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Dog Attack


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I live on the outskirts of Bangkok. I like to exercise daily by walking and jogging, however there are no suitable areas near my home for these types of activities. I have 3 options in regards to where I run, 2 busy roads & one quiter smaller road. Naturally after 55 near death experiences per mile on the larger roads I have decided to stick to the smaller road for safety.

On the smaller road I have to pass a shop where two large dogs are becoming more and more agressive each time I pass by. These dogs are not soi dogs, are well fed (about 40kg) and BIG! Last week one of these dogs lunged at me so I kicked it & stopped it. I have attempted to speak with the dogs owner, however she is indifferent to the situation & actually amused by it. Today the dog attacked me, tearing my shirt near my shoulder & biting my arm. My GF went to see the owner of the dog & upon speaking her to her in the street she abused and threatened us with a broom :D:o ....being a coward at heart when it comes to thai ladies and brooms I accelerated away from her on my motorcycle (thank godness i have big 150cc power :D ).

Went to see the local Police Sergeant who told us:-

a.) That if the dog injured me & was in fact owned by someone (ie; not soi dog) then the owner would have to pay for my treatment to make me well again.

b.) I was allowed in future to carry something to protect myself from the attacking animal (ie: a stick) but was only to use this defensively, special note: No chasing the dog down and flogging it.

c.) We did the wrong thing by going to this woman's location and trying to speak to her about her dogs it & if in fact an Assault with the broom or any other type of assault had occurred then WE were at fault and the Police would have to attend to settle that situation.

d.) Police could not attend to request something be done with these animals to PREVENT someone from being injured.

Has anyone experience anything similar to this? Any advice or ideas?

nb: I would also like to point out that I was actually very pleased with the actions of the Police Sergeant who was very professional and pleasant,....it would appear that laws in relation to this type of thing are almost non-existant.

In all my years in Thailand having come across I don't know how many millions of dogs I have never had a problem. I guess I am justing putting this out there to the broader TV community to see if there is anything that I havent been told regarding dog attacks in thailand?

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On the beach at Hua Hin, I was walking casually along the water line when I was attacked by a poorly muzzled, fully grown boxer dog. He broke my skin through his muzzle. I chased him into the seaside mansion where his billionaire owner stays on holidays. The housekeeper, knowing the law, took me to the Red Cross clinic for first aid and rabies shots, paying for everything. Now I always carry a stick when I walk.

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Give the dog an offering. :o

Yes laced with something extremely undesirable then stick two fingers to the dog loving " its not the dog's fault why harm it" brigade who will now waffle on about the poor animal and how the owner should be responsible when clearly " RESPONSIBLE" is not a word in the Thai mindset.

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On the beach at Hua Hin, I was walking casually along the water line when I was attacked by a poorly muzzled, fully grown boxer dog. He broke my skin through his muzzle. I chased him into the seaside mansion where his billionaire owner stays on holidays. The housekeeper, knowing the law, took me to the Red Cross clinic for first aid and rabies shots, paying for everything. Now I always carry a stick when I walk.

And did they get it a new muzzle?

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i do a lot of walking around the farmlands and villages west of hua hin , and come across dozens of dogs , "guarding" farmsteads and houses and construction sites

i always carry a stick with me and find that the dogs , whether single or in groups , will always back off when the stick is raised. i have never had to hit a dog , and by the second or third time that i pass by a place , i am recognised by the dogs and the welcome becomes less aggressive.

if the owners are around , they usually come out so see what the noise is about and have always , without exception , called the dogs back and apologised to me.

i think you must have been doubly unlucky to have been bitten and to have been threatened by the owner.

carry a stick with you and see if that keeps them at bay , and slow down to a walk when there are dogs around , if you are running then they will be more likely to chase you.

Edited by taxexile
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those dogs are bred by the owner not to scare but to injure, tell her that you will poison both dogs, she might start keeping them inside daytime.

when I see an aggressive do I grab a stone or any other object around - even pretending so would stop them and give time to find some better protection

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Last week one of these dogs lunged at me so I kicked it & stopped it. Today the dog attacked me, tearing my shirt near my shoulder & biting my arm.

Hi neverdie,

go buy yourself a squirt gun, the normal little pistol type. Fill it with ammonia, or if you are feeling really nasty toward these animals, bleach.

Blast the stupid dogs in the face, probably only one time and they'll never bother you again. Two times, for sure they will never bother you again.

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Blast the stupid dogs in the face, probably only one time and they'll never bother you again. Two times, for sure they will never bother you again.

these dogs are only acting according to their natural instinct , there are far too many abused dogs around , no need to add to the number by squirting them in the face with bleach.

slow to a walk and wave a stick , shouldnt have to do any more than that to fully protect yourself.

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I think you should try running by them a few more times just to see how riled up you can get them. If they get bored be sure to stop and harass them so they get back in the mood.

Since the law clearly won't be of any help to you or others, be smart and just walk when around the dogs or find a new route. If you do anything to harm the dogs you'd better be prepared for any retribution the owner may feel you deserve.

