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Dog Attack


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So you have joined the unthinking phsyce of the dog lovers eh ? What makes YOU OR ANYBODY ELSE (UN)THINK that you can call the dog off ? A prospective dangerous animal NEEDS TO BE RESTAINED BEFORE IT PROVES ITS POINT , after the fact is both inefective and unredemable to my my way of thinking . Any excuse by an owner AFTER THE FACT is a mili-second too late to give back a life or a disability , get real for gods sake , is the dog more important than the future of even a dispicable human being ? Think , think and think again , how would you feel , or like to live with , an incapacitated future for a dogs actions just because THE OWNER LOVED IT TOO MUCH to train or restrain it ? You also make me PUKE but twice as much .

i think you have got the wrong end of the stick here mate!

please PUKE quietly! :o

Edited by onnut
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Had to laugh when reading the crazy and ridiculous 3 pages of answers to this topic. Anyone with alot of experience with dogs knows that "Pepper Spray" is the answer to the OP's problem. It will even stop a pit bull in its tracks yet is totally benign and will result in only temporary discomfort and no injury to the dog. It has even been used in self defense against bears (but I wouldn't want to be the one doing it! :o ) I am a dog owner and at one time was professionally involved in dog training and also am a jogger. Pepper Spray also has the advantage that it can be used on any type of attacker including human. I have experence in having to use Pepper Spray on dogs and also have been sprayed with it myself (only as a demonstration) and can assure you that is is one of the most humane methods I know to stop an attact from a dog or a person. Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

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Had to laugh when reading the crazy and ridiculous 3 pages of answers to this topic. Anyone with alot of experience with dogs knows that "Pepper Spray" is the answer to the OP's problem. It will even stop a pit bull in its tracks yet is totally benign and will result in only temporary discomfort and no injury to the dog. It has even been used in self defense against bears (but I wouldn't want to be the one doing it! :o ) I am a dog owner and at one time was professionally involved in dog training and also am a jogger. Pepper Spray also has the advantage that it can be used on any type of attacker including human. I have experence in having to use Pepper Spray on dogs and also have been sprayed with it myself (only as a demonstration) and can assure you that is is one of the most humane methods I know to stop an attact from a dog or a person. Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

Since I walk a lot when the dogs are awake (i.e. after the sun goes down) I have had a lot of encounters with dogs in Bangkok.

Times to be alert:

1. after dark

2. in an area with packs of dogs

3. few people pass the area

4. dog just woken up

5. dogs in the audible distance are barking

My two worst encounters followed the same pattern: I walked past a sleeping dog, that was woken up by a dog in the distance barking about nothing in particular (not directed at me). The first encounter the dog immediately bit me from behind while I was looking another seriously scary looking dog in front, the second time I lunged at the dog and it jumped away. So when they are disorientated from being aroused from their sleep, their adrenaline must be rushing and that is often the moment.

I had pepper spray with me but there was no time to get it out. What I've found is if you just raise your hand this really scares them (they must be used to being hit by stones). Always look for the dog behind you-- that is the one that will attack. Packs of dogs can really get themselves excited and the only way out is to slowly walk backwards away from them.

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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

please don't poison the dog. i would definitely tell the owner that you will poison it if she doesn't control it, but don't follow up on your threat, it is a prolonged and horrible suffering that no animal should have to go through.

i have never met a dog in my life that could not be mollified by a kind tone of voice, and a hand extended for them to sniff. if that hand has food in it, you have a new best friend. easy peasy. the only time that hasn't worked for me is when dogs are in packs, ie. in temple yards. but as that is not the case here, try taking a hot dog or something with you next time you jog past, and offer the dog a piece.

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Whoa, Dumball, I know you don't like Thais, being in Cambodia.... :o

YOU HAVE IT THE WRONG WAY AROUND , it is Thai who have a percieved problem for Cambodian , though for the life of me i have not , as yet , found the reason why . This has nothing to do with the thread at hand , and what has being in Cambodia have to do with not liking Thai ? You are disliked from other parts of the world for no real definable reason by Thai , except by Thai , for Thai .

I loved Thailand all the years i lived in that beautifull country , it got destroyed for me by such people as yourself that happen to live in it for accident of birth , you are and never will be the be all and end all of the world , you happen to be a miniscule part of it that has become enhanced by tourism . With all your self imposed acidity by people of the world to visit here , just pray they come back , do you know why ? You need us more than we need you , the day you learn and appreciate this FACT , maybe , just maybe THEY WILL RETURN TO ONCE AGAIN ENHANCE THE LIFESTYLE YOU NEVER HAD BEFORE THEY CAME .

