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Only In Thailand You Got Love It !


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For the past few days the farmers have been blocking roads in Kingdom to protest and make demands.

The highlight was to today around 1400 hours when the farmers in Chaing Rai were complaining that no government officials had came to talk to them.

Now wouldn't have been kinder instead of running the news story to just tell them till the proper documents had been executed.

That might have better luck next week when there was someone to talk to them

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For the past few days the farmers have been blocking roads in Kingdom to protest and make demands.

The highlight was to today around 1400 hours when the farmers in Chaing Rai were complaining that no government officials had came to talk to them.

Now wouldn't have been kinder instead of running the news story to just tell them till the proper documents had been executed.

That might have better luck next week when there was someone to talk to them

Could you please re-write this in intelligeable English , makes NO SENSE as written , i am not PC , just interested in what you have to say .

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Funny reread makes perfect since to me.

Farmers were protesting a government that didn't exist as no one had been made PM yet and wondered why no one was talking to them from the government.

Does that help

Maybe you had to be there :o

Signature stays

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Should you be refering to me , i was not joking , i was not deriding you , i wished to know that to what you were refering . I can only add that , should no one ask you to repeat in a better manner , how then would you percieve you were not understood ? As a young man i was told to always ask the question WHY , when the answers where not forthcoming , to move to a more appropriate source . Merely percieving to understand a statement , belies the intent to attain knowledge , and does in fact , insult the mentality of the person who originated an instruction or giving of knowledge . We can only learn by being somewhat humble at certain times , that does not in any way make us stupid , to deny the fact of not understanding makes you stupid , because that is what you will become .

No offence made or inferred .

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I was not offeneded at all, 62 years old believe me I know I'm a terrible writer.

I will try a better explantion then maybe we can just let this die because it really is not worht getting upset over.

Here in Thailand we just lost anther Government through the courts. It has been all over the paper that all the different parties were trying to gain the PM position.

They finally had an election, the PM was elected. However until there is Royal Endorsment there is no PM in the country. In the intrem the country floats along on existing laws. But really no one has the power to OK anything that would be out of the normal government operations only the PM can do that

The farmers were blocking road all over Thailand in an effort to gain financial support for their crops. So for those past few days there was no one who grant the Farmers wishes as the Royal endorcement had not been done yet.

Now as a farrang if I understood that it seemed to me that the people complaing that no one was talking to them, surprised me. I thought they would know no one had the authority at that time to help or talk to them.

Welll we have a PM now and someone can talk to them now.

That's the full explanation.

See told you not worth the fuss, beleive me I was not offended at all. Actually feel bad about getting people upset at all.

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I was not offeneded at all, 62 years old believe me I know I'm a terrible writer.

I will try a better explantion then maybe we can just let this die because it really is not worht getting upset over.

Here in Thailand we just lost anther Government through the courts. It has been all over the paper that all the different parties were trying to gain the PM position.

They finally had an election, the PM was elected. However until there is Royal Endorsment there is no PM in the country. In the intrem the country floats along on existing laws. But really no one has the power to OK anything that would be out of the normal government operations only the PM can do that

The farmers were blocking road all over Thailand in an effort to gain financial support for their crops. So for those past few days there was no one who grant the Farmers wishes as the Royal endorcement had not been done yet.

Now as a farrang if I understood that it seemed to me that the people complaing that no one was talking to them, surprised me. I thought they would know no one had the authority at that time to help or talk to them.

Welll we have a PM now and someone can talk to them now.

That's the full explanation.

See told you not worth the fuss, beleive me I was not offended at all. Actually feel bad about getting people upset at all.

Actually, I think it is a pretty good story, both humorous and a little sad at the same time. And thank you for posting it.

But I have to admit, I also didn't know what you were trying to convey until your second post.

Sometimes I go off on some tangent with fingers flying on the keyboard, and when I go back an re-read what I wrote, I don't have a clue myself as to what I was trying to say! :o

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And the following day after we had a PM

"Corn growers stop protest after satisfactory talks

CHIANG RAI, Dec 17 (TNA) - Corn growers in the northern provinces of Chiang Rai and Phrae dispersed after a two-day road blockade, in which they were demanding the government extend time and increase quotas for their produce mortgage. According to reports, corn growers in Loei and Nan however continued their protests.

