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True, Cult Or Scam?


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My Thai friend of 3 years has become involved which to me looks suspicious:

He goes to "Buddha" houses where a "teacher" has installed a shrine made of hundreds of Hindu Gods, (so not Bhuddhist), and goes to pray and help others who seem to be volunteer in helping the "teacher" in making flower arrangements, statues and other religious items to be used in ceremonies.

Each time he goes, he puts in some money in a tray, as others do, under a statue.

Since yesterday has been told not to eat beef or pork and has told me everything in his life is now clear.

All fine, but I was myself in a cult many years ago and have become sceptical, and this seems like a little guy sets himself up as a "teacher", gets all his friends and others to help does some religious items, pay for them and gives some advice on their life. The "teacher's" room is small and looks very pious to the eye, but obviously collects about 2-3000 Baht per day from visitors.

Has anyone else come across this type of thing in Thailand?

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don't get burned, its very common all over asia, at least the teacher isn't committing any crime!

if you think that there is something immoral, unethical, move very slowly....

... i agree as "money can't buy me love", money can't buy spirituality!

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My Thai friend of 3 years has become involved which to me looks suspicious:

He goes to "Buddha" houses where a "teacher" has installed a shrine made of hundreds of Hindu Gods, (so not Bhuddhist), and goes to pray and help others who seem to be volunteer in helping the "teacher" in making flower arrangements, statues and other religious items to be used in ceremonies.

Each time he goes, he puts in some money in a tray, as others do, under a statue.

Since yesterday has been told not to eat beef or pork and has told me everything in his life is now clear.

All fine, but I was myself in a cult many years ago and have become sceptical, and this seems like a little guy sets himself up as a "teacher", gets all his friends and others to help does some religious items, pay for them and gives some advice on their life. The "teacher's" room is small and looks very pious to the eye, but obviously collects about 2-3000 Baht per day from visitors.

Has anyone else come across this type of thing in Thailand?

MAYBE a bit of a SCAM, however it's no secret that (red meat) beef or pork is not heart healthy. From my many many visits to the Wats(Buddha houses) it seem quite normal to leave a little donation and help with small task on your visit. I would keep an EYE on the TEACHER, checkout his lifestyle, i.e., does teacher have a DVD, TV, radio, Rolex or other high vaule items this could be a sign of a bit of a SCAM by teacher.(??) just my thought :o:D VISITORS beware.

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My Thai friend of 3 years has become involved which to me looks suspicious:

He goes to "Buddha" houses where a "teacher" has installed a shrine made of hundreds of Hindu Gods, (so not Bhuddhist), and goes to pray and help others who seem to be volunteer in helping the "teacher" in making flower arrangements, statues and other religious items to be used in ceremonies.

Each time he goes, he puts in some money in a tray, as others do, under a statue.

Since yesterday has been told not to eat beef or pork and has told me everything in his life is now clear.

All fine, but I was myself in a cult many years ago and have become sceptical, and this seems like a little guy sets himself up as a "teacher", gets all his friends and others to help does some religious items, pay for them and gives some advice on their life. The "teacher's" room is small and looks very pious to the eye, but obviously collects about 2-3000 Baht per day from visitors.

Has anyone else come across this type of thing in Thailand?


Probably a scam or cult type situation...but, not to be critical, may I ask what business is it of yours? If you see any direct harm being caused by this activity...you should tell your friend directly about what you think. You might lose his friendship doing that, however.

You need to think about this; all human beings try to find something to believe that brings them comfort. Whether it is Christianity, Buddhism, or a Hindu Guru...it is all the from same human need to understand,the desire for knowledge. It is not your place to criticise that need, but perhaps as a practicing Buddhist (assuming you are) it can be your place to point your friend the way to a Buddhist answer for that need. But be very careful, never criticise, just show the way. It would be better done through your example, by showing him the path yourself by your actions.

The first rule, always, is censure yourself...not others. Only when you are sure in your mind that your reasons are pure and selfless...only then act. But act gently...never harm others.


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Ima Farang,

Good points.

My concern for my friend is that I would like to see him fall prey to a scam, and spending money that he doesn't have.

I have nothing against religions or people being religious, in fact if it keeps them away from drugs and alchool, it probably is a good thing.

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It seems the "teacher" is not actually teaching anything, but getting offerings to perform rituals. The devotees seem to be making flower arrangements etc, so presumably some of the money is being used for the materials.

It's not clear under what authority or within which tradition these rituals are being performed, nor what the point of it all is. Your friend has been given some simple dietary advice, but that's hardly a revelation.

It seems harmless, but pointless. The syncretism of the busy Hindu shrine in a "Buddha House" is over the top.

Why would someone set himself up independently as a religious teacher in this way unless he was a fruitcake or just wanting to make a living off people's religious susceptibility?

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