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Taxi Scam!


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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

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Oh how it makes me smile. You arrive here and are charged.........................................................................


Wait for it............................................................................ A whole 4 pounds to get into town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sheer rip off of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JEEZ man get a life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try flying into heathrow and getting charged up to a hundred pounds to get into town now that's what I call a rip off. Even the short train into town is 35 pounds now. I would not consider 200 baht a rip off for anything. No doubt it has NOTHING to do with the money but all to do with the principle ?????????????? :D

Get off ya high horse mate. If you are going to compare the cost in soap dodger land with the cost in Thailand then do it correctly.


Standard cost of airport to BKK vs Standard cost of airport to London.

Then compare that with the ratio that BKK taxis rip one off compared to the same ratio if it was in your soap dodgerland.

Once you have done this and paid the extra in London then see if you are still whinging...oh forgot you are a pom so it is in your nature to whinge.

TIT :o

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

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The other technique which I employ on occasion is :- the moment you realise the taxi is pulling a fast one, just say "Jort!" which means "Stop" in Thai. It's the last thing they want as they can't pull off their scam. Once you have made up your mind to go down this road, do not change your mind. Just get out. There's always another taxi in Bangkok.

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The other technique which I employ on occasion is :- the moment you realise the taxi is pulling a fast one, just say "Jort!" which means "Stop" in Thai. It's the last thing they want as they can't pull off their scam. Once you have made up your mind to go down this road, do not change your mind. Just get out. There's always another taxi in Bangkok.

According to some of these guys in here, you better yell "Yoot Krup" or you will end up beheaded in landfill....happens to farang, every day. :o

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Funny that, why are the so many Aussies in the UK, if it's so great? :D

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I agree with Briggsy. Recently taxis seem to decide that their chosen route is the best one, despite my request to go another way. Their "better suggestion" is to avoid traffic jams. As if, in Bangkok. The other day I asked the driver to go in a particular way, and received a heap of abuse, including the traffic jam problem. So I waited until we hit the inevitable one on his chosen route and then I surprised myself by screaming at him for being such a <deleted>. He was obviously surprised too, and realising I was as angry as h*ll, he apologised.

Sorry, another everyday Bangkok taxi story...it's a slow day.

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Funny that, why are the so many Aussies in the UK, if it's so great? :D

Is that opposed to all the st#nking pome's scattered around australia, poluting the waterways?

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A bit off topic, but I learned a useful little trick in Bangkok when the taxi driver can't produce change for say, a THB 50 fare when presented with a THB 100 note. I simply tell, him, "OK, I take a nice nap now...wake me up when you get to 100". When he figures out what I mean as I lie back and close my eyes, he invariably finds his change has mysteriously become available [this may not work in these days of rigged meters].

Chit, I know many taxi drivers who would love to just circle around while you sleep and collect your 100 baht....

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A bit off topic, but I learned a useful little trick in Bangkok when the taxi driver can't produce change for say, a THB 50 fare when presented with a THB 100 note. I simply tell, him, "OK, I take a nice nap now...wake me up when you get to 100". When he figures out what I mean as I lie back and close my eyes, he invariably finds his change has mysteriously become available [this may not work in these days of rigged meters]. If he doesn't react to this ruse, I tell him, "OK, I get out now and go find change ['laek ngun'] and come back and pay you very soon". Funny how fast they dig out those missing coins!

Cute idea but dangerous.

Taxi drivers will not hesitate to murder farang in a variety of ways and dismember your body and dispose of you in landfill sites or else your cut your head and hands off to hinder identification and dump you in Pattaya Bay.

I'm not making this up, it happens every day.

Even Thai folk know not to expect change for large denomination notes. This is a third world country, life is cheap. Police don't care. Murder and assassination cost next to nothing. The rich fear the poor. This is a seriously bad country unless you have your wits about you 100% and stay out of trouble......

Enjoy the sunshine, the girls, and keep away from mad taxi drivers.........

You should really stop reading all the National Enquirer articles and get out more.

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Funny that, why are the so many Aussies in the UK, if it's so great? :D

Is that opposed to all the st#nking pome's scattered around australia, poluting the waterways?

