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Ive Turned Into A Leering Old Man. (at 32)


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A little off-topic to Thailand but on-topic for dirty old men, there is a great book called The Sensuous Dirty Old Man, by "A." This was actually written by Isak Asimov and is a spoof of the plethora of all the The Sensuous... Woman, Man, Gay, whatever books which had just hit the market.

The book is hilarious and a fun read, but there is also a little bit of truth hidden within the mirth.

I doubt that you can find this book at Asia Books, but it is probably available online somewhere.

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Thai girls who liked being stared at are hookers. You may be a potential customer! Get real!

I am glad that you can so well categorize all Thai women.

Whether you believe it or not, most people in the world appreciate validation of some kind. And in Thailand, where a woman is often judged more by her appearance than by her other characterstics or accomplishments, to be thought attractive is an ego validation.

Just on Monday, as it happens, one of our accountants was in the office talking to my secretary. This accountant had recently earned her Masters and is moving up our company heirarchy, but she is, I guess I should say, a little socially inept. She is not paticularly beautiful, but she does have the slim body many Thai men find attractive. Well, my secretary has been coaching her on how to change her appearance, and evidently, they decided between them on a new hairstyle and a new outfit. On Monday morning she came in to "report," and she was tickeled pink that when she went to the Mall Bang Khae, she garnered some stares from some guys there. I gather she was too shy to make any sort of overture, but at least her ego got a boost of being noticed, at least, and she was excited by the experience.

But then, if you are correct, I guess we need to be looking for a new accountant for the company because this woman is actually just a hooker. No non-hooker could ever care if anyone finds them attractive.

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Theres always exceptions to the rule. I dare any of you just go to siam bts and leer at hot babes coming and going to bts!See what kind of reactions you get.

Can we hear from girlx or horsedoctor.Or any realgirl for that matter.

Edited by samsonjones
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I find in the provinces Thai's of all ages, male, female and transgender have no problem with leering / staring. I have no problem with 'having a quick look' if something catches my eye.

Most women are offended if you don't stare especially if they have made a particular effort that morning. This happens all over the world. You know, picture the scene, a good looking girl walking towards you in a city street you look at the floor as she walks past. Once you have passed take a look and for sure she will be checking her reflection in the nearest reflective surface. :D

Yes your right mostly all thais apart from in downtown bkk stare at farang for whatever reason. Its makes me quite uncomfortable :o

As for the reflection thing, If i sit in my car waiting for my missus to get back from whatever she is doing everyone who passes my window stares in, not staring at me as its mirrored glass but checking how they look. 100% of all girls i might add. Good job they cant see me leering at them on the other side :D

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Theres always exceptions to the rule. I dare any of you just go to siam bts and leer at hot babes coming and going to bts!See what kind of reactions you get.

Can we hear from girlx or horsedoctor.Or any realgirl for that matter.


Am not comfortable with the phrases 'hot babes' or Real girls'

I find it degrading to what are essentially women and not 'hot babes' or 'girls'.

BTW. You should see how us males get leered and stared at certain other BTS stations.

Works both ways.

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Thai girls who liked being stared at are hookers. You may be a potential customer! Get real!

I am glad that you can so well categorize all Thai women.

Whether you believe it or not, most people in the world appreciate validation of some kind. And in Thailand, where a woman is often judged more by her appearance than by her other characterstics or accomplishments, to be thought attractive is an ego validation.

Just on Monday, as it happens, one of our accountants was in the office talking to my secretary. This accountant had recently earned her Masters and is moving up our company heirarchy, but she is, I guess I should say, a little socially inept. She is not paticularly beautiful, but she does have the slim body many Thai men find attractive. Well, my secretary has been coaching her on how to change her appearance, and evidently, they decided between them on a new hairstyle and a new outfit. On Monday morning she came in to "report," and she was tickeled pink that when she went to the Mall Bang Khae, she garnered some stares from some guys there. I gather she was too shy to make any sort of overture, but at least her ego got a boost of being noticed, at least, and she was excited by the experience.

But then, if you are correct, I guess we need to be looking for a new accountant for the company because this woman is actually just a hooker. No non-hooker could ever care if anyone finds them attractive.

