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Why Isn't Fox News Offered On True Ubc?


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You asked for it....

Oh - it is popular!

That is reason enough that it should be on every cable network. Maybe the feed rent is too expensive, or maybe the customers of TRUE are serious about their english news and requested not to see it. You don't have to flame fox - it is crude propaganda that manages to be good comedy but pretty lousy news. Their big announcer Brit Hume started his career in my a two bit podunk hometown. He was a cheesy redneck with boring delivery and poor taste back then and nothing has changed. He only got the gig cuz he's on the team.What team is that? If you haven't put 2 and 2 together by now there is little help for you my friend. And if you are actually serious about news you darn sure need to look look elsewhere.

Or if you want to be entertained, call it what it is.... FOX ENTERTAINMENT and ~not~ Fox "News"

Edited by wester
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Some don't like Fox because they merely disagree. I don't like their delivery, but their slant is no more pronounced than others -- in a different dirtection.

I watch BBC but think it's largely regurgitated CNN dross.

How else to know what you don't like if you're unwilling to listen? I agree with Ulysses -- I watch it all.

Objective news no longer exists. There are sponsors and owners to appease, shareholders to satisfy and agendas to fill. They're all stained -- it's the viewers responsibility to switch channels and read papers from around the world to gain a balance.

If you unquestioningly dismiss FOX, you're merely unwilling to hear that with which you disagree. Says more about you than about FOX.

Edited by Texpat
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Some don't like Fox because they merely disagree. I don't like their delivery, but their slant is no more pronounced than others -- in a different dirtection.

I watch BBC but think it's largely regurgitated CNN dross.

How else to know what you don't like if you're unwilling to listen? I agree with Ulysses -- I watch it all.

To say that the BBC is regurgitated CNN is moronic. The BBC is respected worldwide and has access to resources that most American networks could only dream about. If you want regurgitated news than Fox would be the number

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BBC follows CNNs lead.

Their daily news budget could be a photocopy.

No question. The only apparent difference is that CNN is usually more cautious about airing breaking news that comes around as inaccurate, misleading or just plain wrong.

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The idea that the BBC is 'regurgitated CNN' is moronic. The BBC is respected worldwide for its fairness and thus has accumulated resources on the ground that most American networks could only dream about. Fox news needs to rely on 'regurgitated dross' a lot because they are not welcome in so many arenas where news is taking place.

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Once again Sir DigitalB, both liberal and conservative views have legitimacy .......Often very interesting discussions for many American ex-pats here who are highly concerned about current events back in the U.S....Since Fox News is far more watched than CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and the others combined, it is certainly NOT a joke. Only from your perspective. To each his own.

I would humbly suggest, Mr Lop, that it is the wise perspective of True UBC (not they have much of that either) that Fox is not on their network. Your perspective seems to be coming from that of "many American ex-pats" of which your "liberal and conservative views" have no legitimacy elsewhere and seem senseless to outsiders, where common sense prevails.

Fox is entertainment for some but not serous news or common sense, much like the UK's Sun or other world wide gossip rags. Good fodder for "many American ex-pats" perhaps but in Thailand has no place amongst Thais who have their own gossip on Channels 3 thro 11. My Thai wife tells me to turn Fox off when subjected to it in certain hotels here after she had her fill of screaming matches on a so called Fair And Balanced discussion programs. To outsiders, such as True UBC and the Thai public, a news channel with a Fair And Balanced slogan might appear humiliating to viewers who have a more sensible approach to deciphering good and bias news for themselves. Replace Fox News instead of E! news ok, but comparing it to BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and such remains a joke to the non "American ex-pats" I would think.

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FOX news is giving out a great big shout out to: "All our viewers in Thailand watching us on TRUE Visions"

How absurd?

Libs as always can kiss my @$$.

While in Jomtien recently I heard somebody on the Fox News Channel say "Now available by satellite in Thailand by True Digital Entertainment Services."

Does anybody know anything about this?

Also, pardon the probably stupid question, but if one purchased a dish couldn't it be pointed to a satellite somewhere (with the help of a competant technician) which does transmit Fox News? I once was told by an expat living in Chanthaburi he received Fox News from the Philippines via a satellite somewhere. (If you are reading, please tell us how!)

The Sunshine Hotel on Soi 8 in Pattaya has Fox. Not sure how they're getting it but they are getting it. I don't think they have a lot of channels so I'd guess it's not satellite.