I thought the only Aussies that went to the UK were the losers and the criminals??? Hmmmmmm

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You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Why would any pom with an iota of sense want to live in Australia.

Extortionate tax rates, basic welfare system, public health care system broken, high income earners are expected to pay for their own upgraded health insurance, no government pensions for those who have earned $400k pa, no government benefits for the same high earners (unless they are, to quote from above, "anyone who wants it").

Who said that?


For example, on Australian income of $400k, approx 192k Euro, you would pay about 163k (down from 178k) in personal income tax...ie: Nearly 41%. (Australia has a tiered rate of tax on income). Anyway, so after you've lost 41% of income on tax then you have to set out paying all the other taxes, as you move about the community, for example we have:

GST 10%

Capital Gains Tax

Superannuation Taxes

Excise tax

Property taxes

Inheritance taxes

Stamp duty

and a few others I can't think of immediately. THEN

we also have, levy (tax) where percentage fees are put on things such as insurance policies, fuel and other stuff like that.

In Australia there is a basic welfare system that hands out $ after $ to just about anyone that wants it (Please note, I do not object to helping out those in need....but prior to the current economic turndown or whatever you want to call it, it isnt uncommon to see townships in certain areas of Australia with high unemployment 20% ++ and businesses that can't fill a broad range of positions. The public health care system is broken, so high income earners (if they are smart) pay for private health insurance. It is likely that there will be no government pension system for someone my age & in any case it is means tested & any other benifits to high income earners are virtually non existent, depending on the circumstances.


Edited by jackspratt
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You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Why would any pom with an iota of sense want to live in Australia.

Extortionate tax rates, basic welfare system, public health care system broken, high income earners are expected to pay for their own upgraded health insurance, no government pensions for those who have earned $400k pa, no government benefits for the same high earners (unless they are, to quote from above, "anyone who wants it").

Who said that?


For example, on Australian income of $400k, approx 192k Euro, you would pay about 163k (down from 178k) in personal income tax...ie: Nearly 41%. (Australia has a tiered rate of tax on income). Anyway, so after you've lost 41% of income on tax then you have to set out paying all the other taxes, as you move about the community, for example we have:

GST 10%

Capital Gains Tax

Superannuation Taxes

Excise tax

Property taxes

Inheritance taxes

Stamp duty

and a few others I can't think of immediately. THEN

we also have, levy (tax) where percentage fees are put on things such as insurance policies, fuel and other stuff like that.

In Australia there is a basic welfare system that hands out $ after $ to just about anyone that wants it (Please note, I do not object to helping out those in need....but prior to the current economic turndown or whatever you want to call it, it isnt uncommon to see townships in certain areas of Australia with high unemployment 20% ++ and businesses that can't fill a broad range of positions. The public health care system is broken, so high income earners (if they are smart) pay for private health insurance. It is likely that there will be no government pension system for someone my age & in any case it is means tested & any other benifits to high income earners are virtually non existent, depending on the circumstances.


Turning a taxi scam post into educational post about Australia's tax system by cutting quotes from another post? Hmmmmmmm I suggest that Jacksplatt get a more enlightening hobby as this is getting old....

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You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Why would any pom with an iota of sense want to live in Australia.

Extortionate tax rates, basic welfare system, public health care system broken, high income earners are expected to pay for their own upgraded health insurance, no government pensions for those who have earned $400k pa, no government benefits for the same high earners (unless they are, to quote from above, "anyone who wants it").

Who said that?


For example, on Australian income of $400k, approx 192k Euro, you would pay about 163k (down from 178k) in personal income tax...ie: Nearly 41%. (Australia has a tiered rate of tax on income). Anyway, so after you've lost 41% of income on tax then you have to set out paying all the other taxes, as you move about the community, for example we have:

GST 10%

Capital Gains Tax

Superannuation Taxes

Excise tax

Property taxes

Inheritance taxes

Stamp duty

and a few others I can't think of immediately. THEN

we also have, levy (tax) where percentage fees are put on things such as insurance policies, fuel and other stuff like that.