YOUR STUPID , UNCALLED FOR RETORIC HAS BEEN NOTED , i write and respond on various travel forums , prey tell me which other countries you dislike for their populace , the feelings you proffess can quite easily be transmitted via a medium which seems far beyond your comprehension , the all powerfull internet .

Just learn to be nice .

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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

please don't poison the dog. i would definitely tell the owner that you will poison it if she doesn't control it, but don't follow up on your threat, it is a prolonged and horrible suffering that no animal should have to go through.

i have never met a dog in my life that could not be mollified by a kind tone of voice, and a hand extended for them to sniff. if that hand has food in it, you have a new best friend. easy peasy. the only time that hasn't worked for me is when dogs are in packs, ie. in temple yards. but as that is not the case here, try taking a hot dog or something with you next time you jog past, and offer the dog a piece.

My , my , not only has it come to the stage of appeasing the populace with sin_sod etc , now you have to appease their vicious animals ? What a condescending bunch of introverts you have become , have no backbone ? Never ever complain again or even suggest how Thailand should be governed , you do not even have the wherewithall to protect yourself against miscreant dogs , but when a human commits such a crime on another human , it;s off with his head , oh my , i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more , you deserve what you have , very little in my estimation , just what is contained in your brainwashed head , none illigimento condescendo !!! HA !!!!!!!!

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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

please don't poison the dog. i would definitely tell the owner that you will poison it if she doesn't control it, but don't follow up on your threat, it is a prolonged and horrible suffering that no animal should have to go through.

i have never met a dog in my life that could not be mollified by a kind tone of voice, and a hand extended for them to sniff. if that hand has food in it, you have a new best friend. easy peasy. the only time that hasn't worked for me is when dogs are in packs, ie. in temple yards. but as that is not the case here, try taking a hot dog or something with you next time you jog past, and offer the dog a piece.

My , my , not only has it come to the stage of appeasing the populace with sin_sod etc , now you have to appease their vicious animals ? What a condescending bunch of introverts you have become , have no backbone ? Never ever complain again or even suggest how Thailand should be governed , you do not even have the wherewithall to protect yourself against miscreant dogs , but when a human commits such a crime on another human , it;s off with his head , oh my , i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more , you deserve what you have , very little in my estimation , just what is contained in your brainwashed head , none illigimento condescendo !!! HA !!!!!!!!

Haven't got laid lately have you?

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Get a cat...Quote

Sir , you have a quietning manner in your approach to many things , i know a number of people with Boa constrictors and viscious animals for pets , but , they know their restrictions where access to humans are restricted . Too many people attempt to apply their way of thinking on other humans , absolutely unconcerned of the consequences , these are the people my rhetoric are aimed at , after the fact is not acceptable . One of my daughters is suffering the results of such indiscriminate . thoughtless thinking , she has lost much of the feeling in one wrist and hand , millions of dollars could never replace this . 1442807-Travel_Picture-Walking_a_Bengal_Tiger_on_a_leash_in_Thailand.jpg

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90 % of the time, reaching down and pretending to pick up a rock and holding your arm in a throwing motion will work. dogs' aggresiveness and courage drops in relation to the distance from their home, so move away and past their place whilst doing it. whistle while you walk...

HAVE a pocketful of small rocks for the ones the fake out doesn't work on.

The farther you are from the owners' property, the better your legal standing is

ROPE A DOPE >> I love walking quickly away when after managing to delay them... They follow behind thinking you don't know... At a certain distance, when they are about to bite your heels, and past their 'boundary' turn around and smash them on the head with a stick and or hit them with a good size rock, not hitting any car windows or kids riding bikes.

oh whistle the whole time,, after a few 'sessions' when they hear you whistling they will hide under the stairs and let you pass... I love watching the owner's face when you are a few houses away from THEIR property and you are smacking their dog who has just attacked from behind.

OR get a dog of your own, or 'rent a soi dog' to run with you.

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YOUR STUPID , UNCALLED FOR RETORIC HAS BEEN NOTED , i write and respond on various travel forums , prey tell me which other countries you dislike for their populace , the feelings you proffess can quite easily be transmitted via a medium which seems far beyond your comprehension , the all powerfull internet .

Just learn to be nice .