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I live on the outskirts of Bangkok. I like to exercise daily by walking and jogging, however there are no suitable areas near my home for these types of activities. I have 3 options in regards to where I run, 2 busy roads & one quiter smaller road. Naturally after 55 near death experiences per mile on the larger roads I have decided to stick to the smaller road for safety.

On the smaller road I have to pass a shop where two large dogs are becoming more and more agressive each time I pass by. These dogs are not soi dogs, are well fed (about 40kg) and BIG! Last week one of these dogs lunged at me so I kicked it & stopped it. I have attempted to speak with the dogs owner, however she is indifferent to the situation & actually amused by it. Today the dog attacked me, tearing my shirt near my shoulder & biting my arm. My GF went to see the owner of the dog & upon speaking her to her in the street she abused and threatened us with a broom :D:o ....being a coward at heart when it comes to thai ladies and brooms I accelerated away from her on my motorcycle (thank godness i have big 150cc power :D ).

Went to see the local Police Sergeant who told us:-

a.) That if the dog injured me & was in fact owned by someone (ie; not soi dog) then the owner would have to pay for my treatment to make me well again.

b.) I was allowed in future to carry something to protect myself from the attacking animal (ie: a stick) but was only to use this defensively, special note: No chasing the dog down and flogging it.

c.) We did the wrong thing by going to this woman's location and trying to speak to her about her dogs it & if in fact an Assault with the broom or any other type of assault had occurred then WE were at fault and the Police would have to attend to settle that situation.

d.) Police could not attend to request something be done with these animals to PREVENT someone from being injured.

Has anyone experience anything similar to this? Any advice or ideas?

nb: I would also like to point out that I was actually very pleased with the actions of the Police Sergeant who was very professional and pleasant,....it would appear that laws in relation to this type of thing are almost non-existant.

In all my years in Thailand having come across I don't know how many millions of dogs I have never had a problem. I guess I am justing putting this out there to the broader TV community to see if there is anything that I havent been told regarding dog attacks in thailand?

Did you really go to the police and did the police really say some of those things?

My girlfriend was once bitten by a ferocious dog near here house in Bangkok. She reported it to the police and the owner had to pay both the medical and compensation. The latter was 1,000Baht. She was asked whether she wanted to have the dog put down. She said no.

The owner of the dog was then ordered by the police to keep it chained up inside. She would be prosecuted if she let the dog out on to the streets again alone and without a muzzle.

If this OP is speaking the truth, then he needs to get a second opinion.

Edited by ThaiEye
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Buy Yourself a SHOCKER- or TEASER - HIGH VOLTAGE one .

so the next time some dog want a pcs of you , you can give HIm a HIGH TIME .


Dog react to SCENT , And also choosing the right time to Job shoukld be consider ,

try taking a shower before you JOG .

chnage YOur Shoe - and SUn it .

the smell from your Shoe the dog remeber , and if you had attacked it before . there will do it again .


DOG NOSE ..is their weak POINT .

if it Do come at it . Try to AIM and Smash it NOSE as hard as you can . -


If you do have distance - A good Smash on the Front leg would do the trick .


IF a Dog Jump at you . Best way to avoid it is is LIFT your KNEE --like a muay thai style attack .the KNEE would block Him from advacing

i learn this cos i do have a 70 kg DOg in my House and he do love to dash at me and i alway stop it by lefting my KNEE to cushion his dash at the same time Protecting myself from falling -- It would take some training to do this .


GET yourself a MEAN PIT BULL or a LARGE dog to go JOGGING with you ..

A ALPHA MAKE DOG jogging with you would chase the rest away .


Buy yourself a THREADMILL start jogging at HOME .


CHiangmai is a nice place with less SCAREY DOG


good luck .

IF you hit the dog he will remeber you , so make sure you hit it hard so he is scared of you .

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I am quite surprised the police have this attitude as I have heard of aggressive dangerous dogs being put down by the police for attacking people. Sounds like your policeman was a friend of this lady. Perhaps try someone higher up the food chain than the one you talked to.

Edited by LadyHeather
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I am quite surprised the police have this attitude as I have heard of aggressive dangerous dogs being put down by the police for attacking people. Sounds like your policeman was a friend of this lady. Perhaps try someone higher up the food chain than the one you talked to.

Put the dog or the owner down?

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Has anyone experience anything similar to this? Any advice or ideas?

nb: I would also like to point out that I was actually very pleased with the actions of the Police Sergeant who was very professional and pleasant,....it would appear that laws in relation to this type of thing are almost non-existant

I bought an ultrasonic hand held zapper, works great with mature dogs, not so well with little ones.

The device emits an ultrasonic signal which is not harmful. It can also be used to train obedience in dogs.

I bought it on EBAY.


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We have a large German Shepard & he can be aggresive at times, my wife says if he bites someone thats not invited in side the borders of the home then thats ok but outside then payment as to be made & loss of the dog if the attacked complain to the police.

I don't understand this lady's reaction as we always say sorry when he gets aggresive around strangers & always call him back.

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I am quite surprised the police have this attitude as I have heard of aggressive dangerous dogs being put down by the police for attacking people. Sounds like your policeman was a friend of this lady. Perhaps try someone higher up the food chain than the one you talked to.

Put the dog or the owner down?

