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Unauthorised Access Of Email Account


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My email account has been accessed and taken over by someone who has composed and sent emails in my name, the owners of the email site have told me that they know my account was accessed by a third party but will only pass on the evidence to a law enforcement agency, which is understandable.

Has anyone had any experience in involving the Thai police in this type of activity, I suppose I really need to know if I am just wasting my time thinking that they would be interested.

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There is a cybercrime division/office, or something with a similar name. I only know as I've driven past the building, but I don't remember where it is. If you call the police they should be able to tell you more and give you the contact info, or you could google it.

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It's part of the Economic Crime Division of the Royal Thai Police and the Office is located at Sathorn Road in Bangkok.

here is the complete address:

Economic Crime Investigation Division

Sathorn Road Bangrak

Bangkok, Thailand 10500

Tel/Hp : 662-2371199

Fax : 662-2346803


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  • 4 weeks later...


Did you have any luck with your email account?

What do you really want, them out and account back or getting them picked up by the police...

Email account is Thai provider I asume. Have you got any idea who nicked the account, Thais???

I asume you tried getting and resetting the password??

When you opened the account did you fill in paperwork or get a receipt mentioning email username and that you paid...

I recommend you at least for the moment if you havent done it already setup a google email...

Free and it works. I have an acount there..

Best of Luck


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you're wasting your time. Anyone can send emails in anyones name, just open a new email account and register yourself as "john Black" and hey presto, you're john black. The legitimising force of an email is the domain name after the "@" sign. If this is your own company or a website you or your company owns, you can EASILY recover the email account by talking to the company. If not, and you were using a free email service, it was never legitimate anyway and for all anyone knew you could have been pretending to be someone. Register your own domain, such as your surname, and open a new email account, and get new business cards printed. This kind of email account can never be permanently compromised. Don't waste your time with police, the law is in fact on the side of whoever managed to take over your email account, believe it or not.

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The police have got better things to do, and they aren't very sophisticated when it comes to computer crime. I suggest you just open another account elsewhere with a much better password this time (don't be lazy!) and let your contacts know the old address no longer belongs to you.

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I wouldn't waste my time with trying to catch the bad guys. Have the email account deactived/killed/nuked/etc., by contacting the ISP/email provider, and then create a new account. And be sure you use a strong password and have good firewall/virus/spyware software package running on your computer at all times....and avoid accessing your email account from public computers like internet cafe's as keyboard entry software or haredware-based spyware may be running on those public computers.

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