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Dog Attack


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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

please don't poison the dog. i would definitely tell the owner that you will poison it if she doesn't control it, but don't follow up on your threat, it is a prolonged and horrible suffering that no animal should have to go through.

i have never met a dog in my life that could not be mollified by a kind tone of voice, and a hand extended for them to sniff. if that hand has food in it, you have a new best friend. easy peasy. the only time that hasn't worked for me is when dogs are in packs, ie. in temple yards. but as that is not the case here, try taking a hot dog or something with you next time you jog past, and offer the dog a piece.

My , my , not only has it come to the stage of appeasing the populace with sin_sod etc , now you have to appease their vicious animals ? What a condescending bunch of introverts you have become , have no backbone ? Never ever complain again or even suggest how Thailand should be governed , you do not even have the wherewithall to protect yourself against miscreant dogs , but when a human commits such a crime on another human , it;s off with his head , oh my , i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more , you deserve what you have , very little in my estimation , just what is contained in your brainwashed head , none illigimento condescendo !!! HA !!!!!!!!

Haven't got laid lately have you?

Actualy , more than likely more in a day than you in a week , i feel sorry for people such as yourself who can only resort to sexual inclinations to equate many problems that exist in todays world , what this has to do with dog control i cannot imagine , just shows your state of mind , if you still happen to be aware of its location .

Dumb balls, you dont have many friends do you? :o

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Blast the stupid dogs in the face, probably only one time and they'll never bother you again. Two times, for sure they will never bother you again.

these dogs are only acting according to their natural instinct , there are far too many abused dogs around , no need to add to the number by squirting them in the face with bleach.

slow to a walk and wave a stick , shouldnt have to do any more than that to fully protect yourself.


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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

please don't poison the dog. i would definitely tell the owner that you will poison it if she doesn't control it, but don't follow up on your threat, it is a prolonged and horrible suffering that no animal should have to go through.

i have never met a dog in my life that could not be mollified by a kind tone of voice, and a hand extended for them to sniff. if that hand has food in it, you have a new best friend. easy peasy. the only time that hasn't worked for me is when dogs are in packs, ie. in temple yards. but as that is not the case here, try taking a hot dog or something with you next time you jog past, and offer the dog a piece.

My , my , not only has it come to the stage of appeasing the populace with sin_sod etc , now you have to appease their vicious animals ? What a condescending bunch of introverts you have become , have no backbone ? Never ever complain again or even suggest how Thailand should be governed , you do not even have the wherewithall to protect yourself against miscreant dogs , but when a human commits such a crime on another human , it;s off with his head , oh my , i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more , you deserve what you have , very little in my estimation , just what is contained in your brainwashed head , none illigimento condescendo !!! HA !!!!!!!!

Haven't got laid lately have you?

Actualy , more than likely more in a day than you in a week , i feel sorry for people such as yourself who can only resort to sexual inclinations to equate many problems that exist in todays world , what this has to do with dog control i cannot imagine , just shows your state of mind , if you still happen to be aware of its location .

Hating the world is not going to help you to be a happier person. Get over Thailand already!

So your ranting to girls-x above has everything to do with "dog control"? Flaming people when they have an opinion seems to be the norm for you. You don't like it when people flamed you but you think you can do to others?

Just in case you didn't know, Rosey Palm and her five sisters does not constitute getting laid.

Back on subject, shout at the dog and pepper has always work fine for me. Never Never use bleach or any intoxicants to deter the animals. Its just cruel.

I tell you what is cruel, cruel is when you are walking, minding your own business, not doing anything untoward & some poorly trained oversized mongrel sinks its teeth into you. I'm no fool, I have nearly always owned a pet, nearly always a dog, love animals but im not too nieve to think that theres a problem with this animal (Moreso its owner).

I actually have considerable experience 'working' with law enforcement dog ( I am not a handler)....but the last time I saw a pooch this aggressive & out of control it suffered massive blood loss and almost instant death after two hollow point rounds adjusted its attitude. Naturally legal action was also taken against its owner....but that wasnt Thailand.

