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Us Federal Reserve, Bank Of England?

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Dear All,

The current financial crisis has thrown up some awkward questions in the public domain for the way the Banks behave and are run.

I would hazard a guess that the majority of the populations of the US and the UK believes that thier money is printed and supplied by two Government organisations, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England.......well you would be wrong!

Its a myth that they are Government organisations, it may come as a suprise to some of you that both the Federal Reserve AND the Bank of England are PRIVATE institutions with private shareholders who's purpose like any other bank is to make a PROFIT.

However unlike other banks the identities of these two banks private shareholders are protected by the law in BOTH the US and the UK?

What do they have to hide and what special favour/hold do these mysterious powerful bankers have over successive elected Governments of the US and the UK to have the power to have thier identities concealed by law?

Those that control the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are in a win win situation even in this current crisis they are milking it.

The US and the UK Governments are borrowing billions/trillions from these two banks alone an an agreed interest rate, but who underwrites the guarantee that these loans will be repaid by these two Governments? .....the taxpayer, hard working joe public, they are the ones thrown into generational debt by higher taxes inflicted long term on them and there children that are bailing out the auto industry and other financial institutions.

In your wildest dreams could you think of a better money making scheme/scam such as this?, it is true and it exists...try a Google search for the owners of these two banks.

There is a moral question here as to why successive democratically elected Governments support the power of the UNELECTED few mysterious bankers that have such undue influence over a Nations economy and effect the lives of millions of millions of people?

"Permit me to control the money of a Nation and I care not who makes its laws" - Mayer Anselm Rothschild.

Please Google "Money as debt" by Paul Grignon for a very basic explanation of the Fractional Reserve banking system.

The whole system stinks!


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but who underwrites the guarantee that these loans will be repaid by these two Governments? .....the taxpayer, hard working joe public, they are the ones thrown into generational debt by higher taxes inflicted long term on them and there children that are bailing out the auto industry and other financial institutions.

What if we just have a good old Tax Revolt? What if we all just say no?

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but who underwrites the guarantee that these loans will be repaid by these two Governments? .....the taxpayer, hard working joe public, they are the ones thrown into generational debt by higher taxes inflicted long term on them and there children that are bailing out the auto industry and other financial institutions.

What if we just have a good old Tax Revolt? What if we all just say no?

What a good idea, then there would be no money to pay police, army etc. Then you could just go and take what you want. Wouldn't it be great, total anarchy, prople being killed trying to protect whats there's, we could form gangs and fight each other for what we want, have you thought it through? I think not!

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What a good idea, then there would be no money to pay police, army etc. Then you could just go and take what you want. Wouldn't it be great, total anarchy, prople being killed trying to protect whats there's, we could form gangs and fight each other for what we want, have you thought it through? I think not!

Sorry I see I over simplified let me expand a bit.................

I should have said a Federal Income Tax revolt.

State taxes take care of everything from police to fire departments & schools.

As for The Federal Army you can keep them :o

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Makes for a good conspiracy theory.

One small fly in the ointment is that the Bank of England was nationalized in 1946.

Not sure about the Fed.

This is not to say that something doesn't stink in central banking, your just barking up the wrong tree.


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but who underwrites the guarantee that these loans will be repaid by these two Governments? .....the taxpayer, hard working joe public, they are the ones thrown into generational debt by higher taxes inflicted long term on them and there children that are bailing out the auto industry and other financial institutions.

What if we just have a good old Tax Revolt? What if we all just say no?

Dear Flying,

With due respect I dont think you are getting my point, I would not condone any tax revolt, it is the way the Federal Reserve and Bank of England system is set up for profit I am questioning that many people are not aware of.

Do you think it is right that this current setup protects irresponsible fiscal behaviour because these few secret bankers win in any situation as there is always "public debt" and more so now in these troubled times.....there purpose is to make a profit, it is just not right, I support profit but this is just down right usery of the public purse!

Why the Government secrecy?

Why not set up a Government owned Federal Reserve Bank who's interest is for the Nation as a whole and disband this private Bank who's sole interest is profiteering for themselves......big power in the hands of an unelected secret few!

Think of it this way, If the profit takers of the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England were taken out of the equation and prevented from skimming off the Nations tax take your taxes would not be so high!


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I am questioning that many people are not aware of.

Do you think it is right that this current setup protects irresponsible fiscal behaviour because these few secret bankers win in any situation as there is always "public debt" and more so now in these troubled times.....there purpose is to make a profit, it is just not right, I support profit but this is just down right usery of the public purse!

Why the Government secrecy?

Actually I do understand but the taxes we pay is the only real $$$ & only because it is backed by our sweat. But all these Federal taxes goes to pay the interest on their fiat currency.

You say why the *Government* Secrecy yet earlier you said.....

Its a myth that they are Government organizations

I agree with your 1st statement.

