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Digital media firm RealNetworks Inc. reacted with glee to a European Union judge's order that Microsoft Corp. immediately strip the Windows Media Player from its operating system in Europe, saying that compliance with the ruling is "a big victory for consumers."



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Now maybe Pioneer will sue GM for their anti-competitive "bundling" of Delco radios in all GM cars. :o

This is stupid. If you don't like WMP, don't use it. RealPlayer is the most common piece of spyware out there. If you don't like Microsoft, learn how to use freeBSD, Linux, or Mac.

Nobody forces you to use only Windows. Some people are just too lazy to learn anything else, but there always is a choice.


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I wonder how many EU residents would be willing to purchase a new WindowsXP (sans WMP) version, should Microsoft decide to charge more for the "stripped" version, which they could do, legally.

As Microsoft will surely appeal this ruling, it may be years before a "final" decision is reached. If these appeals results in any reversal, Microsoft could then legally refuse to support the "stripped" versions, in future.

I doubt we've heard the last of this, as this rulling opens other avenues for legal filings from so-called "damaged" parties. Microsoft will undoubtly fight those through the courts too.

Then there's the Windows IE Browser, OE, Defragmenter, Notepad, WordPad, Drive Converter, Compression Utility, Firewall, Imaging, etc., etc., etc. Basically all these other Windows built-in's have competators offering replacements. Should Microsoft be required to "remove" those too?

As several people have noted, there are alternatives to Windows.


Edited by waldwolf
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I run both ... Linux as server and winXP for a lot of works due to compatibility

for customers .. may be soon migrate all on Linux, but if I had to get a new ms

without wmp, I would install it, the version10 is pretty nice :o

and let's keep it cool, M$ commercial's strategy is pretty offensive, it doesn't mean that we have to fight for something we already have ... many different OS, a big choice for everyone, one just need to have the will to look somewhere else and learn ...

lasy society we live in me think :D


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I think this judgement stinks. I hope they win the appeal and screw the EU and screw Real. Where would we be - and where would we have been for the last 20-odd years - without them? Easy to criticise, but they got to their incredible market position by producing what everyone wanted - the Windows operating system. Three cheers for Microsoft (but keep it up, Firefox developers :D )

Firewall up, shields up, flame-jacket on. :o

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I think this judgement stinks. I hope they win the appeal and screw the EU and screw Real. Where would we be - and where would we have been for the last 20-odd years - without them? Easy to criticise, but they got to their incredible market position by producing what everyone wanted - the Windows operating system. Three cheers for Microsoft (but keep it up, Firefox developers :D )

Firewall up, shields up, flame-jacket on. :o

Were it not for MS, everyone would be flaming Mac or Linux, or BSD, or whatever was #1. :D


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If you don't like WMP, don't use it.

That sums it up quite well. Personally, I like the newest version of WMP and would install it in a heartbeat if it was stripped from Windows. I sometimes also use Real Player and Winamp (with all the option boxes unchecked), but always find myself going back to Windows Media Player 10. It's awesome. Thanks Bill. The EU has a tough road ahead of them if they ever expect to put a serious dent in Gate's self-made billions.

Edited by melus
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You guys in Euro do know he'll get his money one way or the other don't you?

when the code warriors fix it that you will need more support or more addons or anoter of that. Or, as is his MO, he will back door buy those companies in Europe that are competing.

Good luck.. :o:D

That is all!

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The EU fined MS for using NEAR monopoly tactics...there did the 600 million go? To RealNetworks or Apple? No it went to the EU...nice shakedown. I enjoy Linux and MSWindowsXP and hope that MS keeps fighting against those communists. Read "Atlas Shrugged" this is exactly what happened to Reardon Metal!

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The EU fined MS for using NEAR monopoly tactics...where did the 600 million go? To RealNetworks or Apple? No it went to the EU...nice shakedown. I enjoy Linux and MSWindowsXP and hope that MS keeps fighting against those communists....

I agree. The amount was simply a punishment for being a bad boy (in the EU's judgement) - not to compensate Real or Apple. The fine was just what the EU thought they could get away with. It simply stinks. Come on MS, fight this "cry-baby" judgement.

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