One of my main interests for this post was to see if others had experienced similar things & what they had done & what had been done (ie: by the police) regarding this. My main fear now in relation to this animal is that some poor child may become victim & obviously the owner of the dog is the person that has the most to answer for. Whilst the idea of bleach in the water gun is tempting....it might deter the dog from coming after me, but what about the next poor unsuspecting bugger??Ohh & also my options for a safe exercise route are extreemly limited & if I turned around and went the opposite way every time a dog barked id be going round in circles at the bottom of my driveway :o

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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

girlx--It used to be available at police suppy stores in BKK and Pattaya so would assume it still is there. I have also seen it in MBK in one of the stalls on the cell phone floor. It is a good procedure to test it by making a short spray from time to time to make sure it is not clogged and still working but I would test it immediately after purchase to make sure it is legitimate pepper spray if you buy it from a street vendor.

Bad idea. Once used a spray should be thrown away and a new can bought. The actual spraying clogs up the nozzle.

Like I said before, go to the police official shop opposite the immigration office; this is the only way to guarantee a top quality product.

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We have a large German Shepard & he can be aggresive at times, my wife says if he bites someone thats not invited in side the borders of the home then thats ok but outside then payment as to be made & loss of the dog if the attacked complain to the police.

I don't understand this lady's reaction as we always say sorry when he gets aggresive around strangers & always call him back.

I am pleased this has come up. I didn't realise that the police were so supportive.

Hopefully I don't meet your dog on the street, running up and snarling at me. I will now definitely be going to the police and putting in a report. And the answer will be a resounding "Yes, can I pull the trigger please?"


But you would be the first to complain about your house being burgled.

In the last 2 weeks alone in my village 3 motorbikes have been stolen & 1 family had 30 bags of rice stolen whilst sleeping many want a dog like ours to help prevent this fast rising crime.

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We have a large German Shepard & he can be aggresive at times, my wife says if he bites someone thats not invited in side the borders of the home then thats ok but outside then payment as to be made & loss of the dog if the attacked complain to the police.

I don't understand this lady's reaction as we always say sorry when he gets aggresive around strangers & always call him back.

I am pleased this has come up. I didn't realise that the police were so supportive.

Hopefully I don't meet your dog on the street, running up and snarling at me. I will now definitely be going to the police and putting in a report. And the answer will be a resounding "Yes, can I pull the trigger please?"


If he bites someone who is not invited inside the borders of the home THAT IS OKAY?

When he gets aggressive we always call him back and say sorry , will you give him back his arm all nicely bandaged ?

That is what you are saying , listen to yourself , AFTER S-ITE HAS HAPPENED , then you APOLOGISE ? What kind of individuals are you ? Methinks you have become to Tha-ised you absolute , unthinking excuse for a caring human . Smarten up now or face the consequences of owning a DANGEROUS ANIMAL , what is a human life worth if you cannot call him off , priceless .People like you make me PUKE , YEUK .

YOU MUT!!!! your handle says it all dum mut

Edited by Mali1964
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I use a bicycle as my mode of transportation around CM and riding home late at night can be a bit scary when dogs dart out out of nowhere, when I pass them. I find dogs (so far) to be cowards. If they begin to chase me as I pass them at a slow 25 to 30 kph. I find 2 options that has worked for me, I raise my voice or even growl, raise my arm in a threatening manner and they generally scurry back. If they continue to run after me, I either slow down or stop again with my arm raised, they back off. Luckily I have been fortunate enough not to encounter attack type dogs like shepherds, Doberman, pit bulls etc.. I suspect they wouldn't scare that easily.

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I use a bicycle as my mode of transportation around CM and riding home late at night can be a bit scary when dogs dart out out of nowhere, when I pass them. I find dogs (so far) to be cowards. If they begin to chase me as I pass them at a slow 25 to 30 kph. I find 2 options that has worked for me, I raise my voice or even growl, raise my arm in a threatening manner and they generally scurry back. If they continue to run after me, I either slow down or stop again with my arm raised, they back off. Luckily I have been fortunate enough not to encounter attack type dogs like shepherds, Doberman, pit bulls etc.. I suspect they wouldn't scare that easily.

Please, genuine well-bred and cared for pit bulls are not attack dogs and are more likely to lick you to death than anything else. :o



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regarding this. My main fear now in relation to this animal is that some poor child may become victim & obviously the owner of the dog is the person that has the most to answer for.