In Australia there is a basic welfare system that hands out $ after $ to just about anyone that wants it (Please note, I do not object to helping out those in need....but prior to the current economic turndown or whatever you want to call it, it isnt uncommon to see townships in certain areas of Australia with high unemployment 20% ++ and businesses that can't fill a broad range of positions. The public health care system is broken, so high income earners (if they are smart) pay for private health insurance. It is likely that there will be no government pension system for someone my age & in any case it is means tested & any other benifits to high income earners are virtually non existent, depending on the circumstances.


Turning a taxi scam post into educational post about Australia's tax system by cutting quotes from another post? Hmmmmmmm I suggest that Jacksplatt get a more enlightening hobby as this is getting old....

Hmmm, but he did get the point across rather well. :o

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You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Why would any pom with an iota of sense want to live in Australia.

Extortionate tax rates, basic welfare system, public health care system broken, high income earners are expected to pay for their own upgraded health insurance, no government pensions for those who have earned $400k pa, no government benefits for the same high earners (unless they are, to quote from above, "anyone who wants it").

Who said that?


For example, on Australian income of $400k, approx 192k Euro, you would pay about 163k (down from 178k) in personal income tax...ie: Nearly 41%. (Australia has a tiered rate of tax on income). Anyway, so after you've lost 41% of income on tax then you have to set out paying all the other taxes, as you move about the community, for example we have:

GST 10%

Capital Gains Tax

Superannuation Taxes

Excise tax

Property taxes

Inheritance taxes

Stamp duty

and a few others I can't think of immediately. THEN

we also have, levy (tax) where percentage fees are put on things such as insurance policies, fuel and other stuff like that.

In Australia there is a basic welfare system that hands out $ after $ to just about anyone that wants it (Please note, I do not object to helping out those in need....but prior to the current economic turndown or whatever you want to call it, it isnt uncommon to see townships in certain areas of Australia with high unemployment 20% ++ and businesses that can't fill a broad range of positions. The public health care system is broken, so high income earners (if they are smart) pay for private health insurance. It is likely that there will be no government pension system for someone my age & in any case it is means tested & any other benifits to high income earners are virtually non existent, depending on the circumstances.


Turning a taxi scam post into educational post about Australia's tax system by cutting quotes from another post? Hmmmmmmm I suggest that Jacksplatt get a more enlightening hobby as this is getting old....

Hmmm, but he did get the point across rather well. :o

But isn't it like choosing the lesser of two evils.. Kind of like me, who did I want McCain or Obama?

If I had a choice between my home country and the UK I would definitely choose my home country even while I know it has many problems. But then again I have eliminated that choice and moved here to LOS..... :D

....and my whole point being is let's keep this thread about the 'taxi scam'.......which BTW......

......back on topic...... I have had a taxi in BKK try to rip me off before with using a defective meter. How did I know the meter was rigged? Well I traveled one time every month for almost 2 years from a hotel near the old Don Muang airport to the new airport so I knew exactly how much a metered fare was. I had a taxi take me once and the fare was 200 baht higher than normal. I pointed this out to him and threatened him with the police. Needless to say he was almost in tears with an apology and I named my fare to which he agreed. And I still have my head and all my limbs to be writing this....

Edited by dingdongrb
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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

But ND, it's full of . . . Aussie's!!!


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Seems strange to me, I've been catching Bkk taxis for about mmm 20 years....never been chopped up and put into landfill yet. Perhaps you chumps need to learn to communicate with these people a bit.

Naturally if there was a farang being chopped up everyday, thats 365 per year going missing, don't you think that it would of drawn a bit more attention by now?

You blokes are :o

JUNKOFDAVID, perhaps you & syd could get together and knock up a survivors guide for stupid travellers....after all the pair of you would have a phd in that? As for your wife....she actually has to be looking for you to find you :D

Kind of in agreement with you here neverdie. I've only been here going-on 5-years and had my share of scenic rides around town. I think what keeps me from seeing red is simply remebering that 50 baht represents a mere pound and a pound won't even get me on public transport in cold, grey blighty.

