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Terrorists Planning Attack


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Let's not go on. I accept some of what has been said since my post. Tornado! one of your points was very valid. However, i don't think im so very wrong. The main message behind my post was that we should exercise some caution. I made my comments after reading a few others that were along the lines of "if we change our ways they win".

Would anyone suggest that the extra security at airports is a waste of time? Well that is an example of us changing our ways.

When we consider how many countries are affected and the scope of terrorist activities it flies in the face of anyone that belives it is only a few individuals.

I do enjoy this site so much more than mango sauce, threads there ofton sank into name calling.

Merry christmas

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I base my opinions, and they are just that, on what i have seen on my travels and at home.

I recall september 11th and an incident that happened in my home city.  There is a large mosque (a place of worship bear in mind) and on the day when most of us were shocked by the twin towers, people saw some of the local muslim population elated at the carnage that members of their faith had caused. 

No offense intended, but you only need look.

There were also many people dancing in the street after the Bush election, it doesnt make them terrorists either :D

Where was this happening, Gent? :D

We all know it was a very fortuitous event but "dancing in the streets"?

...been reading too many of those conspiracy tales again... :o

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Let's not go on.  I accept some of what has been said since my post.  Tornado! one of your points was very valid.  However, i don't think im so very wrong.  The main message behind my post was that we should exercise some caution.  I made my comments after reading a few others that were along the lines of "if we change our ways they win".

Would anyone suggest that the extra security at airports is a waste of time?  Well that is an example of us changing our ways.

When we consider how many countries are affected and the scope of terrorist activities it flies in the face of anyone that belives it is only a few individuals.

I do enjoy this site so much more than mango sauce, threads there ofton sank into name calling. 

Merry christmas

Merry Christmas :o

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I base my opinions, and they are just that, on what i have seen on my travels and at home.

I recall september 11th and an incident that happened in my home city.  There is a large mosque (a place of worship bear in mind) and on the day when most of us were shocked by the twin towers, people saw some of the local muslim population elated at the carnage that members of their faith had caused. 

No offense intended, but you only need look.

There were also many people dancing in the street after the Bush election, it doesnt make them terrorists either :D

Where was this happening, Gent? :D

We all know it was a very fortuitous event but "dancing in the streets"?

...been reading too many of those conspiracy tales again... :o

I thought Fox news was your favourite, plenty of footage on the day :D

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I trust no news source, no politican and will not live my life in hiding - how about you?

Words to live by! :o

I'm sure all the poor souls in the Bali attack said the same thing. As a foreigner in any country you should be prudent about where you tread...

Bates, you should come here... and you do have the right attitude.

Can't live your life in a hole I'm afraid- thats exactly what terrorists want and I'll be damned if I let those bastards control where I go or what I do.

who said anything about living in a hole? I said be prudent!

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Where was this happening, Gent? :D

We all know it was a very fortuitous event but "dancing in the streets"?

...been reading too many of those conspiracy tales again... :o

That's right, who can forget that the folks who support Bush don't necessarily approve of sinful temptations such as dancing. :D

But back to the topic at hand, I don't personally worry too much about attacks happening in Bangkok, but I do feel guilty that I missed my sister-in-law's wedding last month because I was too nervous to travel to Yala. I don't know if I was more worried about myself or attracting unwanted attention to my wife and the rest of her family during their celebrations. :D

I don't know why, but I felt less welcome out in public in Yala a few years ago with my wife's family than I do in Bangkok, and this is before everything went crazy in the world. I barely knew anything about the local history so I do not think I was imagining it.

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I have been wondering how long it would take the Muslim separatists in the South to recognize that they can put enormous pressure on the central government by attacking the tourist trade.  A single incident on the scale of the Bali attack would severely reduce tourist arrivals.  It seems to me that such an incident is almost certain in Thailand because of the political advantage available to the separatists. 

However, even if such an attack did take place I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to travel to Thailand.  Terrorism as a form of warfare depends on the magnification of relatively small acts of violence by the media to the point that large portions of the population feel irrationally afraid.  They feel afraid because people habitually confuse vividness with likelihood.  For example, when the shark movie of the 70's, "Jaws", came out, the count of swimmers at the beaches actually went down for a while.  The unpleasantness of being eaten by a shark does not make it even remotely likely.  Here in New York it is true that upwards of 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attack, but approximately 7,997,000 people did not.  I'll take those odds any day.

Khun Pad Thai

I can totally agree, I'm not going to let a group of fanatic terrorist run my life, if I have to die, rather in Thailand than any other place, I went just after 9-11 and was there during the Bali bomb, it can happen anywhere.

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>>>Well if you have to die might as well be in Thailand- can't say I'd want to die in anywhere else in the world! Seriously can't control what nutters are going to do- could easily fall prey when you are back at home. Carry on as you normally would is the best advice anyone can give you.<<<<

A sound philosophy!

BBC News today reports attacks at tourist spots in 2005.


So, if you are frightened off, you stay at home and get stabbed by a nutter (BBC News, today, also!)


Sawadee Pi Mai. Oh, but then keep off the roads, the government is expecting drunken drivers anfd high death toll!

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I base my opinions, and they are just that, on what i have seen on my travels and at home.

I recall september 11th and an incident that happened in my home city.  There is a large mosque (a place of worship bear in mind) and on the day when most of us were shocked by the twin towers, people saw some of the local muslim population elated at the carnage that members of their faith had caused. 

No offense intended, but you only need look.

There were also many people dancing in the street after the Bush election, it doesnt make them terrorists either :D

Where was this happening, Gent? :D

We all know it was a very fortuitous event but "dancing in the streets"?

...been reading too many of those conspiracy tales again... :D

I thought Fox news was your favourite, plenty of footage on the day :D

Well, that's what you get for thinking again, Gent! :D

Truth be told - seldom watch it... :o

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