Both, at least the dog has more sense than the owners.

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Listen to Ceaser, stay calm and assertive. Act like a pack leader.


Hmm. as the pack leader you get many benefits, first to eat, <deleted> (take a shower), priority sleeping arrangements and of course the most important thing. FACE.

Try it sometime, you might like it.

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As i am a soi dog i have the best advice.

Always carry a stick. It would scare me if you waved it out me and give me seconds thoughts about biting you.

At the end of the day you were on his bit of turf, He is the boss you trespassed.

Stick will solve the problem. :o

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I live on the outskirts of Bangkok. I like to exercise daily by walking and jogging, however there are no suitable areas near my home for these types of activities. I have 3 options in regards to where I run, 2 busy roads & one quiter smaller road. Naturally after 55 near death experiences per mile on the larger roads I have decided to stick to the smaller road for safety.

On the smaller road I have to pass a shop where two large dogs are becoming more and more agressive each time I pass by. These dogs are not soi dogs, are well fed (about 40kg) and BIG! Last week one of these dogs lunged at me so I kicked it & stopped it. I have attempted to speak with the dogs owner, however she is indifferent to the situation & actually amused by it. Today the dog attacked me, tearing my shirt near my shoulder & biting my arm. My GF went to see the owner of the dog & upon speaking her to her in the street she abused and threatened us with a broom :D:o ....being a coward at heart when it comes to thai ladies and brooms I accelerated away from her on my motorcycle (thank godness i have big 150cc power :D ).

Went to see the local Police Sergeant who told us:-

a.) That if the dog injured me & was in fact owned by someone (ie; not soi dog) then the owner would have to pay for my treatment to make me well again.

b.) I was allowed in future to carry something to protect myself from the attacking animal (ie: a stick) but was only to use this defensively, special note: No chasing the dog down and flogging it.

c.) We did the wrong thing by going to this woman's location and trying to speak to her about her dogs it & if in fact an Assault with the broom or any other type of assault had occurred then WE were at fault and the Police would have to attend to settle that situation.

d.) Police could not attend to request something be done with these animals to PREVENT someone from being injured.

Has anyone experience anything similar to this? Any advice or ideas?

nb: I would also like to point out that I was actually very pleased with the actions of the Police Sergeant who was very professional and pleasant,....it would appear that laws in relation to this type of thing are almost non-existant.

In all my years in Thailand having come across I don't know how many millions of dogs I have never had a problem. I guess I am justing putting this out there to the broader TV community to see if there is anything that I havent been told regarding dog attacks in thailand?

As taught in my school to defuse aggressive dog situation..Stand still and do not make eye contact with the dog it will probably loose interst. If you are running then you are prey to the dog.

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I live on the outskirts of Bangkok. I like to exercise daily by walking and jogging, however there are no suitable areas near my home for these types of activities. I have 3 options in regards to where I run, 2 busy roads & one quiter smaller road. Naturally after 55 near death experiences per mile on the larger roads I have decided to stick to the smaller road for safety.

On the smaller road I have to pass a shop where two large dogs are becoming more and more agressive each time I pass by. These dogs are not soi dogs, are well fed (about 40kg) and BIG! Last week one of these dogs lunged at me so I kicked it & stopped it. I have attempted to speak with the dogs owner, however she is indifferent to the situation & actually amused by it. Today the dog attacked me, tearing my shirt near my shoulder & biting my arm. My GF went to see the owner of the dog & upon speaking her to her in the street she abused and threatened us with a broom :D:o ....being a coward at heart when it comes to thai ladies and brooms I accelerated away from her on my motorcycle (thank godness i have big 150cc power :D ).

Went to see the local Police Sergeant who told us:-

a.) That if the dog injured me & was in fact owned by someone (ie; not soi dog) then the owner would have to pay for my treatment to make me well again.

b.) I was allowed in future to carry something to protect myself from the attacking animal (ie: a stick) but was only to use this defensively, special note: No chasing the dog down and flogging it.

c.) We did the wrong thing by going to this woman's location and trying to speak to her about her dogs it & if in fact an Assault with the broom or any other type of assault had occurred then WE were at fault and the Police would have to attend to settle that situation.

d.) Police could not attend to request something be done with these animals to PREVENT someone from being injured.

Has anyone experience anything similar to this? Any advice or ideas?

nb: I would also like to point out that I was actually very pleased with the actions of the Police Sergeant who was very professional and pleasant,....it would appear that laws in relation to this type of thing are almost non-existant.

In all my years in Thailand having come across I don't know how many millions of dogs I have never had a problem. I guess I am justing putting this out there to the broader TV community to see if there is anything that I havent been told regarding dog attacks in thailand?

As taught in my school to defuse aggressive dog situation..Stand still and do not make eye contact with the dog it will probably loose interst. If you are running then you are prey to the dog.

Easier said than done mate.

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When I'm jogging around Bangkok, I always carry 3 or 4 hand grenades, just in case this sort of thing happens. :D

Do you wear a red shirt too?

Sorry had to say that.

Mods please delete this distasteful post. :o

Just delete that avatar, looks like something a soi dog would be ashamed to be seen wearing.

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