FWIW, I think being a staunch believer in karma too that if the taxi driver rigs a 200 baht journey by say 10, 20 per cent (and I know when he has) then he automatically loses the tip I would have given and puts himself in the direct path of "karma's komeuppance [sic]"; which I think we all know - can be a real bitch! :D

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Get real, I have posted on a number of occassions about Australias crappy taxation laws, its true! Having said that, in the other post, some poor fool was knocking Australians & made the comment about the UK being full of them. My simple comment to that was that Australia also has a lot of pommies & given that its much cheaper for a pome to goto Aust & theres a s#itload more of em then at a guestimate theres probably more pomes in Australia than visa versa. No doubt, someone will look up the stats....perhaps they could do it under the guise of what nationality visits thailand the most since this is a thai thred & maybe theres a chart full of info for posting...i can't be jacked - no pun intened (sounds like a job for you jacky).

As Mr DDRB, stated, lesser of two evils perhaps.

In any such case, I can see that you are still reading & learning from my posts.....perhaps you might be 'stalking' me, theres laws about that you know? You don't want me to organise for you to go back into one of those two 'systems' you got out of do you? Remember buddy, you're not my type - don't flatter yourself & no means No! :o

Mr MJP esq, please accept my sincere apology for my attack on the motherland, naturally most of the prisoners of mother england are great people, its just you s#ck so much @ cricket! :D You are a gentleman and a scholar, pity I cant say the same about JACKYVOMIT!

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Get real, I have posted on a number of occassions about Australias crappy taxation laws, its true! Having said that, in the other post, some poor fool was knocking Australians & made the comment about the UK being full of them. My simple comment to that was that Australia also has a lot of pommies & given that its much cheaper for a pome to goto Aust & theres a s#itload more of em then at a guestimate theres probably more pomes in Australia than visa versa. No doubt, someone will look up the stats....perhaps they could do it under the guise of what nationality visits thailand the most since this is a thai thred & maybe theres a chart full of info for posting...i can't be jacked - no pun intened (sounds like a job for you jacky).

As Mr DDRB, stated, lesser of two evils perhaps.

In any such case, I can see that you are still reading & learning from my posts.....perhaps you might be 'stalking' me, theres laws about that you know? You don't want me to organise for you to go back into one of those two 'systems' you got out of do you? Remember buddy, you're not my type - don't flatter yourself & no means No! :o

Mr MJP esq, please accept my sincere apology for my attack on the motherland, naturally most of the prisoners of mother england are great people, its just you s#ck so much @ cricket! :D You are a gentleman and a scholar, pity I cant say the same about JACKYVOMIT!

neverdie, I sense an early start on the Lao Khao for you today :D

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Get real, I have posted on a number of occassions about Australias crappy taxation laws, its true! Having said that, in the other post, some poor fool was knocking Australians & made the comment about the UK being full of them. My simple comment to that was that Australia also has a lot of pommies & given that its much cheaper for a pome to goto Aust & theres a s#itload more of em then at a guestimate theres probably more pomes in Australia than visa versa. No doubt, someone will look up the stats....perhaps they could do it under the guise of what nationality visits thailand the most since this is a thai thred & maybe theres a chart full of info for posting...i can't be jacked - no pun intened (sounds like a job for you jacky).

As Mr DDRB, stated, lesser of two evils perhaps.

In any such case, I can see that you are still reading & learning from my posts.....perhaps you might be 'stalking' me, theres laws about that you know? You don't want me to organise for you to go back into one of those two 'systems' you got out of do you? Remember buddy, you're not my type - don't flatter yourself & no means No! :D

Mr MJP esq, please accept my sincere apology for my attack on the motherland, naturally most of the prisoners of mother england are great people, its just you s#ck so much @ cricket! :D You are a gentleman and a scholar, pity I cant say the same about JACKYVOMIT!

Now that is below the belt. :o:D

Well, there was something I heard on BBC radio that there is a person leaving the UK every 3 minutes to start a new life in a new country. I'd imagine a significant number are heading to Aus to take up skilled jobs, and to get away from the joke that has become England. Gordon Clown will most certainly suceed in &lt;deleted&gt; it up even more in the remaining time that he has in power.

Whilst I did say earlier that there are a lot of Aussies in the UK, that was said in jest. Mind you there's a fair few Aussies here in Bangkok as well.

Anyway, those bloody Taxis at Swammpy, right bloody nuisance.

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

But ND, it's full of . . . Aussie's!!!


