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Internet Speeds, Clients & Servers


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based on my limited understanding it would seems internet speeds vary, to various reasons

1. Quality of Internet Infrastructure at your home / work / school ( are you using dial-up, dsl, broadband, satelittle, ) does your dsl have good quality phone lines, or for broadband do you have access to fiber optics, etc

2. Internet is like a highway guess it depends on the destination your heading to, time of day, and traffic

3. Amount of people on a website server that you are connecting to

4. Amount of price you are paying just to use your ISP network to log on to the internet

5. in the case of thailand doing a traceroute reveals 12 hops just running around thailand before going through cat gateway. ( very very poorly done must say )

just my understandings on this matter from what i've read. would like answers or more understanding if possible

1. I have windows, mac, linux whenever I'm doing updates for anything of these usually in this order

mac ( updates are incredibly slow no matter what time of day it is, usally have to go to a place that has extremely fast internet to get my updates, is it because of server issues, location or what.

windows ( updates are always coming not totally true but seems that way, I assume updates are slow to fast, since so much of windows has a high volume of market share = way to many people access the server for updates usually always requires me to go to a place that has extremely fast internet usually a place where I can get access to more than 200kps

Linux ( updates on here are very fast since i let my software sources choose a close, fast server near me, speeds are always 100kps - 220kps this is just doing this at home. never have to drive to a place for really fast internet

any possible way of getting faster reliable updates for windows or mac, possibly a closer server location without having to drive someone for high speed access??

2. Would really like understanding of internet cables, I understand that most universities have direct access to a 10Gbps Internet Cable and that most unground / underwater cables are also 10Gbps cables, am aware that network solutions in the U.S. what developing a device that would allow 10 (10Gbps) in a box. allowing better free up on internet use.

3. Don't know if this exists or not but has anyone built a 1 tyrabyte per second cable.

4. More simple way of explaining the Border Gateway Protocol

Any answers you can provide would be very helpful.

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based on my limited understanding it would seems internet speeds vary, to various reasons

1. Quality of Internet Infrastructure at your home / work / school ( are you using dial-up, dsl, broadband, satelittle, ) does your dsl have good quality phone lines, or for broadband do you have access to fiber optics, etc

2. Internet is like a highway guess it depends on the destination your heading to, time of day, and traffic

3. Amount of people on a website server that you are connecting to

4. Amount of price you are paying just to use your ISP network to log on to the internet

5. in the case of thailand doing a traceroute reveals 12 hops just running around thailand before going through cat gateway. ( very very poorly done must say )

just my understandings on this matter from what i've read. would like answers or more understanding if possible

1. I have windows, mac, linux whenever I'm doing updates for anything of these usually in this order

mac ( updates are incredibly slow no matter what time of day it is, usally have to go to a place that has extremely fast internet to get my updates, is it because of server issues, location or what.

windows ( updates are always coming not totally true but seems that way, I assume updates are slow to fast, since so much of windows has a high volume of market share = way to many people access the server for updates usually always requires me to go to a place that has extremely fast internet usually a place where I can get access to more than 200kps

Linux ( updates on here are very fast since i let my software sources choose a close, fast server near me, speeds are always 100kps - 220kps this is just doing this at home. never have to drive to a place for really fast internet

any possible way of getting faster reliable updates for windows or mac, possibly a closer server location without having to drive someone for high speed access??

2. Would really like understanding of internet cables, I understand that most universities have direct access to a 10Gbps Internet Cable and that most unground / underwater cables are also 10Gbps cables, am aware that network solutions in the U.S. what developing a device that would allow 10 (10Gbps) in a box. allowing better free up on internet use.

3. Don't know if this exists or not but has anyone built a 1 tyrabyte per second cable.

4. More simple way of explaining the Border Gateway Protocol

Any answers you can provide would be very helpful.

In my home country I have an cable LAN Internet/telephone connection speed of 15Mbps with a 30GB monthly download and its also include land line telephone with free calls 24/7 on all national and EU land line numbers, mobile phone and cable television 45 stations all from one company for about 2250 Baht a month.

is there some provider in the Bangkok area where I can have something similar;

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In my home country I have an cable LAN Internet/telephone connection speed of 15Mbps with a 30GB monthly download and its also include land line telephone with free calls 24/7 on all national and EU land line numbers, mobile phone and cable television 45 stations all from one company for about 2250 Baht a month.

is there some provider in the Bangkok area where I can have something similar;

LOL if there is then i would happily pay 22,500 baht per month for it!

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but seriously, the fastest internet i have experienced is at 15mbps at the conrad serviced apartments, I got shown around and was told the cheapest rate they could do for a 1 bedroom was 100,000 a month. the gym was tiny, the room was pretty awful (considering how expensive it was), the only good thing was that when i did the speed test for the internet i got 11mbps which is awesome! i went to ascott and got a nicer rate there, 72k for a 2 bedroom and they arranged a separate line 5mbps adsl with true which worked well. now im in a condo and im on 4mbps true.. gonna try and get them to boost me back to 5.. who do i have to bribe -.-

seems like the fastest non-hotel/serviced residence internet is 4mbps, most hotels internet are AWFUL from my experience.. disconnect a lot, bad speeds, inconsistent speeds.. im sure they dont have any kind of priority for web traffic over something like torrents and multithreaded downloads >.<

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You are sure asking a lot. Please refer to the wikipedia links and if you have specific questions please feel free to ask, but it's unreasonable to expect anyone to rewrite general information that is available all over the internet.

1. any possible way of getting faster reliable updates for windows or mac, possibly a closer server location without having to drive someone for high speed access??

Some ISP's have good international bandwidth, such as CAT Maxnet service (from what I've heard). True and TOT are spotty at best.

2. Would really like understanding of internet cables, I understand that most universities have direct access to a 10Gbps Internet Cable and that most unground / underwater cables are also 10Gbps cables, am aware that network solutions in the U.S. what developing a device that would allow 10 (10Gbps) in a box. allowing better free up on internet use.

Well, the Asia-America Gateway should have a capacity between 1.28 - 2 terabits per second. Submarine cables contain many fiber strands.

3. Don't know if this exists or not but has anyone built a 1 tyrabyte per second cable.

The above is a terabit capacity cable. I don't know of any individual cables that have terabyte/sec capacity but they may well exist.

4. More simple way of explaining the Border Gateway Protocol


Again, a more specific question about something you don't understand would help us to help you.

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