Rhetoric? I'm not Shakespeare, mate, that was a short post.

If we're going to have a long discussion, could you use a spell-checker, please?

Now, I don't dislike Cambodia, never even been there, but believed to perceive your dislike of Thais.

If this is not the case, I stand corrected.

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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

please don't poison the dog. i would definitely tell the owner that you will poison it if she doesn't control it, but don't follow up on your threat, it is a prolonged and horrible suffering that no animal should have to go through.

i have never met a dog in my life that could not be mollified by a kind tone of voice, and a hand extended for them to sniff. if that hand has food in it, you have a new best friend. easy peasy. the only time that hasn't worked for me is when dogs are in packs, ie. in temple yards. but as that is not the case here, try taking a hot dog or something with you next time you jog past, and offer the dog a piece.

My , my , not only has it come to the stage of appeasing the populace with sin_sod etc , now you have to appease their vicious animals ? What a condescending bunch of introverts you have become , have no backbone ? Never ever complain again or even suggest how Thailand should be governed , you do not even have the wherewithall to protect yourself against miscreant dogs , but when a human commits such a crime on another human , it;s off with his head , oh my , i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more , you deserve what you have , very little in my estimation , just what is contained in your brainwashed head , none illigimento condescendo !!! HA !!!!!!!!

Haven't got laid lately have you?

Actualy , more than likely more in a day than you in a week , i feel sorry for people such as yourself who can only resort to sexual inclinations to equate many problems that exist in todays world , what this has to do with dog control i cannot imagine , just shows your state of mind , if you still happen to be aware of its location .

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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

please don't poison the dog. i would definitely tell the owner that you will poison it if she doesn't control it, but don't follow up on your threat, it is a prolonged and horrible suffering that no animal should have to go through.

i have never met a dog in my life that could not be mollified by a kind tone of voice, and a hand extended for them to sniff. if that hand has food in it, you have a new best friend. easy peasy. the only time that hasn't worked for me is when dogs are in packs, ie. in temple yards. but as that is not the case here, try taking a hot dog or something with you next time you jog past, and offer the dog a piece.

My , my , not only has it come to the stage of appeasing the populace with sin_sod etc , now you have to appease their vicious animals ? What a condescending bunch of introverts you have become , have no backbone ? Never ever complain again or even suggest how Thailand should be governed , you do not even have the wherewithall to protect yourself against miscreant dogs , but when a human commits such a crime on another human , it;s off with his head , oh my , i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more , you deserve what you have , very little in my estimation , just what is contained in your brainwashed head , none illigimento condescendo !!! HA !!!!!!!!

Haven't got laid lately have you?

Actualy , more than likely more in a day than you in a week , i feel sorry for people such as yourself who can only resort to sexual inclinations to equate many problems that exist in todays world , what this has to do with dog control i cannot imagine , just shows your state of mind , if you still happen to be aware of its location .

Hating the world is not going to help you to be a happier person. Get over Thailand already!

So your ranting to girls-x above has everything to do with "dog control"? Flaming people when they have an opinion seems to be the norm for you. You don't like it when people flamed you but you think you can do to others?

Just in case you didn't know, Rosey Palm and her five sisters does not constitute getting laid.

Back on subject, shout at the dog and pepper has always work fine for me. Never Never use bleach or any intoxicants to deter the animals. Its just cruel.

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i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more

ha- are you calling me an inbred because i suggest taking the peaceful and merciful path rather than the aggressive and murderous one? hrmmm. no wonder you are such an angry man.

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i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more

ha- are you calling me an inbred because i suggest taking the peaceful and merciful path rather than the aggressive and murderous one? hrmmm. no wonder you are such an angry man.

It's sexual frustration I think.

If you need help holding him down while you kick him let me know. I'm always ready to help a lady in distress :D


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i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more

ha- are you calling me an inbred because i suggest taking the peaceful and merciful path rather than the aggressive and murderous one? hrmmm. no wonder you are such an angry man.

It's sexual frustration I think.

If you need help holding him down while you kick him let me know. I'm always ready to help a lady in distress :D


Many have tried , many have failed .

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i do not even feel sorry for you inbreds any more

ha- are you calling me an inbred because i suggest taking the peaceful and merciful path rather than the aggressive and murderous one? hrmmm. no wonder you are such an angry man.

It's sexual frustration I think.

If you need help holding him down while you kick him let me know. I'm always ready to help a lady in distress :D


Many have tried , many have failed .