MJP, Interestingly I had a look at some figures & for 2006 a massive 950,000 Aussies visited the UK (That was 12% of the tourism market in the UK). Having said that, in 2006 4.3% of Australia's population had been born in england, thats about 856,000. You learn something everyday & yes I would agree that nearly 1 million of Australias population of 21 million, visited the UK in 2006.

Also in 2006 735,000 English tourists came to Australia (so English tourist represent a bit over 13% of all toursist that came to Australia). See you can make statistics argue just about any case, but I concede that 735,000 of 61 million population of the UK is 1.2% whereas 950,000 of 21 million aussies is about 4.5%.....BUT DON'T FORGET there are a heap of UK born plebs living in Australia.... 4.3% >>>> thats 903,000 living here & another 735,000 visiting.

I reakon the best statement could be made that alot of Australians that were born in the UK, like to go home each year to remind themselves of why they came to Australia in the first place :D

Sorry I also dug around looking for the amount of british folk visiting thailand & the amount of Aussies coming here & didnt find anything that I could manipulate :D

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Get real, I have posted on a number of occassions about Australias crappy taxation laws, its true! Having said that, in the other post, some poor fool was knocking Australians & made the comment about the UK being full of them. My simple comment to that was that Australia also has a lot of pommies & given that its much cheaper for a pome to goto Aust & theres a s#itload more of em then at a guestimate theres probably more pomes in Australia than visa versa. No doubt, someone will look up the stats....perhaps they could do it under the guise of what nationality visits thailand the most since this is a thai thred & maybe theres a chart full of info for posting...i can't be jacked - no pun intened (sounds like a job for you jacky).

As Mr DDRB, stated, lesser of two evils perhaps.

In any such case, I can see that you are still reading & learning from my posts.....perhaps you might be 'stalking' me, theres laws about that you know? You don't want me to organise for you to go back into one of those two 'systems' you got out of do you? Remember buddy, you're not my type - don't flatter yourself & no means No! :D

Mr MJP esq, please accept my sincere apology for my attack on the motherland, naturally most of the prisoners of mother england are great people, its just you s#ck so much @ cricket! :D You are a gentleman and a scholar, pity I cant say the same about JACKYVOMIT!

Now that is below the belt. :o:D

Well, there was something I heard on BBC radio that there is a person leaving the UK every 3 minutes to start a new life in a new country. I'd imagine a significant number are heading to Aus to take up skilled jobs, and to get away from the joke that has become England. Gordon Clown will most certainly suceed in &lt;deleted&gt; it up even more in the remaining time that he has in power.

Whilst I did say earlier that there are a lot of Aussies in the UK, that was said in jest. Mind you there's a fair few Aussies here in Bangkok as well.

Anyway, those bloody Taxis at Swammpy, right bloody nuisance.

The stats surprised me Mr Toad! Sorry about the cricket blow, I couldnt resist :D . I new alot of Australians were born in the UK, but I never thought nearly 4.5%.

Anyway, I reakon the taxi fares in Thailand are great when you consider the cost of doing business with a london johnny. What would it cost to go 70km in a taxi from London Heathrow to where-ever?

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :o

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D

I see that Khungdung is a little off topic as well....It's about bloddy taxis...You know the ones that decapitate you and remove all your limbs even if you are tipping well...... Forget the UK and forget Australia as we are here in LOS now talking taxis.....


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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :D

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D

I see that Khungdung is a little off topic as well....It's about bloddy taxis...You know the ones that decapitate you and remove all your limbs even if you are tipping well...... Forget the UK and forget Australia as we are here in LOS now talking taxis.....


Ok Dingdonrb :D

I used to travel from the Amiri Watergate to Pathum Thani by taxi Via Expressway back in 2002 - 2003 and it was always the exact same fare (189Baht) every time on the meter. I always used to tip the driver 50 Baht.

I did this journey over 150 times and was never ripped off, killed, maimed or sold into slavery by the Thai drivers.

If you had taken the trouble to read previous posts you would have seen the references to taxis and taxi drivers in other parts of the World, so I don't believe I was "OFF TOPIC".

You may notice in my reply to you, I took care to get your name right, unlike your post to me, which was not even close.

