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Is It Worth Retiring And Heading To Thailand Now?


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I don't know your health and age, but if you can work - do so, and save money for retiring. The problem is - prices in thailand are going up, many products are as expensive as in London, some twice more expensive. £ will go down and with the british economy your pension is under question mark.

but do frequently take long holidays in thailand

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April not the best time to fly London to Thailand, what with the Songkran thing, beaches will be busy.

Beautifull dreamer , waken not to me but to reality , this is not the time to relocate in haste to a country stricken and in the throws of internal conflict of varying degrees and nature .Despite flight arrivals being restricted , arrivals are down almost 50% , why would one assume then that all is well in the land OZ ? I mean the wizard of , not the contemporary one .

On top of the decline at this depressing time (to some) , there are many who chose to make Thailand their home that are leaving for climes more entertaining toward their arrival . Not only is it that you are not welcomed here by officialdom , even expats are praying you will stay away , so as not to disturb their feeling of absolute bliss in a haven specifically construed for their absolute personal pleasure and enjoyment , you are not welcome in many aspects .

Ride it out for a while , at least you know what gives where you currently reside , Thailand at this time is an unknown kettle of fish , even to the Thai people , it would be impertenant and inapropriate of me to suggest an alternative destination at this time of global upheaval , patience at this time will play to your advantage . It would behove you more to enact a plan of retrieving your position if all does not bide well for you in this land called Thailand , bridges need to be maintained as many have realised to their detriment , too late has proven to be too little .Someone on the banks of the Avon where i was born once said " List ye not to the ill affected , providence is bred not born "'" Ye are the maker of thine own destiny, trust not in the infantile whims of another "

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April not the best time to fly London to Thailand, what with the Songkran thing, beaches will be busy.

Beautifull dreamer , waken not to me but to reality , this is not the time to relocate in haste to a country stricken and in the throws of internal conflict of varying degrees and nature .Despite flight arrivals being restricted , arrivals are down almost 50% , why would one assume then that all is well in the land OZ ? I mean the wizard of , not the contemporary one .

On top of the decline at this depressing time (to some) , there are many who chose to make Thailand their home that are leaving for climes more entertaining toward their arrival . Not only is it that you are not welcomed here by officialdom , even expats are praying you will stay away , so as not to disturb their feeling of absolute bliss in a haven specifically construed for their absolute personal pleasure and enjoyment , you are not welcome in many aspects .

Ride it out for a while , at least you know what gives where you currently reside , Thailand at this time is an unknown kettle of fish , even to the Thai people , it would be impertenant and inapropriate of me to suggest an alternative destination at this time of global upheaval , patience at this time will play to your advantage . It would behove you more to enact a plan of retrieving your position if all does not bide well for you in this land called Thailand , bridges need to be maintained as many have realised to their detriment , too late has proven to be too little .Someone on the banks of the Avon where i was born once said " List ye not to the ill affected , providence is bred not born "'" Ye are the maker of thine own destiny, trust not in the infantile whims of another "


You could throw in the towel & just pack a small port, bag, case...whatever you want to call it and have a little holiday...you know, get ready for the retirement :o

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boring London

(Reads that and splurts tea all over his keyboard... )

I guess it takes all sorts, but London Boring... :o

Yes, boring.

I work, I day dream of Thailand, I spend not working hours on the internet reading about Thailand, I sleep, I dream about Thailand.

If I was a LOT younger, perhaps I would be a clubber, but not my scene. Museums- got the t shirt. Anything costing money- not on, as saving for Thailand.

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I am currently waiting for April/ low season before retiring,

What are you retiring from ?

What are you 'sacrificing' by coming over sooner ?

If you have the opportunity to go earlier, and the economics stack up, just do it :o

Only sacrificing income to go. However, no one has yet answered as to whether the hotel prices are down. Budget would be tight even at low season prices, and impossible at high season prices.

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are you going to stay in hotels all your retirement in thailand?

got yourself an apartment for 5k/month or the whole house for 10k (and eventually share with somebody) - accommodation is the biggest single expenditure. Hotel, even in the lowest season, is burning your money fast.

think not as a tourist, but as a resident - high or low season are irrelevant to them

Edited by londonthai
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I don't follow the GBP THB exchange rate, but with the AUD / THB I note that everything is 50% dearer than before.

It's still a great place, but allow for much, much, higher living costs.

Prices dropped at hotels? I don't think so.

You know the Thai mentality, when business is bad they put their prices UP! :o

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