:o For some reason everyone who says that never has any teeth :D

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My response was not added for some inexplicable reason ?

Whatever reason you had, my money wouldn't be on you. On girl-x possibly, but not on you.

Funny you should say that , muslim brave fanatics hide behind their women also . Make you a special deal , you can bring one or two friends , three has been proven to be my limit .

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My response was not added for some inexplicable reason ?

Whatever reason you had, my money wouldn't be on you. On girl-x possibly, but not on you.

Funny you should say that , muslim brave fanatics hide behind their women also . Make you a special deal , you can bring one or two friends , three has been proven to be my limit .

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My response was not added for some inexplicable reason ?

Whatever reason you had, my money wouldn't be on you. On girl-x possibly, but not on you.

Funny you should say that , muslim brave fanatics hide behind their women also . Make you a special deal , you can bring one or two friends , three has been proven to be my limit .

:o:D Yes sir Captain internet warrior :D :D

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My response was not added for some inexplicable reason ?

Whatever reason you had, my money wouldn't be on you. On girl-x possibly, but not on you.

Funny you should say that , muslim brave fanatics hide behind their women also . Make you a special deal , you can bring one or two friends , three has been proven to be my limit .

:o:D Yes sir Captain internet warrior :D:D

No ,just do not like people defending rabid dogs , he who laughs last is the fortunate one , never a Captain but always survived , even rabid dogs .

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Unbelievable the way posts develop here! I believe this kicked off when one reply mentioned that if the "bitee" was not invited into the house then that was OK. Indeed, I agree. Not being invited into the house implies being an intruder and therefore the dog is doing exactly what he is supposed to do - defend his territory and his pack. Now, if you have an aggressive dog that attacks/bites for no reason that is a genetic weakness and any such dog should be culled without question. Also, a "sound" dog will be able to differentiate between a non-threatening child and an adult. Of course TIT so the aforementioned can be taken with a pinch of salt as responsible dog owners are sadly, few and far between. :o



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I live on the outskirts of Bangkok. I like to exercise daily by walking and jogging, however there are no suitable areas near my home for these types of activities. I have 3 options in regards to where I run, 2 busy roads & one quiter smaller road. Naturally after 55 near death experiences per mile on the larger roads I have decided to stick to the smaller road for safety.

On the smaller road I have to pass a shop where two large dogs are becoming more and more agressive each time I pass by. These dogs are not soi dogs, are well fed (about 40kg) and BIG! Last week one of these dogs lunged at me so I kicked it & stopped it. I have attempted to speak with the dogs owner, however she is indifferent to the situation & actually amused by it. Today the dog attacked me, tearing my shirt near my shoulder & biting my arm. My GF went to see the owner of the dog & upon speaking her to her in the street she abused and threatened us with a broom :D:o ....being a coward at heart when it comes to thai ladies and brooms I accelerated away from her on my motorcycle (thank godness i have big 150cc power :D ).

Went to see the local Police Sergeant who told us:-

a.) That if the dog injured me & was in fact owned by someone (ie; not soi dog) then the owner would have to pay for my treatment to make me well again.

b.) I was allowed in future to carry something to protect myself from the attacking animal (ie: a stick) but was only to use this defensively, special note: No chasing the dog down and flogging it.

c.) We did the wrong thing by going to this woman's location and trying to speak to her about her dogs it & if in fact an Assault with the broom or any other type of assault had occurred then WE were at fault and the Police would have to attend to settle that situation.

d.) Police could not attend to request something be done with these animals to PREVENT someone from being injured.

Has anyone experience anything similar to this? Any advice or ideas?

nb: I would also like to point out that I was actually very pleased with the actions of the Police Sergeant who was very professional and pleasant,....it would appear that laws in relation to this type of thing are almost non-existant.

In all my years in Thailand having come across I don't know how many millions of dogs I have never had a problem. I guess I am justing putting this out there to the broader TV community to see if there is anything that I havent been told regarding dog attacks in thailand?

get one of those tasers on sukhumvit.

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I live on the outskirts of Bangkok. I like to exercise daily by walking and jogging, however there are no suitable areas near my home for these types of activities. I have 3 options in regards to where I run, 2 busy roads & one quiter smaller road. Naturally after 55 near death experiences per mile on the larger roads I have decided to stick to the smaller road for safety.