As far as I'm aware, this site is not restricted to members posting issues and questions only pertaining to Thailand, as I have seen many posts on subjects from many other countries. Please correct me "O fount of all Knowledge" (except spelling) if I am wrong in this assumption.

Have a nice day. :o

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :D

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D

I see that Khungdung is a little off topic as well....It's about bloddy taxis...You know the ones that decapitate you and remove all your limbs even if you are tipping well...... Forget the UK and forget Australia as we are here in LOS now talking taxis.....


Ok Dingdonrb :D

I used to travel from the Amiri Watergate to Pathum Thani by taxi Via Expressway back in 2002 - 2003 and it was always the exact same fare (189Baht) every time on the meter. I always used to tip the driver 50 Baht.

I did this journey over 150 times and was never ripped off, killed, maimed or sold into slavery by the Thai drivers.

If you had taken the trouble to read previous posts you would have seen the references to taxis and taxi drivers in other parts of the World, so I don't believe I was "OFF TOPIC".

You may notice in my reply to you, I took care to get your name right, unlike your post to me, which was not even close.

As far as I'm aware, this site is not restricted to members posting issues and questions only pertaining to Thailand, as I have seen many posts on subjects from many other countries. Please correct me "O fount of all Knowledge" (except spelling) if I am wrong in this assumption.

Have a nice day. :o

xxxxxxxx WRONG! If it's not Thailand related usually the thread either gets moved (i.e. Jokes, Health, Software, Photography, etc....) or even closed (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Sound-Familiar-t232312.html) .....But it is only courteous to keep a particular post on topic, which you did not... (That is what I mentioned what I did)..... I know it hurts your feelers when someone speaks bad about your motherland, but hey, please pass me some Kleenex for all the Bush bashing that I see written.

...and to keep it on topic, it's nice to see that you're a big tipper for the taxis as my brother in-law in BKK, who is a taxi driver appreciates that... :D

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :D

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D

I see that Khungdung is a little off topic as well....It's about bloddy taxis...You know the ones that decapitate you and remove all your limbs even if you are tipping well...... Forget the UK and forget Australia as we are here in LOS now talking taxis.....


Ok Dingdonrb :wai:

I used to travel from the Amiri Watergate to Pathum Thani by taxi Via Expressway back in 2002 - 2003 and it was always the exact same fare (189Baht) every time on the meter. I always used to tip the driver 50 Baht.

I did this journey over 150 times and was never ripped off, killed, maimed or sold into slavery by the Thai drivers.

If you had taken the trouble to read previous posts you would have seen the references to taxis and taxi drivers in other parts of the World, so I don't believe I was "OFF TOPIC".

You may notice in my reply to you, I took care to get your name right, unlike your post to me, which was not even close.

As far as I'm aware, this site is not restricted to members posting issues and questions only pertaining to Thailand, as I have seen many posts on subjects from many other countries. Please correct me "O fount of all Knowledge" (except spelling) if I am wrong in this assumption.

Have a nice day. :o

xxxxxxxx WRONG! If it's not Thailand related usually the thread either gets moved (i.e. Jokes, Health, Software, Photography, etc....) or even closed (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Sound-Familiar-t232312.html) .....But it is only courteous to keep a particular post on topic, which you did not... (That is what I mentioned what I did)..... I know it hurts your feelers when someone speaks bad about your motherland, but hey, please pass me some Kleenex for all the Bush bashing that I see written.

...and to keep it on topic, it's nice to see that you're a big tipper for the taxis as my brother in-law in BKK, who is a taxi driver appreciates that... :jerk:

:DThanks Dingdonrb

If a moderator moves my post then I'm ok with that.

I hope one day to ride in Your brother in laws taxi, who knows I may even tip him 100 Bht. :P

As with taxi drivers the World over, most are good but there are allways a few who are out to rip us off.

Talking about being courteous, getting my name right my go some way to making me feel you actually give a S**t about what you are writing and are not just going through the motions!! :D

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Apologies for the above post.

Just had some bad news and it appeared easier to take my frustration out on Khun Dunc.

Sorry about that mate. I humbly ask your understanding.

Well TUKY as with most Verbal Bullies they always plead for forgiveness after they have insulted someone and you are no different.

The saying "engaged your mouth before checking with your brain" springs to mind but as you are Aussie bully of course you have no brain.

