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Taking Your Partner To Your Homeland!


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"Deserve a slap" is a common term used in the Uk to denote someone needing to be put in their place not necessarily to act in violence but whatever way you need to justify your poor manners bino.

He brought his wife into the situation when he insulted Ms. Bino in front of her and a room full of people.

In front of who? In your first post you said Ms Bino was not in the room when he said it about her.

So he didn't bring his wife into it when he insulted Ms Bino, YOU did. His wife didn't say it but you insulted her publically for something he had done. Hmmm mature, anyone above the age of 12 knows that 2 wrongs dont make a right & by doing that you were as much if not more rude as he was but I'm sure you'll keep justifying it none the less . :o

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A "friend" in my local in the uk asking how much my gf cost me? I answered more than your worth!

I had this one too, from a "friend" I've known since grade school. It was the one and only that has ever happened.

I answered... "I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

Ms. Bino wasn't in the room, but the guy's wife and a few other people were close enough for an "overheard". It was great fun watching both of their faces go bright red... his with anger and hers with embarrassment. They left the party moments later.

Everyone else in my small community was wonderful - friendly and accommodating. Just goes to prove that there is an a$$hole in every crowd.

I wonder what Mrs Bino's reaction would have been were she in the room?

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My wife has been living in the US for over 7 years. We've never heard a racial slur directed toward her.

We live in an area with a large Asian population so we get many guesses where shes from.

We do get looks while out shopping, its from old ladies with their old husbands in tow, watching us walk by my wife young and beautiful and old ugly me. :o

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My wife has been living in the US for over 7 years. We've never heard a racial slur directed toward her.

We live in an area with a large Asian population so we get many guesses where shes from.

We do get looks while out shopping, its from old ladies with their old husbands in tow, watching us walk by my wife young and beautiful and old ugly me. :D

They're not laughing at you at all- honestly. :D

Anybody who thinks that a young woman who marries an old man for money is clearly misguided. (The entire Western race has got it wrong here) :o

If your wife is Thai then yes, the sex traffic and dirty old man lines will come to the fore.

Those who think the others are looking on in jealousy are kidding themselves.

Edited by F1fanatic
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My partner has not even visited my country yet, however that has not stopped the racist comments when I go there.

I have had people ask me how the "chink" is, I always answer that she is Thai and she is fine, I try not to get to up-set about these comments.

As was said earlier in the thread, these comments come from people of low education and who have not traveled very much. So I can imaginer what the reaction would be if my wife comes to Scotland with me.

FD :o

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No problems really.

Fortunate enough to live in a place where no one really gives a toss who you are or how you look. That's good for ME as well!!!!

We did visit the UK's Channel Island's though where my girlfriend did get the usual looks and often far too long stare's for my liking. :o

I put that down to a place that is about 50 years behind the UK mainland though. We both ended up mocking them and laughing about it!!!!

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Over the years we've had the occasional run in with bigots and idiots - largely based on weak stereotypes. The most obvious one is the drunk in the pub that believes, because she is Thai she is obviously gagging to sleep with him - and this has nothing to do with how my wife or other Thai women present themselves, as one of the previous posters put it - which is ludicrous and a bit like saying a women is asking to be raped because she is wearing lipstick - extremely offensive.

Only today, funnily enough (or not) I had one guy at work mention the other one I get occasionally - "does she eat dogs?" I just said we both do, but its not as nice as rat meat. Everyone else was laughing at him, but unsurprisingly it went completely over his head.

On the whole though, most people are very warm and welcoming. We live in a small village and my wife feels at home here and has fitted into the community really well.

With the boot on the other foot, we were once talking to a builder friend of mine when he was working on a garden wall and when he asked her what she thought to his work she said, in complete innocence, "you build wall like snake swim."

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To be honest I wouldn't take my partner home.

My British ex-husband always referred to anyone south of Dover as a <deleted> and even as a baby, my daughter was introduced to coloured people as monkeys. She now has a phobia about it even though she knows it's ridiculous and is still absolutely terrified of foreigners.

My only thought is if my ex-husband is like this then so many others are too and I wouldn't put my partner through that sort of treatment for anything.

Perhaps it was because the people you associated with in England were low class and under educated.

I met and married my Thai wife in England.

She was the niece of the Thai ambassador and lived at the Thai embassy in Kensington, London.