Thats why all the best looking women get the best jobs. I know who i would pick if i was boss.

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you know i do have to say it would be nice if there was an equivalent place for the ladies- full of hot, fit, available men. you guys are lucky! :D

Say no more, the boys of summer on Pattaya beach are here for your viewing pleasure, :o


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Theres always exceptions to the rule. I dare any of you just go to siam bts and leer at hot babes coming and going to bts!See what kind of reactions you get.

Can we hear from girlx or horsedoctor.Or any realgirl for that matter.

But horsedoctor isnt a realgirl?? check he/she's posts for clarification. :o

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I've heard that women have a wider field of vision than men. Something about men's hunting ability and focus versus women's multi-tasking gathering ability.

So us men are not really 'leering', we're just being focussed.

And women's wider vision allows them to look at other men without us even noticing.

Of course it also means that women can tell when men are looking at them ..... even if we're behind them!

Yes, i think you may be right here!!! Im 35 and I do have to point my head noticeably, such an evolutionary handicap!

Also got to bear in mind the Fans field of vision is greater... dam_n, thinking about it i must get busted every day :o.

I work in a uni student market. Its tough. but just WHY do they have to wear tops that are soo tight, that the buttons are about to pop. not complaining.

Be a bit of an anticlimax if they did anyway. Still find traditonal Thai dress (long silk thing) the most alluring though. semart semart as they say here.

got to remind myself, that my chick is 29 with the mental age of 20 im my mind.

Even met a Phd woman 27, still dripping with 'hello kitty'...

So a 22 years old?? oh jeezuz.

Tried the "ïs that a ladyboy?" routine, works for a few months..

Now im trying the "she looks a bit like you!" routine. :D

Edited by SomNamNah
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I think there is also a big difference in leering, staring, whistling, whatever.

In Columbia, is is pretty acceptable for a man or a group of men to whistle or even make comments about a passing woman. If you go to Latin America and watch this, the woman usually smiles or even sways her hips more while she walks. The men don't do much else to pursue the matter. They just stay where they are and wait for the next woman to walk by.

In Thailand I would hazard to guess that this would be way too aggressive and a majority of Thai women would feel very uncomfortable at being the object of such attention. But merely watching a woman as she walks by, or even one man nudging another to gain his attention to watch a woman, well, I think that most Thai women would not feel threatened by that but rather complimented.

I would be curious as to how men observe our females TV members. I have not met many of them (I have only been to one TV meet-up in Bangkok), but those whom I have met are physically rather attractive. Do Thai and foreign men leer, stare, glance, whatever, in the same way? Is there a difference?

I have seen who I consider to be a very attractive Thai woman walk by and not one Thai man turn to look at her when she passes him, but I have also caught a few guys looking at a woman's butt when she could not see them looking.

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I was living near a university upcountry. Hundreds and hundreds of students riding around on motorbikes with those black dresses in the day and short shorts in the evenings. I often saw 3 girls on a bike, its really a sight to behold. After a while you tend to get used to it though. Took me about 3 months.

...and a further 3 months to break the motorbike seat sniffing habit.


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I think there is also a big difference in leering, staring, whistling, whatever.

In Columbia, is is pretty acceptable for a man or a group of men to whistle or even make comments about a passing woman. If you go to Latin America and watch this, the woman usually smiles or even sways her hips more while she walks. The men don't do much else to pursue the matter. They just stay where they are and wait for the next woman to walk by.

In Thailand I would hazard to guess that this would be way too aggressive and a majority of Thai women would feel very uncomfortable at being the object of such attention. But merely watching a woman as she walks by, or even one man nudging another to gain his attention to watch a woman, well, I think that most Thai women would not feel threatened by that but rather complimented.

I would be curious as to how men observe our females TV members. I have not met many of them (I have only been to one TV meet-up in Bangkok), but those whom I have met are physically rather attractive. Do Thai and foreign men leer, stare, glance, whatever, in the same way? Is there a difference?

I have seen who I consider to be a very attractive Thai woman walk by and not one Thai man turn to look at her when she passes him, but I have also caught a few guys looking at a woman's butt when she could not see them looking.


