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Extra, Extra, Read All About It !

Gonzo the Face

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Great link :o

We should collectively sue BK. Implying that the people of Chiang Mai know nothing about burgers when we all know that most of the world's acknowledged experts live here

Nay Hark and Prithee....... who could it possibly be??? Could you maybe provide initials ???


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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HAHA! nice video!

Last night i saw a male red shirt on his way to do mischief in town, clad in red... red headband...red trousers...

and a red "wendy's" shirt :o -looked very out of place. dam_n these CIA agents work in mysterious ways.


Edited by SomNamNah
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A little bit of follow up on this

For those that didn't pick up on the hidden link check this out


Couple of suggestions for things to look out for

Look at the variety of head gear

Look to see if they were given any water, free or otherwise :o

and more seriously look for the expression of warmth and feeling from these various groups of people

check out the guy who gives and the one receiving the white jacket,

With the CM hill tribes and the sharing of food and the little they had in return..... kinda makes you feel proud to be living here.


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