We lived and worked in England for 15 years before moving to Thailand, never received any negative remarks and were always treated as a normal married couple by family, friends and work colleges.

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To be honest I wouldn't take my partner home.

My British ex-husband always referred to anyone south of Dover as a <deleted> and even as a baby, my daughter was introduced to coloured people as monkeys. She now has a phobia about it even though she knows it's ridiculous and is still absolutely terrified of foreigners.

My only thought is if my ex-husband is like this then so many others are too and I wouldn't put my partner through that sort of treatment for anything.

Perhaps it was because the people you associated with in England were low class and under educated.

I met and married my Thai wife in England.

She was the niece of the Thai ambassador and lived at the Thai embassy in Kensington, London.

We lived and worked in England for 15 years before moving to Thailand, never received any negative remarks and were always treated as a normal married couple by family, friends and work colleges.

Yes, comments about under educated are correct and as I mention in my post too many of these people tend to run with the "SUN" headline. However unless you are super rich you will inevitably come across these people, shopping etc, and the small mindedness displayed just makes me angry. It is also true that this is exacerbated by the way the govt and media puts out information.

I saw a headline not too long ago saying "England Sinking" as a response to some selective release of statistics. The headline did not explain that in the period covered while many had come to the UK, actually slightly more had left. This is the worst kind of practice.

Edited by benjamat
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In the last four years in the States, I've not heard anything negative from anyone regarding my wife. Alot of this may be because we live in California where there are plenty of Asians and mixed couples.

However, when we go to Thailand is when my wife feels uncomfortable. One one trip to Phuket, a hairdresser asked my wife "which bar she works in". My wife has never worked in a bar.


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I have never heard a disparaing comment toward my wife when we visit the US.

This past summer we attended my parents 50th anniversary, after a mass in my parents honor we attended a dinner with family members and friends in attendance. My wife got up in front of 200 people she had never met before, dressed in a traditional Thai outfit and performed a traditional Thai dance honoring my parents.

There was not a dry eye in the ball room. my wife was a hit, all the young girls followed her around like she was the "pied piper" the rest of the night. Only comments were how beautiful and talented she was. My brother-in-law the police chief said she had more "guts" then anyone he had met.

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apart from some one calling him charlie chan (!) no in your face racism or bad comments. get lots of people taking simple to him but tbh just makes them look stupid :o ...... in fact imo worse as his wife heard your insult to her whilst he said his only to you....

Your posts are very difficult to read and understand. Could you please clarify the phrases, words, or "internet lingo" I've put in bold?

Edited by toptuan
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I believe the majority of Thai women who are interested in dating farangs are too indebted to their family and too heavily influenced by get rich quick Thai girls to foster a successful relationship outside of Thailand. I have married a Thai woman and would never do it again. That's why I'm getting married to a Laos woman this time :o

Does she have a sister?

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My Thai husband encountered antagonistic behavior from men in the US, while fishing, of all things.

He was fishing at a lake and a white American man came up and cast his line across my husband's (poor fishing etiquette, as any fisherman knows). So, my husband reeled his line in, and cast again, further away. The guy then reeled his line in and cast over my husband's fishing line again. All the while staring at him. I gave the guy a very dirty look and made a comment about racist rednecks to my husband. At which time said redneck decided to move on.

He also encountered similar sorts of behavior while we were out in a bar, but that was many years ago and hopefully people have grown up enough to realize that white women can be with men other than white men.

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I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

So you lowered yourself to his level & insulted his wife in the same way he insulted your gf & in fact imo worse as his wife heard your insult to her whilst he said his only to you. I don't see from your post that his wife had made a bad comment to you either. Nice manners!!!

But he said it first!!! lol just kidding.

It was probably best he said that if the result he said was true.

Me i dont like fighting but the fact a complete stranger shouted "been shopping in thailand" whilst i was walking along minding my own business infact made me stop walk back to him and ask him to repeat it. Luckly for all of us he apoligised. Now i wouldnt of been ashamed if i hit him. he wanted it. Anyway my point is in the heat of the moment..........

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I was lucky enough to meet my Thai Lady in Australia,10 years ago,she has now been in Sydney for 15 years,and managers a very succesful Thai Restaurant.She is 10 years younger than me,however we have a great relationship.

We travel back to Thailand every year to holiday and see her family,and we are both used to the looks and comments we receive here in Aus and in Thailand by others,which we totally ignore.

