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Sinsod (dowry)/thong Mun (engagement Gold), Allowance Sanity Check, Late 2008.

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I wanna be a Thai chick come next life. Can someone advise what sorta merit I got to make to make it happen. PLEASE!!

OP X <how many single male ATM's> = a fargin awesome pool to tap.


My Thai finacee is 26 years old, I'm 40; we've been together two years, we met in Bangkok. She's from Sisaket originally, lives here in Bangkok in a flat I provide in the Sukhumvit area. I provide her with a 60,000 ThB/month (high, I think) allowance, 10,000 ThB of which she apparently gives to her mother; I'm also paying her tuition to go to university next year to study hospitality management, and I plan on buying her a car, as the university is quite a ways outside of Bangkok, near Dreamworld. My fiancee is, surprisingly, an only child.

I recently gave my fiancee 50,000 ThB, which she used to purchase a 4-baht gold bracelet for Thong Mun; I was given to understand that this was a prerequisite for us to visit her home in Sisaket together. We talked about the sinsod for her marriage, and she says her mother believes that ~500,000 ThB is the going rate for farangs marrying girls from Sisaket. Is this correct, or is it high?

Now I learn that my fiancee's mother has told her that if we visit Sisaket together, I must not say that I bought her a 4-baht Thong Mun, as this will be considered laughable by the locals, amongst whom 8-baht and even 10-baht Thong Mun is the norm. I find this quite to believe; any insight greatly appreciated!

you are being systematically cleaned out. Its time to drop that hot potateo.


Mods - thanks for the courtesy of the edit. :o

Note to self: exercise more control over the use of the English language when responding to D!ckhead posts.


Perhaps if you increased the dowry offer from 500k up to, say, 5 million then that might convince the family that you are worthy of marrying their daughter and becoming part of the family.

But act fast.....There are not that many bargirls from Isaan willing and able to do nothing for 50k a month, plus a down payment of 5m, car, university education, home, all the gold she can eat etc.

Equally so there are no that many rich handsome farangs with the means to marry into such happiness.

Sounds like you got yourself a bargain, mate :o

Go for it.


My wife is from Sisaket aswell ( 10 clicks from town) I didn't had to pay anything to marry her, and my/our montly payment to the familly is between 12 and 15 k, and they are happy. She has a lovely hard working sister, 36 years old. I can give here phonenumber if you like.


"Now I learn that my fiancee's mother has told her that if we visit Sisaket together, I must not say that I bought her a 4-baht Thong Mun, as this will be considered laughable by the locals, amongst whom 8-baht and even 10-baht Thong Mun is the norm. I find this quite to believe; any insight greatly appreciated!"

I couldn't believe this was for real until I read that. That is so funny, and true. I don't understand why your GF didn't tell you to buy her a 10-baht Thong Mun. You don't seem to have a problem with money. They would have thought you were cheap with the 4-baht.

In any case, I think you're spoiling her a little bit.

, but in Thailand terms, she laughing all they way to the bank, your giving her more that say what a doctor earns here, you mentioned you've been together for 2 years, can I ask how much of that time you have actually spent together? Regards MT

About 70%; we have a great time together, enjoy one another's company, talk and laugh together, et. al. Except for the fact that I'm paying through the nose, everything's fine - no furtive phone-calls, no 'sick buffalo', no Thai husbands or boyfriends hanging around in the background (i.e., we spend so much time together that it would be impossible for her to keep up such a charade), no please for donations to help the family, no other farangs in the background, or any of the usual nonsense.

I don't get the sense she's deceitful; quite the opposite, actually, she's been quite honest and open with me about a lot of the Thai view of farangs, the various scams that some of the girls engage in, etc. My guess is that she asked for a ridiculously high amount for an allowance, and I surprisingly agreed, so she's not about to offer to give some of it back, heh (I make good money, the amount isn't a huge burden).

What rang the alarm bells is the bit about the 4-baht Thong Mun gold not being enough, somehow; it stands to reason that in desperately poor Sisaket, people aren't running around dripping with gold.

Thanks for the insight, much appreciated!

I don't quite understand what has prompted you to put this question to This forum. The responses you have received are exactly what would be expected. So to my mind, although you give the appearance of being financially sound, you have sought confirmation that you do not wish to pay the 500k sinsod. I think if all else is good, why not have a great wedding for about 300k. There wouldn't be much change left for the parents to squander, if that were the case. Quite frankly if you can comfortably afford the 500k then why not. You would would not be the first person who has been very generous with the person he loves! But you wouldn't be the first that has got in too deep either!


Given the repetitive and rather trollish nature of this thread, and the fact that the OP has had his question answered repeatedly


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