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Another Taxi/limo Question...


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Hi all, checked through the threads but couldn't find an answer to this one, so here goes...

We're arriving in BKK and staying in Thewet, ideally wanted to get a taxi with a car seat for our 15 month old daughter,so:

  • Do any of the standard taxis have infant seats?
  • Are any of the limo services better than others - were looking at www.bangkoklimo.org or www.bangkokairport-transfer.com
  • Are we being completely over-protective parents?

thanks for your indulgence and answers...

Edited by shantipie
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Meter taxis usually do not even have rear seat belts. I think you should contact a couple of the limo companies and see if you can pre-book a ride with a baby seat. Another option - I know some of the car hire companies offer baby seats (and drivers if you don't want to drive yourself).

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I'm guessing that your baby will be travelling on your lap and not occupying a seat of her own as she would be required to sit in an approved car baby seat. Your airline should let you bring one with you though.

The other poster stating that the regular airport taxis may be devoid of rear seatbelts is quite correct. The word limo in Thailand means nothing and it can refer to a 15 year old Volvo !!!

If you are that worried then bring a seat with you. Make sure it is one you can fit quickly and easily and you know how to !

I don't know how far you need to drive or whether you will be driving around during your holiday but it is tough call. You want to protect your baby (I have a daughter of a similar age) but dragging a car seat around with you when not in a car is a pain in the backside and I cannot say with any degree of certainty that I would do so.

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I used to carry my kids car seat with us whenever we went on holiday.

It was a carry basket type which was no hassle and the airlines would let you take it on board and if there was a spare seat, and in most cases tehre are next to a family with an infant, you can strap the car seat into the 'plane seat.

Now the car seat is much larger it's more impractical to take along on travels but I always use a driver local to me that I can leave the seat with to use for the pick up from Bangkok airport.

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