On the smaller road I have to pass a shop where two large dogs are becoming more and more agressive each time I pass by. These dogs are not soi dogs, are well fed (about 40kg) and BIG! Last week one of these dogs lunged at me so I kicked it & stopped it. I have attempted to speak with the dogs owner, however she is indifferent to the situation & actually amused by it. Today the dog attacked me, tearing my shirt near my shoulder & biting my arm. My GF went to see the owner of the dog & upon speaking her to her in the street she abused and threatened us with a broom :D:o ....being a coward at heart when it comes to thai ladies and brooms I accelerated away from her on my motorcycle (thank godness i have big 150cc power :D ).

Went to see the local Police Sergeant who told us:-

a.) That if the dog injured me & was in fact owned by someone (ie; not soi dog) then the owner would have to pay for my treatment to make me well again.

b.) I was allowed in future to carry something to protect myself from the attacking animal (ie: a stick) but was only to use this defensively, special note: No chasing the dog down and flogging it.

c.) We did the wrong thing by going to this woman's location and trying to speak to her about her dogs it & if in fact an Assault with the broom or any other type of assault had occurred then WE were at fault and the Police would have to attend to settle that situation.

d.) Police could not attend to request something be done with these animals to PREVENT someone from being injured.

Has anyone experience anything similar to this? Any advice or ideas?

nb: I would also like to point out that I was actually very pleased with the actions of the Police Sergeant who was very professional and pleasant,....it would appear that laws in relation to this type of thing are almost non-existant.

In all my years in Thailand having come across I don't know how many millions of dogs I have never had a problem. I guess I am justing putting this out there to the broader TV community to see if there is anything that I havent been told regarding dog attacks in thailand?

get one of those tasers on sukhumvit.

Not if you want it to be useful. Those tasers are kept underpowered and sold for the amusement of tourists. In any event, best to buy pepper spray from the official police shop opposite the immigration bureau in Bangkok. Or else, buy some from the street sellers but test it on yourself to make sure it's not fake.... or maybe not.

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jogging/ walking - everybody carries a stick; but I'll also carry a nice throwable rock (or 3) which I can throw in front of a dog. a flat rock in case I have to strike it.

bike riding. I have twice fallen because dogs come out of nowhere to fuc_k with people on bikes - ok, make that 3 times. I read on this site that many bikers simply gave up biking as it was not fun because of the dog problems. You just can't enjoy a hard bike ride without the threat of soi dogs.

motorsai riding. Much better as dogs appear to be intimidated and do not approach. Ready horn is good. Just have to stay calmer and keep aware. Use the horn and accelerator. I'm going to buy a stick on a rope.

Pepper spray sounds like a good option. Sticks are good with a high arm motion. I think a number of rocks thrown ahead of the dog is good. If I have to defend a dog with a rock, that doesn't sound like fun.

oh, That pack of dog crap where they flank you and try to get behind you. SUcks to all hel_l. You really have to keep the backside and one flank clear.

So the options are:

1) stick

2) high frequency emitter

3) pepper spray

4) stones

5) gestures like raising the arm with a stick or rock

6) throwing rocks

7) spraying other irritants.

8) feeding the dog.

ok, here is where feeding the dog is wrong in my opinion. I know a woman who carries food for all the soi dogs. SHe gives them food as she walks. They all come running to her now. They expect her to bring food. They've trained her in my opinion.

Try doing that on a bike or a motorcycle. The dog will now come to you when you are on that bike. That is stupid. You are asking to get hurt when that dog comes out of nowhere barking at you for some food.

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Pepper Spray is readily available in Thailand.

is it? where? i tried to buy some recently and found that the street sellers no longer seem to have it.

girlx--It used to be available at police suppy stores in BKK and Pattaya so would assume it still is there. I have also seen it in MBK in one of the stalls on the cell phone floor. It is a good procedure to test it by making a short spray from time to time to make sure it is not clogged and still working but I would test it immediately after purchase to make sure it is legitimate pepper spray if you buy it from a street vendor.

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Now I always carry a stick when I walk.

Thought that was to prop you up when you've had too much tiger in ya, PB :o

On another note, been approached by a pack of about 30 monkeys down south before now while out walking. They were heading in the opposite direction and as we were passing, the leader - big silverback-looking brute - raised his arm as if to attack so I took off my backpack and raised it ready to swipe him and he calmly lowered his arm and carried on. Would have been knacked if they'd attacked but carrying something and showing you're not an easy targer defo works with these beasts :D

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