Trust me I have no answers but neither do they as we shall all see soon enough :o

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Makes for a good conspiracy theory.

One small fly in the ointment is that the Bank of England was nationalized in 1946.

Not sure about the Fed.

This is not to say that something doesn't stink in central banking, your just barking up the wrong tree.


Your absoulutley wrong my dear Percivile:

The giant Bank of England is a privately owned institution; which is not subject to regulation by the British Parliament, and is in effect a sovereign world power. Like the privately owned money printing shop called 'Federal Reserve' in the United States, which is owned and managed by the same 'foreign bank' people resorting under the Bank of England's owners.

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You could start asking your boss to pay your salary in gold.

If many people do that it is Bye bye to the FRB and you are in control of your own money.

Banks have a big advantage over people, even rich investors. In times of trouble they just icrease margin requiremnets forcing people to sell what they have. It is an easy way to extract things that are really worth something like, land, buildings, gold, etc instead of the intrinsically worthless paper with some numbers printed on it.

When paper fails and a new paper is made with backing of gold teh banks will own most of the things that are really worth something.

So in either case, paper fails or not the banks will get out better. That is not so for the rest of the people.

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us federal reserve is privately owned by 12 families

Yes have you seen the nationality of these people is the same nation

- THE ONLY NATION in the world that has also had the benefit

of having a totally secret nuclear weapons arsenal. Go one you can all

flame me to your hearts content but when are people going to wake up

and start demanding answers to all these secrets ...............? :o

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us federal reserve is privately owned by 12 families

Yes have you seen the nationality of these people is the same nation

- THE ONLY NATION in the world that has also had the benefit

of having a totally secret nuclear weapons arsenal. Go one you can all

flame me to your hearts content but when are people going to wake up

and start demanding answers to all these secrets ...............? :o

:D I wasn't going to say it but then neither have you, which country does the usa back no matter what.

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us federal reserve is privately owned by 12 families

Yes have you seen the nationality of these people is the same nation

- THE ONLY NATION in the world that has also had the benefit

of having a totally secret nuclear weapons arsenal. Go one you can all

flame me to your hearts content but when are people going to wake up

and start demanding answers to all these secrets ...............? :o

:D I wasn't going to say it but then neither have you, which country does the usa back no matter what.

Mate isnt that the main problem ?Who said we cannot talk about this

is that the way " they " have kept everything under wraps for so long ?

Now the internet is giving access to information many of us didnt know before.

Americans really need to keep on this :D

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I am not frightened or put off because this situation needs to be challenged !

This is an interesting contribution to the blog - does it sound familiar ?

The banking panics of prior years, such as 1907 were created by the same bankers who wrote the Federal Reserve Act, so as to allow a Rothschild like Central Bank (BOE) that would establish control over government by the international financiers that controlled NY banking, and to allow them to finance the coming wars. Mission Accomplished, and we had WW I, a depression, WW II over the next 30 years. And over the last 30 years we have seen government become so corrupted as to intentionally destroy our economy from within in the interests of globalization, whose movement is funded by international financiers.

Oh yeah, and in order for the government to pay the interest on future debt, the income tax was required. The system required debt to flourish, and perpetual war is the best way to get governments into debt. Today we have an immense credit-debt bubble never seen before, even surpassing the pre-Great Depression bubble.

Lincoln was assasinated for creating his own money in the Civil War, and not taking the bankers up on their offer of 30% interest for loans. JFK also authorized the issuance of governments own money before his death. Nobody dares try today.

Thomas Edison once said, any nation that can issue 30 billion in bonds based on faith in it's good credit, can issue 30 billion in cash, debt free.

This evil must end, and then nations may escape the web of debt given us by the Money Master Spiders. The IMF is an extension of this evil, and the head of all Central Banks is in Basel. BIS was set up in 1930 as a safe haven for the wealth and gold stolen from nations in the global depression, and to protect their assets in the coming 2nd World War. Both Stalin and Hitler were funded by these money masters to build up their war machines so WW II would be a good one.

Christians and Islam all had laws against usury in the beginning. Judaism also had laws against usury, with an exception for usury against non-Jews. This is why Jews have a prominent representation in banking, since laws against all usury were impractical, especially in times of war, so thye had a head start. Christians realized their folly and repealed the restriction on usury, but by then the Rothschilds had such a hold on European banking that they were untouchable. Much of the Vaticans wealth is managed by the Rothschilds.

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We dont need a WAR ON TERRORISM ..................look how many young people

have died in vain since 9/11...............

We need a sophisticated and well funded marketing campaign to educate the West

as to what is really going on in the world...................

I hope Obama represents the beginning of such re-education but somehow

I worry he will still be a slave to the Masters at the Fed

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We dont need a WAR ON TERRORISM ..................look how many young people

have died in vain since 9/11...............

We need a sophisticated and well funded marketing campaign to educate the West

as to what is really going on in the world...................