Roll on 2010 as i plan to retire in Jomtien,hopefully the real estate will have settled by then?

<deleted>? That has got to win the prize for the most off topic post of all time.

Anyway congrats to u. As for real estate i aint got a clue. :o

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(Boo @ 2008-12-15 15:39:36)
I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

So you lowered yourself to his level & insulted his wife in the same way he insulted your gf & in fact imo worse as his wife heard your insult to her whilst he said his only to you. I don't see from your post that his wife had made a bad comment to you either. Nice manners!!!

Wow my whole post got lost, awesome... basically, I disagree with you, someone calls your wife a hooker they deserve a broken jaw, that guy got off lightly.

read my post again, I never said the guy didn't deserve a slap but why bring his wife into it. Just shows a lack of manners imo & makes him as bad as the "mate" who insulted his gf. Achieves nothing.

So does he or doesnt he deserve at slap? If no slap or reactional comment back then what? Just smile and say thankyou? walk away like a man? I dont think so do you?

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(Boo @ 2008-12-15 15:39:36)
I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

So you lowered yourself to his level & insulted his wife in the same way he insulted your gf & in fact imo worse as his wife heard your insult to her whilst he said his only to you. I don't see from your post that his wife had made a bad comment to you either. Nice manners!!!

Wow my whole post got lost, awesome... basically, I disagree with you, someone calls your wife a hooker they deserve a broken jaw, that guy got off lightly.

read my post again, I never said the guy didn't deserve a slap but why bring his wife into it. Just shows a lack of manners imo & makes him as bad as the "mate" who insulted his gf. Achieves nothing.

....and then when you "slap" the guy (aka knocking him out) you have to explain to his wife why you did it. I would just have done as the poster did and belittle his wife as much or more than he had done mine. Yes, 'two wrongs don't make a right', but it sure makes me sleep better at night..... :o

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I was under the impression that Boo already explained it was a figure of speech so I fail to grasp the need to belabor this point?

No boo didnt say what should be done? Slap? comment back? walk away like a sheep? or accept it?

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I can also say, A freind of mine married a thai girl so i heard all the comments behind his back as i hadnt met mine at that time. Didnt put me off just made me realise what the general public think about thai women in particular. quiet pathetic really to judge every thai women the same becuase of a minority.

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I was under the impression that Boo already explained it was a figure of speech so I fail to grasp the need to belabor this point?

Sorry SBK I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings as I posted my reply before reading the rest of the thread... Actually I posted my reply when I finished reading Boo's first response to Bino (post #20)..... Delete it if it makes you sleep better... :o

Edited by dingdongrb
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In the UK I have to agree their are a lot of racists and bigots. I think it is to do with the way the political parties continue to use immigration as a populist tool. The number of people I have spoken to who have opinions solely based on the latest "SUN" headline is disheartening.

You also get quite a few tv programmes about assylum seekers and sex traffic so in the UK you can be labelled both as a dirty old man for yourself and a benefits scrounger for your wife. Not Good.

Generally speaking it's only the under educated who are racist in the UK. Be honest, the UK is far less racist than the rest of Europe.

However, if your spouse is a lot younger than you are, then the Brits will laugh at you, but mostly behind your back rather than to your face. Not necessarily because they're 2 faced (although it could be!), but more likely because they don't want to be rude. (NOBODY believes that a young woman marries an old man for anything other than money)

If your wife is Thai then yes, the sex traffic and dirty old man lines will come to the fore.

Those who think they're jealous are kidding themselves. :D

Your post has all the signs of jealousy. also the fact your husband run away with a thai women probably gives you more reasons to think all thai women are the same. :o:D

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One of my friends - who's big enough to 'give em a slap' and quick enough to silence them with a one liner, just smiles and agrees every time he hears the abuse or the stupid stereotypes.

His view is he's got a bright and beautiful girlfriend and lives half his life in paradise. Let the ignorant Little Englanders have their moment of fun and pity their ignorance and secret jealousy.

Most of the time I try to do the same, but occasionally :o

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One of my friends - who's big enough to 'give em a slap' and quick enough to silence them with a one liner, just smiles and agrees every time he hears the abuse or the stupid stereotypes.

His view is he's got a bright and beautiful girlfriend and lives half his life in paradise. Let the ignorant Little Englanders have their moment of fun and pity their ignorance and secret jealousy.

Most of the time I try to do the same, but occasionally :D


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