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New Friday Night Market


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I just received this email and thought that I'd pass it on....

We would like to inform you about GamPeangNgam Community that they will have a night market in the community every Fridays. People there will sell local goods and food and several other things. This Friday will be their first Friday so they will have a Grand Opening with a music band around 5 pm, but the market will open for everybody from 3.00 pm - 10.00 pm. And the people of GamPeangNgam asked us to invite you to join this special event.

For those not familiar with this area, it is a rather poor neighbourhood just a few blocks from the Night Bazaar. If you are on Chang Klang and turn onto SriDonChai road, turn left at the first intersetion (if you turn right you enter Imperial Mae Ping). Travel down the road about 3-400m. The Friday Night Market should be easily seen.

From what I've been told, it's a local community-driven event.

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I just received this email and thought that I'd pass it on....

We would like to inform you about GamPeangNgam Community that they will have a night market in the community every Fridays. People there will sell local goods and food and several other things. This Friday will be their first Friday so they will have a Grand Opening with a music band around 5 pm, but the market will open for everybody from 3.00 pm - 10.00 pm. And the people of GamPeangNgam asked us to invite you to join this special event.

For those not familiar with this area, it is a rather poor neighbourhood just a few blocks from the Night Bazaar. If you are on Chang Klang and turn onto SriDonChai road, turn left at the first intersetion (if you turn right you enter Imperial Mae Ping). Travel down the road about 3-400m. The Friday Night Market should be easily seen.

From what I've been told, it's a local community-driven event.

Isn't that where all the Burmese hookers hang out? Nice part of town :o

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> Isn't that where all the Burmese hookers hang out?

No, that's Wiang Ping. (Left from there, then right at the traffic lights, just after Daeng Pratu car shop where they fix all those fancy electrical bits in your car for FAR less money than your dealer. (windows, mirrors, etc.))

More intriguingly though, is Kamphaeng Ngam a new politically correct name for Kamphaeng Din? If you'd just say Kamphaeng Din then everyone would know where to find it. (Kamphaeng Din, the bit South of Sridonchai)

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quote ...... it was much bigger than I thought it would be.

i didnt go in as its probably the same stuff they sell outside my door in Wualai Road every saturday night so theres not much point in me going.

enjoy Xmas ...... dave2

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> Isn't that where all the Burmese hookers hang out?

No, that's Wiang Ping. (Left from there, then right at the traffic lights, just after Daeng Pratu car shop where they fix all those fancy electrical bits in your car for FAR less money than your dealer. (windows, mirrors, etc.))

More intriguingly though, is Kamphaeng Ngam a new politically correct name for Kamphaeng Din? If you'd just say Kamphaeng Din then everyone would know where to find it. (Kamphaeng Din, the bit South of Sridonchai)

I'm probably not going to make it to the market. I manage to stumble onto about one per day as it is. I would like more detailed directions to Daeng Pratu car shop though. Sounds like just what I'm looking for. TIA

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Daeng Pratu.

Head south on Kampaengdin Rd from Imperial Mae Ping/ Sridonchai Rd intersection, follow the road until it goes left over a small bridge (over smelly canal Nam Mae Kha). After you've crossed the bridge on your left there's a house/shop back from the road, then a small soi and then the next building is Daeng Gong Pratu. It's like a big enclosed hanger and spare parts shop joined together. (If you hit the intersection with traffic lights you have gone too far.)

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Daeng Pratu.

Head south on Kampaengdin Rd from Imperial Mae Ping/ Sridonchai Rd intersection, follow the road until it goes left over a small bridge (over smelly canal Nam Mae Kha). After you've crossed the bridge on your left there's a house/shop back from the road, then a small soi and then the next building is Daeng Gong Pratu. It's like a big enclosed hanger and spare parts shop joined together. (If you hit the intersection with traffic lights you have gone too far.)

Thanks Sally.

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