I hope Obama represents the beginning of such re-education but somehow

I worry he will still be a slave to the Masters at the Fed

He will do as required by the people that put him in office. Or there would be an intervention - as John Macain said during a recent interview 'After the Kennedy Intervention' (flashes eyes, mentaly kicks himself - then correction) 'after the Kennedy assasination'

'It is a bad day for the world when the Americans put a black communist president in office' - Hugo Chavez

Edited by misterman21
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us federal reserve is privately owned by 12 families

Yes have you seen the nationality of these people is the same nation

- THE ONLY NATION in the world that has also had the benefit

of having a totally secret nuclear weapons arsenal. Go one you can all

flame me to your hearts content but when are people going to wake up

and start demanding answers to all these secrets ...............? :D

they are the top 12 head hunter families of Papua New Guinea... i think :o

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us federal reserve is privately owned by 12 families

Yes have you seen the nationality of these people is the same nation

- THE ONLY NATION in the world that has also had the benefit

of having a totally secret nuclear weapons arsenal. Go one you can all

flame me to your hearts content but when are people going to wake up

and start demanding answers to all these secrets ...............? :D

they are the top 12 head hunter families of Papua New Guinea... i think :o

Or if not - Madame la guillotine comes to mind... Shall they eat cake? (no, not an american breakfast)

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How many are suprised at the revalation that the cleverly worded "Federal Reserve" and the "Bank of England" are private banks who are controlled by an unelected secret banking cartel dominated by a certain nationality and whose sole purpose is profit?

Not all conspiracy theories are just theories!

Investigative journalists must have tried in the past to expose the Worlds greatest scam........or maybe they got slotted just as the only two American presidents did who actually made a stand against these people, Abraham Lincoln and JF Kennedy?

Food for thought my friends!

Educate those around you.


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How many are suprised at the revalation that the cleverly worded "Federal Reserve" and the "Bank of England" are private banks who are controlled by an unelected secret banking cartel dominated by a certain nationality and whose sole purpose is profit?

Not all conspiracy theories are just theories!

Investigative journalists must have tried in the past to expose the Worlds greatest scam........or maybe they got slotted just as the only two American presidents did who actually made a stand against these people, Abraham Lincoln and JF Kennedy?

Food for thought my friends!

Educate those around you.


The problem is Buddy many people are not interested in being educated for whatever

reason - the masses will continue to be " sheeple " and that is what the Masters at the

Fed worked out a long time ago - they realised that vast majority of people couldn't care less :D

So let the US population work their buts off for the benefit of these 12 lucky and very rich families :o

Edited by midas
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Makes for a good conspiracy theory.

One small fly in the ointment is that the Bank of England was nationalized in 1946.

Not sure about the Fed.

This is not to say that something doesn't stink in central banking, your just barking up the wrong tree.


Your absoulutley wrong my dear Percivile:

The giant Bank of England is a privately owned institution; which is not subject to regulation by the British Parliament, and is in effect a sovereign world power. Like the privately owned money printing shop called 'Federal Reserve' in the United States, which is owned and managed by the same 'foreign bank' people resorting under the Bank of England's owners.

What are the purpose and aims of the Bank of England?

Founded in 1694, nationalised in 1946 and gaining operational independence in 1997, the Bank of England stands at the centre of the UK's financial system as the central bank of the United Kingdom. The Bank continues to be committed to promoting the public good by maintaining a stable and efficient monetary and financial framework as its contribution to a healthy economy. The Bank is committed to increasing awareness and understanding of its activities and responsibilities, across both general and specialist audiences alike. Our Publication Scheme builds upon that open and transparent foundation to provide a comprehensive list of information classes accessible to members of the public.

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The Bank was established as a corporate body by Royal Charter under the Bank of England Act 1694 and was nationalized on 1 March 1946. The bank was granted independence in 1997. Bank of England has an integral place in the UK’s financial system and is committed to promoting and maintaining monetary and financial stability in order to ensure the economic health of the United Kingdom.


us federal reserve is privately owned by 12 families

I thought the Fed was owned by the 12 Federal Reserve Banks.


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For anyone wanting to further educate themselves on this subject, I recommend the following:

Books - The Creature From Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin, Tragedy and Hope by Caroll Quigley

Films on youtube - The Money Masters, Money As Debt, Freedom To Fascism, Terrorstorm

Internet radio - GCN radio network have several shows talking about the banking system, 'Crash' and 'Alex Jones' are interesting.

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I have Money Masters , very dry but interesting.

You should also add to that list Zeitgeist.

Though I am in favour of educating myself from more than one point of view.

The 12 Federal Reserve Banks are owned by approx 3,400 member banks.


Has somebody been tracking the share ownership of all 3,400 banks.

especially in the last 32 years since http://www.save-a-patriot.org/files/view/whofed.html was published.

EDIT: As of 14/8/08 there were over 7,000 member banks.


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