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All I can say being gay is that: Thailand is definitely full of hot sexy guys here and the best part, they have no qulams even if they are straight to sleep with another guy.

doesn't sound very straight behaviour to me

A naive reaction from someone looking at eastern society through western-tinted glasses.

Yes, straight guys engaging in gay behavior: Not so common in the west, but quite common in SE Asia. Here, one's sexuality is not defined by his/her behavior.

A good scientific study of Thailand's sexual attitudes: The Meanings of Sex

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How can this thread get from me leering at beautiful women and end up as straight men having sex with gay men?????

because i was bemoaning the fact that there is not a similar place where girls can go be dirty old women and leer at men, and the gay guys say they can be dirty old men here and leer at men :o

Edited by girlx
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Ladies warning !...Dont marry to a young dirty man :o

But i was a "young dirty man" when i married. Its you thai ladies that have made me that way, Anyway less of the dirty sunset. I would rather be called "young leering man" :D

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How can this thread get from me leering at beautiful women and end up as straight men having sex with gay men?????

because i was bemoaning the fact that there is not a similar place where girls can go be dirty old women and leer at men, and the gay guys say they can be dirty old men here and leer at men :D

There are plenty of places to leer at handsome men BUT im not going to tell you where they are otherwise this thread will go back to being a gay thread (people calling me gay, i mean) :o:D

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Our 15 month old son just loves to tease and smile at the cuties in the malls, restaurants, the beach, wherever!

As a result I can get away with smiling at and ogling the cuties too. Officially this is called 'active parental support for social interaction development'

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Our 15 month old son just loves to tease and smile at the cuties in the malls, restaurants, the beach, wherever!

As a result I can get away with smiling at and ogling the cuties too. Officially this is called 'active parental support for social interaction development'

How true.

This is a great ploy.

My boy is almost 3 and a half now and still accomplishes this. I've told him to pursue and perfect the hobby until he is at least 15.

But the only serious advice I can give the OP is that old adage from the US:

'Don't sweat and the petty things.............and don't pet the sweaty things!'

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Ladies warning !...Dont marry to a young dirty man :wai:

So marrying old dirty men are ok then :o

How can this thread get from me leering at beautiful women and end up as straight men having sex with gay men?????

because i was bemoaning the fact that there is not a similar place where girls can go be dirty old women and leer at men, and the gay guys say they can be dirty old men here and leer at men :P

There are plenty of places to leer at handsome men BUT im not going to tell you where they are otherwise this thread will go back to being a gay thread (people calling me gay, i mean) :D:D

That's because you are :D

Our 15 month old son just loves to tease and smile at the cuties in the malls, restaurants, the beach, wherever!

As a result I can get away with smiling at and ogling the cuties too. Officially this is called 'active parental support for social interaction development'

I still call it perving. :D

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Im sure if i went back to the UK my problem would be resolved. :D

you got a point there, but like everything in life things can always be worse. One could be in Australia and not only you wouldn't want to look at talent (so to speak) on the street, but you'd be wearing ear plugs to protect your hearing. In Thailand, the talent ratio is so much higher than say Anglo-Saxon countries, but I too get my share of looks back. I find that women make it less obvious than men but they do look (sometimes stare) and pass comment, especially in the provinces. Funny is when I'm out and about with the wifey and we pass by some lovelies, her focus is on my every expression and eye movements. I can almost sense her stare like sharp blade at the side of my neck. :o

i doubt they thinking what you think they thinking!

they prolly think what drinking place u met yr wife.

I doubt it, as I notice that mostly when I'm solo. But then again maybe you're speaking of experience and automatically think that all foreigners get involved with ladies of dubious character, just like yourself. If you live in the gutter it doesn't mean others enjoy your lifestyle. Now, be a good boy and crawl back under the stone where you came from.

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QUOTE (thesunset75 @ 2008-12-10 19:27:25)

Ladies warning !...Dont marry to a young dirty man

So marrying old dirty men are ok then


How about someone who can understand woman's feeling while hes leering other chick and with out age difference ?

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