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It is OK Thithi,

You can climb up in the ladder of being smart by finishing this multiple choice question IQ test.

It is really easy.

Takes about 2 minutes.

Let us know your score with a screen dump.

Screendump you do by pressing Fn and Prtc and then paste in paint ore something.

Good luck!



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Did you mean a leap by leap guide, lol :o

what a wind up game couldnt do it dont want to do sooooo there,

could some one pick my dummy up please and give it back thanks


alex you're such a sissy, at the first sign of sulking you crumble like a dog biscuit :o

spank the monkey ...... half man, half biscuit


woah that sucked.

i had to scroll down and read sarge's post before i could do it- and i am not stupid.

woah that sucked.

i had to scroll down and read sarge's post before i could do it- and i am not stupid.

Haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

You GirlX, being a computernerd..................tsssk tsssk. :D

My advice to you: Tommorow you as well please change haircolor, something like this maybe?




You might try the other link I mentioned as well.

It's multiple choice questions so a lot more easy........

Time to train the brain and trash your calculator.



it seems that our northern lass is spending an inordinate amount of time in front of the computer, let's find her a date, someone who can dine & wine her, keep her occupied

this chap is the job


fancy him? :o


I tried this 3 days ago and I did not want to post that I tried for a half an hour and could not do it. Tonight, I had 8 beers and I got it in 10 seconds.

Im not sure what that means but I feel really good about it.


You just need to drink more beer.

In other news, did you see that thread about the Chinese guy that while kissing his girlfriend's ear, broke her eardrum, or something?



This game you must be very stupid(Drunken examples have been proven)to pass it, as I am highly intelligent so I can't pass it. thithi you just degrade your self in admitting you're just as stupid like Alex. Shameful. :o

EDIT: non of your bussiness


:o I thought Alex already settled the argument .... you two guys must be sucker for punishment ...lol

Q. when (if ever) did solve the puzzle; was it because you were:

a.) in your usual inebriated state?

b.) following my the step-by-step guide?

c.) taken by hand from a friend?

d.) aided by Samaritan help desk?

e.) or just smashed your 14" B&W computer monitor?

:D I thought Alex already settled the argument .... you two guys must be sucker for punishment ...lol

Q. when (if ever) did solve the puzzle; was it because you were:

a.) in your usual inebriated state?

b.) following my the step-by-step guide?

c.) taken by hand from a friend?

d.) aided by Samaritan help desk?

e.) or just smashed your 14" B&W computer monitor?

I have not solved it and shall never solve because I am a โครตอัจฉริยะ :o


RJT also please go to barber and give yourself a nice bleaching.

Like this guy:


Then try the test again after a bottie of:


You might wanna catch up with:



I asked this guy to do the test as well, he already drunk, took another bottie and fell asleep later on, this was just before:


If you still can't solve it please notr forget this:


If still cannot we can always try brain implant:




I seriously played this game when I was five years old dude (compulsory for students to learn) and it’s lame, plus it brings back many painful childhood memories. I didn’t want to take it to this level as I feel horrible when insulting peoples intelligence. As I was born with a condition know as “Dyslexia” but I always beat the odds when it came to the crunch. Or either I’m one psycho SOB! “You chose, :o

Tank fly boss walk hey nitty gritty your listing to the boy form the big bad city – peace out!!!!! :D


Baby let's go goooooo, baby let's go gooooooooooooooo

And the go go rocker going go go rocking, going go go rockin to the beat.

Something like that rite?

I might still have that 12" vinyl somewhere......


I'd say, You deserve a big




:o you 3 guys above are real nutcase job lol ... imagine when they meet

Alex & RJT are walking along Sukhumvit.

Alex says to RJT, "What a beautiful night... look at the moon."

RJT stops and look at Alex, "You are wrong, that's not the moon, that's the sun."

They start arguing for a while when they bump into thithi walking towards them, so they stop her.

"thithi, could you please help settle our argument? Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that's shining. Is it the moon or the sun?"

thithi looks at the sky and then looks at them and said, "Sorry guys, I don't live around here."


LOL well done - Sarge

:o:D :D :D

i seriously have not played this game bfor but the another one called monks and hannibals- the upper level o'course!

:D you 3 guys above are real nutcase job lol ... imagine when they meet

Alex & RJT are walking along Sukhumvit.

Alex says to RJT, "What a beautiful night... look at the moon."

RJT stops and look at Alex, "You are wrong, that's not the moon, that's the sun."

They start arguing for a while when they bump into thithi walking towards them, so they stop her.

"thithi, could you please help settle our argument? Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that's shining. Is it the moon or the sun?"

thithi looks at the sky and then looks at them and said, "Sorry guys, I don't live around here."

We've no use for intellectuals in this outfit. What we need is chimpanzees. Let me give you a word of advice- never say a word to us about being intelligent. We will think for you, my friend. Don't forget it. :o

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