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Any Special Requirements For Taking My Friend's Children To The U.k For A Holiday?

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I have a Thai friend and a Korean friend both based here in Thailand. They would like me to take their kids to the U.K for three weeks next April when the schools are closed here.

They'll be staying with myself and my parents.

Are there any special requirements that need addressing?

I am guessing that the children will need their parents to write a letter of consent allowing me to take them to the U.K for a short holiday. I will have a letter of invitation from my parents inviting us to stay, all expenses covered but the parents will be allowing the children some pocket money.

Any upto date relevant info would be most appeciated.

Cheers ( P.S it's just two or three children aged 8-9 years of age)

Edited by jingjingna
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  • 3 months later...

To answer my own question just in case someone else requires similar info:

The children applied for tourist visa's....NOT a Special Visitor Child Visa as 7by7 posted above. A letter of consent was required and a letter of invitation.

Pretty simple process and visa's issued within three days of application.

The Korean child does not need a visa, being from the South of Korea, he is visa exempt.

The Special Child Visitor Visa would apply for cases in which the children are travelling to the U.K for study puposes.

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Congratulations on the visa.

The guidence I linked to is for child visitors, I am certain.

VAT3.3 What are the key requirements for children visiting the UK?

All applicants who are under the age of 18 must show that:

they have suitable travel, reception and care arrangements for their stay in the UK;

they have a parent or guardian in their home country or country of habitual residence who is responsible for their care; and

their parent/guardian agrees to them travelling.

Can you please show me where it says that it is only for study?

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