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Errrrr! I Need To Do Visa Run By 7th Jan - Help!

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Hi all - or at least those of you who have not started your Christmas break! (Happy Christmas)

OK! I am 67 yrs - UK cit - entered BKK on 10th Oct - 'O' non-im multi entry visa.

I had been glibly thinking that I had until Jan 10th to figure out how to do a visa run (Yes , I really am that green!)

Shock horror! I see on my visa stamp that I need to get out on 7th Jan. (I have just found out that Thailand goes to sleep for a few days or so at start of jan)

Any suggestions on the easiest, quickest, no hassle, 'we will take care of you sir' way to meet my obligations from BKK. I do not speak Thai - other than Sawadee, Kawp Khun, and mai pen rai Khrup.

I can find my way round Bkk - and I guess that I could manage to get to some foreign countury or other. :o

HELP (Please) Kawp Kuhn Khrup!



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Hi all - or at least those of you who have not started your Christmas break! (Happy Christmas)

OK! I am 67 yrs - UK cit - entered BKK on 10th Oct - 'O' non-im multi entry visa.

I had been glibly thinking that I had until Jan 10th to figure out how to do a visa run (Yes , I really am that green!)

Shock horror! I see on my visa stamp that I need to get out on 7th Jan. (I have just found out that Thailand goes to sleep for a few days or so at start of jan)

Any suggestions on the easiest, quickest, no hassle, 'we will take care of you sir' way to meet my obligations from BKK. I do not speak Thai - other than Sawadee, Kawp Khun, and mai pen rai Khrup.

I can find my way round Bkk - and I guess that I could manage to get to some foreign countury or other. :o

HELP (Please) Kawp Kuhn Khrup!




Check out these folks, lots of mention of them on the Thaivisa.com/forum: http://jackgolf.com/en/


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If you meet one of the following criteria you could also apply for a one year extension of your permission to stay at immigration in Bangkok:

- have an income of 65,000 baht a month (can be from abroad)


- have 800,000 at a Thai bankaccount for 2 months prior to applying for the extension


- have an income and money in the bank totaling 800,000 (no need for money in the bank for 2 months)

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Thanks for that added bit Mario.

So at the end of my 12 month visa, I can get an extension if I am bringing 65,000THB into Thailand every month from my UK bank. (Which I am)?

It would also suit be better if I can get a Thai bank account - so that I can do a direct transfer - rather than the ATM's.

Thank you


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Thanks for that added bit Mario.

So at the end of my 12 month visa, I can get an extension if I am bringing 65,000THB into Thailand every month from my UK bank. (Which I am)?

It would also suit be better if I can get a Thai bank account - so that I can do a direct transfer - rather than the ATM's.

Thank you


Not quite right.

It has to be income NOT savings. You will need to get a letter from your Embassy as proof.

OR you can put 800,000 Baht in a Thai Bank. It has to be there at least 2 months before you apply.

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Thanks for that added bit Mario.

So at the end of my 12 month visa, I can get an extension if I am bringing 65,000THB into Thailand every month from my UK bank. (Which I am)?

It would also suit be better if I can get a Thai bank account - so that I can do a direct transfer - rather than the ATM's.

Thank you



I very rarely do an EFT, electronic Funds Transfer, because of my bank fees in the U.S., some $45.

I do a monthly personal paper check drawn in US $$ to my Siam Commercial Bank baht savings account for the $$ equivalent of baht 65,000 and change. I also use my U.S. ATM card for other drawdowns, works handily.


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I do a monthly personal paper check drawn in US $$ to my Siam Commercial Bank baht savings account for the $$ equivalent of baht 65,000 and change. I also use my U.S. ATM card for other drawdowns, works handily.


Could you expand on that point a bit?

- are you using a pension to qualify or the 800K bank account method (or combo)?

- how much does SCB charge to process your US check?

- how many days does it take to clear the US check?

- what code is printed in your passbook for these checks, is it the same as for a SWIFT wire transfer?

The reason I ask is some people, including me, wonder if money transferred by check would be seen by immigration as foreign transfers (as that is what they technically require).

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Thanks for that added bit Mario.

So at the end of my 12 month visa, I can get an extension if I am bringing 65,000THB into Thailand every month from my UK bank. (Which I am)?

It would also suit be better if I can get a Thai bank account - so that I can do a direct transfer - rather than the ATM's.

Thank you



I found out that using the ATM might be a cheaper way to get your money.

If you transfer baht fom a UK-bank to a Thai bank the exchange rate from the UK banks is horrendous and the transfer provision is a silly amount.

It will be a little better if you transfer GBP to a Thai bank, the exchange rate from Thao Banks is generally better for the customer, and if you can choose for shared costs, you pay not so much transfer provision in England, and very littlte or nothing at all in Thailand.

Now find out the exchange rate by ATM which is generally much better, and look into the costs for using the ATM.

Maybe the daily limit you can withdraw by ATM is 20,000 or 25,000, that might be a small problem, costwise.

But, trying is knowing.

Edited by hansnl
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Hey Data,

For my Visa runs I use: http://www.thaivisarun.com/

I used Jack Golf (JG) ONCE (mechanical and staff issues). You may consider typing "Jack Golf" into the Google search bar on top of this forum page and read about them. If you travel with JG next month it would be good to know your experience with them.

OT: Whichever border you're taken to (Ban Laem or Aranyapratet), there are numerous ankle biters begging for change. Many folks refuse to give the kids anything, but I typically carry one-baht coins I give to them whilst other folks bring them candy or snacks. A word of caution: Little hands fit easily into your pocket(s) so exercise caution if they swarm you. At the Aranyapratet border crossing, both young and older ankle biters may approach you with an umbrella "to protect you from the sun". They're looking for money (of course), but they may also try to pick your pocket(s) when you reach up to push the umbrella from your face.

I've not had a single problem with Immigration at either border although Aranyapratet is very busy at times and tends to take longer. Nowadays visa runners are normally taken to Ban Laem.

Good Luck, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,


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Neo - Thank you for that! >>>>>>

I have just this minute provisionally to go over Cambodia with JG. Have to say that their response to my mails has been nothing short of fantastic. A reply mail is not a journey of course!!

I am going on 31st from BKK at 05.00 and getting back same day at 14.00.>>>>>

((((We have trip everyday on 5:00am by big bus to Poipet Border. (Jan 1-2, 2009 closed) Return to BKK around 2:00pm.)))))

I fell obliged to honour my prov booking with them now, but will certainly report on incidents - good and bad upon assumed return :-)

2,000 THB in Big modern bus!

Take care and thanks again to all those who have helped.

A huge Christmas to you all - but above all, a peaceful, healthy and prosperous 2009!


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Data, I went with Jack Golf last week and I too was slightly cautious of them having read some bad feedback and bashings they have received on here, but had no problems what so ever. I can of course only speak of my own experiences, but would have no problems in using them again and found them to be nothing short of brilliant. 9 hours from start to finish, sorted.

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2,000 THB in Big modern bus!

2,200 tough :o

BTW, don't forget to bring 1 photo

2,000 is the price fixed for the new year - Oooops! Blast - I am booked for 31st! Oh boy! :-) So I guess it's 2,200 for me.


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  • 1 month later...

Data - If you don't mind giving an update; How was your experience with JG? Was your trip trouble free? Equipment (bus) function properly? Staff helpful? Did the staff try a "tip" shakedown at any point during the trip? Aranyaphratet or Ban Laem? Anything else pertinent you may wish to add? Thanks, mate.

I'm willing to give JG another chance if they've gotten their staff and equipment sorted.

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