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8 Little Red Jelly Beans


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Even though I sat them both down when they first came to live with me and lectured them on " safe sex ", our Hamsters have now given birth to 8 red jelly bean like babies. After doing some basic maths and looking at a calendar, if this continues at this rate we should have 347 of them by June.

So in about 4-6 weeks it will be time for most of them to pack their pouches and look for other accommodation in the Chiang Mai area.

So we are looking for responsible hosts to step forward and adopt one of these little red things !

I am assuming that they will grow fur soon and stop squawking at night when they are hungry.

They are the small variety, parents are brown and affectionate and are fond of chocolate, lettuce and unprotected sex.

If you would like one you have to first get past the Gatekeeper ( my GF ) and convince her that you can take care of it. She is rapidly becoming attached to them and the thought of my apartment turning into a zoo is scaring me. One wheel going round and round and around all night is enuff for me.

You will need a cage and they are readily available through out Chiang Mai. They are easy to take care of and as they are up all night on the wheel you could utilize this free source of energy and hook up the TV to it. I rekon they do a few miles each a night between " encounters "

PM me if interested please, you cant see them for a few weeks unless you want to risk having mummy hamster taking your hand off. They are not toys and not suitable for small children.

They make great company for someone living in a small apartment as they do not take up a lot of room.

Edited by ChiangMaiFurnishedApts
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Congratulations granddad! :D

I see your kids are giving you great fun and before you know it a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggeee off-spring, if .... you don't do anything about it soon. And that is by no means giving them chocolate :o Duuuhhhh, granddad's spoiling his kids too much. :D

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and are fond of chocolate

Be very careful about feeding them chocolate. I don't know specificaly about hamsters, but chocolate is poisonous to many animals including dogs and cats, and can in worst case scenario kill them.

That said, most of the "chocolate" sold in Thailand is milk chocolate and contains little cocoa (which I believe is the poisonous ingredient), so it's probably not as dangerous as the darker variety. But it's still not good for your pet.


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Congratulations granddad! :D

I see your kids are giving you great fun and before you know it a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggeee off-spring, if .... you don't do anything about it soon. And that is by no means giving them chocolate :o Duuuhhhh, granddad's spoiling his kids too much. :D

"Grandad" does not feed them and if given the chance would consume the chocolate if he saw it first. Basicially, they are real easy to take care of. They eats their nuts and stuff and any vegetables that you just happen to have lying around.

Glad to say that 3 of them so far will be leaving home. Dont ask me what sex they are as i am not an espert on hamster genitiles especially when they are 3 days old.

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Dont ask me what sex they are as i am not an espert on hamster genitiles especially when they are 3 days old

Dont worry about that coz your wife or gf wil have sorted that one !

the girls will be wearing pink coats ..... the boys blue !.

problem solved ....... enjoy ..... dave2

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Dont ask me what sex they are as i am not an espert on hamster genitiles especially when they are 3 days old

Dont worry about that coz your wife or gf wil have sorted that one !

the girls will be wearing pink coats ..... the boys blue !.

That is NOT funny dave2, only because it is true. We are in the pet shop a day ago and she was looking little knitted coats for the hamsters !!!

I pointed out that they had fur coats already but that seemed not important.

A friend of mine has a german shepard, actually from germany and he has the poor thing wearing a sweater, well his wife does.

Please, will someone take the rest of these lovely little creatures off my hands before they end up riding on the front of the bike with me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Even though I sat them both down when they first came to live with me and lectured them on " safe sex ", our Hamsters have now given birth to 8 red jelly bean like babies. After doing some basic maths and looking at a calendar, if this continues at this rate we should have 347 of them by June.

So in about 4-6 weeks it will be time for most of them to pack their pouches and look for other accommodation in the Chiang Mai area.

Update on the above :

As predicted and I told my other half to keep the parents apart, I came back from a few days holiday to find that Mommy hamster was extremely overweight and this morning she gave birth to yet another 9 healthy little red jelly beans !!

I am at my wits end now, there are 19 hamsters in my apartment all squeaking and fighting to take their turn on the wheel.

PLEASE, there are so " Narak " and need homes before they ( the babies ) start experementing with Boom Boom.

The first set are on solids now and I will check with the lady in the pet shop about when its safe to remove them from their parents.

They are miniture hamsters, about an inch long, extremely cute and if you want to see photos I can email them to you.

PLEASE, before I am out on the streets with no where to live, consider taking 1 or 10 of these lovely pets home with you.

Not recommended for young children or for people who have cats.

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As predicted and I told my other half to keep the parents apart, I came back from a few days holiday to find that Mommy hamster was extremely overweight and this morning she gave birth to yet another 9 healthy little red jelly beans !!

I am at my wits end now, there are 19 hamsters in my apartment all squeaking and fighting to take their turn on the wheel.

... snip ...

Not recommended for young children or for people who have cats.

My Master, Felis Catus Magnificentissimo, aka "Mon," commands me to convey you to His compassion for your unfortunate surplus of what He refers to as "Mobile Tasty Treat Units," and His desire to assist you directly in controllling this noxiously exponential population overflow. He assures me that I, His servant, will at no time, other than during any aid I may render in delivery of same to Him, "have" said MTTU's. He is certain that you did not mean to imply that Cats that have people would not be suitable which, in His fully dilated eyes might imply a hint of lese majeste.


Edited by orang37
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Update on the above :

As predicted and I told my other half to keep the parents apart, I came back from a few days holiday to find that Mommy hamster was extremely overweight and this morning she gave birth to yet another 9 healthy little red jelly beans !!

I am at my wits end now, there are 19 hamsters in my apartment all squeaking and fighting to take their turn on the wheel.

In your first post you mentioned the fear of having 347 by June... Sorry to tell you, but you are off by thousands! I don't remember the exact figures that we once worked out, but.....

... as a hamster can breed by age 3 months, and gestation period is 21 days, when they deliver aprox 8 young, assuming half are male and half are female, if kept together you should have several MILLION within one year.... Do the math. :o

Enjoy! (or learn to do teeny tiny vasectomies!)

In Peru Guinea Pigs are raised as food. They reproduce just a tad slower than hamsters, and have substantially more meat on them, but solve the overpopulation problem efficiently if not comfortably.

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I was under pressure to buy one of these little " Toy Dogs ", you know the ones that you dress up and drive around town on the front of the bike ?. There is no way I was having that on my bike.

I stood firm and agreed to go look at other alternatives in the pet shop. Now what trouble could two tiny little furry things like that be and besides, they cost nothing to feed and they were no more than 40 baht each. This was too good to be true, The sulking over the dog immediately stopped and all attention was focused on the 2 fur balls that now lived beside the bed in a cage with a wheel. After one night I would have confesed to anything, waterboarding is nothing compared to this.

So my math were wrong ( slightly ). Mother nature stepped in today and it seems that the runt became a snack for the mother.

So 16 babies, 5 already gone or will be going, one missing in action, that leaves 10 beautiful hamsters that still need homes. Had them all cexed today so if you want 2/3 I can pretty much guarentee you that you can have 2 boys or girls.

Is there a Peruvian restaurant in Chiang Mai by the way ?

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