody have any idea how far I would have to take them before they couldn't find their way back? Or any humane ways of discouraging them?

I think tw25rw has the right approach. I have a pair of tennis shoes I use in the garden that are so dirty I leave out in the car port. Toads seem to want to hide in them during the day unless I put the mentholated "icey" body powder in them.

So since yours get in the filter, which I assume is an open container of some kind, can you suspend chlorine pellets or some such pool chemical in there to make the air "toxic" to them?

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So what is all the hyperbole ? Simply enclose the filter with fine mesh , should take a person of average intelligence only a couple of hours to achieve that , far better than getting all wound up about diddly squat and having a heart attack .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks for all the humorous replies.

Unfortunately none of my Isaan neighbours have risen to the challenge and there I was looking forward to a tasty barbecue of the little blighters. :o

So I think putting them on the night flight to Paris might be the only answer.

I keep removing the frogs from the pump and transporting them further each time but of course it is a little tricky to see the difference between one frog and the next but I assume it is the same two which keep coming back. Are frogs territorial? Can I put a drop of paint on them for identification purposes?

I have now sealed up all visible gaps but obviously it needs to stay open on the water side. There is chlorine in the water from tablets very near to where the frogs bed down for the night. While some kinds of frogs seem to die very quickly when they get in the water these ones seem to be unaffected.

Mesh is an obvious but unattractive solution, so maybe the snake is the way forward. I tried putting a life jacket on the cat :D but he is more interested in geckos.

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We are trying to get rid of a couple of unwanted frog tenants from our pool filter. By trial and error we are sealing up the entrance points but in the meantime we forcibly evict them but without fail they are back by the morning.

Does anybody have any idea how far I would have to take them before they couldn't find their way back? Or any humane ways of discouraging them?

After a few Singhas one night we thought about putting a snake in there but thankfully came to our senses the next morning :D

Chances are they are toads, not frogs. I guess you could'nt post 'frogs' in Europe now, as it would be racist or 'politicall incorrect' :o:D

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