There was a small kid killed by (I think) a pit bull owned by a foreigner this year. It was his own kid.

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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

girlx--It used to be available at police suppy stores in BKK and Pattaya so would assume it still is there. I have also seen it in MBK in one of the stalls on the cell phone floor. It is a good procedure to test it by making a short spray from time to time to make sure it is not clogged and still working but I would test it immediately after purchase to make sure it is legitimate pepper spray if you buy it from a street vendor.

Bad idea. Once used a spray should be thrown away and a new can bought. The actual spraying clogs up the nozzle.

Like I said before, go to the police official shop opposite the immigration office; this is the only way to guarantee a top quality product.

One of the interesting things on TV is that it does not matter what you say or how correct you are, you will always find at least one person contrarian who disagrees with you. :o As for the notion of never testing it, that may be your choice but it is contrary to instructions that come with virtually all canisters of pepper spray. Even if you check on the internet for articles about tips and care of pepper spray, you will find virtually every site recommends testing at least once every few months (remember that each time you test that you are slowly depleting the time until it needs replacement). In my own around 10 years experience with pepper spray, I have never had one clog and had only one case of accidental discharge while being stored.

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As a boy, I was utterly terrified for years . Neighbor's dog was let to roam. To avoid passing the house, I would often make a huge detour. The neighbor's house was at a bottleneck - no way in or out without passing the house, unless one climbs into a garden after a 10 minutes detour.

That feeling of terror - and some dog owners saying "they only attack when you are afraid" still rankles. At some point, I would refuse to be the victim.

You are walking the public road. Enforce your right!

there might be kinds who are not speaking to their parents about their fear - you are not the only one suffering. Fix it and many people will be grateful. Do whatever it takes!

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As a boy, I was utterly terrified for years . Neighbor's dog was let to roam. To avoid passing the house, I would often make a huge detour. The neighbor's house was at a bottleneck - no way in or out without passing the house, unless one climbs into a garden after a 10 minutes detour.

That feeling of terror - and some dog owners saying "they only attack when you are afraid" still rankles. At some point, I would refuse to be the victim.

You are walking the public road. Enforce your right!

there might be kinds who are not speaking to their parents about their fear - you are not the only one suffering. Fix it and many people will be grateful. Do whatever it takes!


Litigation & commonsense now prevail in places like Sydney.

If you see a stray dog, you take a photo, that's how rare they are nowadays. :o

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As a boy, I was utterly terrified for years . Neighbor's dog was let to roam. To avoid passing the house, I would often make a huge detour. The neighbor's house was at a bottleneck - no way in or out without passing the house, unless one climbs into a garden after a 10 minutes detour.

That feeling of terror - and some dog owners saying "they only attack when you are afraid" still rankles. At some point, I would refuse to be the victim.

You are walking the public road. Enforce your right!

there might be kinds who are not speaking to their parents about their fear - you are not the only one suffering. Fix it and many people will be grateful. Do whatever it takes!


Litigation & commonsense now prevail in places like Sydney.

If you see a stray dog, you take a photo, that's how rare they are nowadays. :D

Yes I understand thats how it is in Australia.....but you may as well rip up those plans here in Thailand, there is no consistancy in dealing with these issues in Thailand. It has now been suggested to me by another Police Officer that if I can walk another way that would be my best option because if I walk that way again & there is another confrontation with the owner (who most certainly has it in for the farang, as everything she has said so far begins with something derogatory about farangs & before anyone jumps up and down about what I initially said, which was "Can you hold your dog please" which I asked initially in thai, albiet bad thai). It would seem now that I have got the boys in brown involved the dog is not my only problem & it has already been suggested that it may be viewed that I have caused this further conflict continually going there. FARANG AT FAULT!

If there was some consistancy here with the law or the cops, I would push on with this, but its like banging your head against the wall. My best option which is to find another route, my options are limited but the local monks seem to take some amusement to me exercising in the grounds of the local wat and the dogs there are 'jai yen yen' so maybe that will do me.

I still worry about that evil vicious dog on the other soi, I'm worried it will kill or scar a child for life, but its obviously a problem that some of the thai neighbours there might choose to sort out.

As for me, there has been some great ideas on this forum >> I am slightly better prepared for the next rouge dog that comes my way :o

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