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Filtering In Thailand Or My Isp TØ®®3n†z


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ATT: don't type the tØ®®3N† word with correct spelling, else i wont have access to this page to read the replies.

Not sure if this is a filter blanketing thailand or isp based. I cannot load any url using the word , tØ®®3N†, can't do a google search with this word and can't load any page containing this word 'access denied'. kiddy prØn yeah but this is ridiculous.

im using a paid wireless service, which apparently is kkthai.com (also very poor dns name server lookups) what's up anyone?

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KKthai is not ans ISP, but is software developed in Thailand to turn wifi access points, or even a wired (LAN) network into a subscription based system.


So basically you are getting your internet from a small local outfit, maybe just even the management from your condo. They will have bought this KKthai software, got themselves an internet connection and are now re-selling this internet.

The software allows to put in URL filtering etc, so they probably are just blocking anything with your problem word in it, so their users can't start downloading that stuff. Remember, they have maybe a single 4Mbps connection (ore even less) and are sharing this all over the building. One user with a P2P client going full blast can bring the whole thing to a grinding halt, although they should try to just limit speed. Allow yo to download but only at 256 kbps... Admittedly this can be very hard to do with P2P customers, unless they limit your speed for all protocols including websurfing...

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set your DNS servers to openDNS - this is not just for good/accurate DNS speed , security also

and as monty pointed out , have some respect for others on the 'intertube' you share and throttle your p2p client for most of the waking hours - maybe let it have a full head of steam between 1 and 5am.

Admittedly this can be very hard to do with P2P customers,

you could white list stuff which would leave p2p stuff in the other basket which you could QoS to lowest

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Or you look up the URLs of your desired yet forbidden t's using a cheapo GPRS connection over your phone, add them to Vuze or your client of choice, then use the wireless connection for the actual download. Set your client to encrypted connections only, and maybe also limit the # of connections to 100 or so so you don't bring down the local access.

At least that's what I did in a hotel once...:o worked well and was very fast.

Edited by nikster
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