Have a nice day. :D

You seem to critise Australia.....but if most people had a choice (& most pommies don't) THEY would live in Australia over the mother country ANY DAY! The UK is a cold, smelly ^&^&*^% hole & you chose to live there??

Also now you have gone from being a victim to Bully yourself as you suggest that its only Aussie bullies that have no brain (tad racist isnt it) Goodness knows most bullies have a brain deficit, but perhaps now you need to ask yourself, who is missing a brain now?

Oh dear another Pom basher get a life you Id**t.

Most of my family have lived in aussie since the early 60's and guess what the first taxi ride I took on landing in Brisbane when on a visit in 1998, the Taxi driver tried to rip me off. That just about says it all about you and Tuky If brains were dynamite neither of you would have enough to blow your noses.

The true Aussies have long ago moved on from the Drunken toothless image of what I believe you two represent, still you can't teach an old dumb dog new tricks can you.

You seem to forget many thousands of English, and other nationalities, helped to make Australia what it is today.

The true natives of Australia are the Aboriginese or have you forgotten that??? You lot don't seem to be treating them very well either!!

If Uk is so bad why do so many people from Australia come to Uk and stay for many many years? (maybe to escape the morons who think like your type, or should I say who don't think)!

As for brains I have two degrees just how many do you have?

As for your point on bullies, yes there are bullies in many countries, it just seems that certain types such as you and Tuky always seem to rise to the top of the swamp.

Have a nice day :D

I see that Khungdung is a little off topic as well....It's about bloddy taxis...You know the ones that decapitate you and remove all your limbs even if you are tipping well...... Forget the UK and forget Australia as we are here in LOS now talking taxis.....


Ok Dingdonrb :wai:

I used to travel from the Amiri Watergate to Pathum Thani by taxi Via Expressway back in 2002 - 2003 and it was always the exact same fare (189Baht) every time on the meter. I always used to tip the driver 50 Baht.

I did this journey over 150 times and was never ripped off, killed, maimed or sold into slavery by the Thai drivers.

If you had taken the trouble to read previous posts you would have seen the references to taxis and taxi drivers in other parts of the World, so I don't believe I was "OFF TOPIC".

You may notice in my reply to you, I took care to get your name right, unlike your post to me, which was not even close.

As far as I'm aware, this site is not restricted to members posting issues and questions only pertaining to Thailand, as I have seen many posts on subjects from many other countries. Please correct me "O fount of all Knowledge" (except spelling) if I am wrong in this assumption.

Have a nice day. :o

xxxxxxxx WRONG! If it's not Thailand related usually the thread either gets moved (i.e. Jokes, Health, Software, Photography, etc....) or even closed (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Sound-Familiar-t232312.html) .....But it is only courteous to keep a particular post on topic, which you did not... (That is what I mentioned what I did)..... I know it hurts your feelers when someone speaks bad about your motherland, but hey, please pass me some Kleenex for all the Bush bashing that I see written.

...and to keep it on topic, it's nice to see that you're a big tipper for the taxis as my brother in-law in BKK, who is a taxi driver appreciates that... :jerk:

:DThanks Dingdonrb

If a moderator moves my post then I'm ok with that.

I hope one day to ride in Your brother in laws taxi, who knows I may even tip him 100 Bht. :P

As with taxi drivers the World over, most are good but there are allways a few who are out to rip us off.

Talking about being courteous, getting my name right my go some way to making me feel you actually give a S**t about what you are writing and are not just going through the motions!! :D

Khundon..... Just PM me if you are in BKK and need a reliable taxi and I'll see if my brother in-law is available. He has a brand new Toyota which I helped him to finance so you wouldn't be riding in a beater....

BTW my handle is 'dingdongrb'...you should check your spelling of others' handles before being overly concerned on how yours is written. :burp:

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Taxi was taken from the official airport departure area @ 50baht surcharge

Has anyone here ever had a result after making a formal complaint about similar incidents??

Sorry but something is not right with the OP's post. If he used the official taxi place then there would be no negotiating as it is meter plus Bt50. Downtown for about Bt300 is near right on the money if including tollways but no-one is going to do it for Bt200. Something not right here.

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