Negotiations among local authorities, silo operators and corn growers brought about satisfactory results in Chiang Rai and Phrae, so the protesters dispersed.

Silo operators accepted to store produce for one month without charge but farmers would have to pay 320 baht per tonne of corn to cover the cost of keeping their produce in good condition with no excess moisture.

Their produce would be stored until the new government launched a new mortgage scheme to help the growers. If the government had no new scheme, silo operators would buy produce at the market price.

The Public Warehouse Organisation announced the closure of the government’s corn mortgage scheme on Monday, saying its quota of 500,000 tonnes was full. That prompted corn growers to block roads in several provinces in the north and the northeast.

The government’s guaranteed price of corn in the mortgage scheme was eight baht 50 satang about two baht higher than the current market price. (TNA)"

Maybe they just wanted to be first in line cause I think it is going to be a long line :o

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don't worry about it ray, you didn't upset us all...only the English Lit majors residing in Cambodia. :o

I have no idea what your problem is bbk , i was not upset and made a point of saying so , a few others , in Thailand of course , who made a similar point as mine , were not refered to . I am not a literature major , but i was interested in what ray had to say , he responded in a happy , helpfull way .

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Interesting I hadn't noice that before you are in Cambodia how's life there?

Did you live here before?

How abut a quick comparison of the two if so?

Guys nothing to get upset about here, like I said before not earth shattering,

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Interesting I hadn't noice that before you are in Cambodia how's life there?

Did you live here before?

How abut a quick comparison of the two if so?

Guys nothing to get upset about here, like I said before not earth shattering,

I lived happily in Thailand for several years as i have mentioned in previous posts when certain PCs thought as 'An outsider' , i should not or could not have , a thought or opinion worth considering . I still visit 'Thier country ' on occassion to visit with friends .

It is not easy to give a quick comparison in my mind , one needs to live in a country for some time to get a feel for what is actualy happening around ones self and ones particular requisites in life . Primarily i thought the two peoples would be somewhat similar , due to the fact they had both lived more or less together for many years in a shared land , shared the same religion (Culture) and much of what is Thailand was copied from the Khymer race . They are not alike in many ways , nor is the religion or culture comparable , both have gone in split directions and the Thai appear to hold animosity over thier 'Lesser ' neighbours as reflected in some of the denegrating comments by Westerners who truly believe they have become Thai because they habituate some non descript village and live on 'The fat of the land ' . I also spent a fair amount of time in a village , but that is what it was and is , although pleasant and peacefull , not what i call a life , just living . To make that comparison more clearly , there are those who eat to live , and then there are those who live to eat , and never the twain shall meet .

There is rarely anything to be upset about on TV , but at times things are sometimes likely to push a wrong button at the wrong time . We all only come this way once in a life time , live , let live , and enjoy , it turns out to be a very short trip . Maybe i am one of the fortunate ones , three quarters of a century plus , and still going strong , do not consider i have the time to spend mulling over silly idiosincrocies , have a nice day .

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The reason I'm asking is I haven't been there yet. do you live in a beach area.?

How are costs compared to the Issan area?

I keep thinking about a bike ride there, but my bike isn't a dirt bike and I think that could be a problem. How are the roads this time of year Non rainey season?

Most of my entertainment comes from tour riding, here in Udon plenty to do within 400Klms mostly with good roads. I think I would miss that.

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For the past few days the farmers have been blocking roads in Kingdom to protest and make demands.

The highlight was to today around 1400 hours when the farmers in Chaing Rai were complaining that no government officials had came to talk to them.

Now wouldn't have been kinder instead of running the news story to just tell them till the proper documents had been executed.

That might have better luck next week when there was someone to talk to them

i see someone's taking advantage of the wifi in a bar.

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For the past few days the farmers have been blocking roads in Kingdom to protest and make demands.

The highlight was to today around 1400 hours when the farmers in Chaing Rai were complaining that no government officials had came to talk to them.

Now wouldn't have been kinder instead of running the news story to just tell them till the proper documents had been executed.

That might have better luck next week when there was someone to talk to them

i see someone's taking advantage of the wifi in a bar.

Oh I wish no excuse don't drink :o

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