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Once again Sir DigitalB, both liberal and conservative views have legitimacy .......Often very interesting discussions for many American ex-pats here who are highly concerned about current events back in the U.S....Since Fox News is far more watched than CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and the others combined, it is certainly NOT a joke. Only from your perspective. To each his own.

I would humbly suggest, Mr Lop, that it is the wise perspective of True UBC (not they have much of that either) that Fox is not on their network. Your perspective seems to be coming from that of "many American ex-pats" of which your "liberal and conservative views" have no legitimacy elsewhere and seem senseless to outsiders, where common sense prevails.

Fox is entertainment for some but not serous news or common sense, much like the UK's Sun or other world wide gossip rags. Good fodder for "many American ex-pats" perhaps but in Thailand has no place amongst Thais who have their own gossip on Channels 3 thro 11. My Thai wife tells me to turn Fox off when subjected to it in certain hotels here after she had her fill of screaming matches on a so called Fair And Balanced discussion programs. To outsiders, such as True UBC and the Thai public, a news channel with a Fair And Balanced slogan might appear humiliating to viewers who have a more sensible approach to deciphering good and bias news for themselves. Replace Fox News instead of E! news ok, but comparing it to BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and such remains a joke to the non "American ex-pats" I would think.

Hello again DigitalB. Let me first reply that I can certainly understand why many if not most non-USA expats would not like Fox News. It is too highly American, international news is not near as expansive or complete as I would like, and (agreeing with your wife) the ranting, sometimes screaming, "discussions" are annoying as h_ell surpassed only by the crazed, continuous fighting and screaming of the women on the daily Thai soap operas (BTW, does your wife enjoy that screaming? Mine does :) . - Off topic, nevermind, not important). Some of Fox, like "Red Eye", is over the edge and I can't stand, quickly switching the channel.

As I try to think more about what I like about Fox News I realize it is the U.S. business and financial news it covers and their analysis since I am most interested in these subjects. Hearing the viewpoints of Steve Forbes and others like him are important to me. The trillions Obama and the democratic congress are spending (in deficit) worry many Americans as well as non-Americans, as the dollar continues to weaken and perhaps eventually devalue as many predict. As expats, many of us depend on a stable dollar and are nervous about where the baht/dollar ratio may be heading and I appreciate hearing the financial analyses. I watch all networks to obtain as much information as possible.

I also like hearing from the Obama skeptics (of which there seem a scary few). I admit Obama has been an international hit, and has done an immense amount of good for American sentiment abroad. But he is not perfect, doesn't have all the answers, and his actions should be scrutinized. As one noted author entitles "The Slobbering of America" some believe the media is in love with Obama and isn't scrutinizing enough. His speeches both in Cairo and in Normandy for D-Day yesterday were fantastic, I believe, and I feel proud he is America's president. But I still want to hear everybody's take on it. Why not? This is all important stuff.

Although Fox calling itself "fair and balanced" is a bit much, I do enjoy listening to their conservative slant then judging for myself. As I mentioned earlier, at least there is one network which presents the conservative perspective. There is nothing wrong with that, it is good. For liberals to be actually happy True UBC does not offer Fox borders on approving censorship of opposing views. The vehemence and intolerance of liberal posters I continue to read on TV is disappointing. Such vitriol. Lighten up, Grow Up, and open up your so-called "liberal" minds. (Comment not specifically directed to DigitalB)

Edited by Lopburi99
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I'm an American Expat, and the only English news my Building cable system offers is Fox "News"... and I must put the quotation around the word "News", as if what they offer can be defined as such, then it's pretty much of the Tabloid variety.

I watch Fox a lot when I'm home, not because I enjoy it, but as Background noise, and also as a way to keep my Blood pressure up... There is almost nothing that I can say that is positive about this station... especially when one of the Least offence people on the Network is Bill O'Reilly.

The weekday cast of Fox & Friends (Doocey, Carlson & Kilmeade) are 3 of the most Stupid people that are on a national network... They can only spin the talking points, and if they are ever presented with factual evidence to the contrary, they forget it within the next few minutes, and begin spewing their lies and predjudices again. .. Yes.. lies... I won't put a positive face on it and call them Mis-Truths... Dis-infiormation is more like it.

I was brought up in the age of Walter Cronkite... I do know Objective "NEWS" reporting when I see it.

There is NO objective reporting on FOX... NEVER... EVER !!!!!!

Fox personalities like Sean Hannity, Neil Cuvuto, Megyn Kelly. Dick Morris, that new guy Glenn Beck, and of course everyone's favorite special guest Ann Coulter.... are representative of everything that foreigner's hate about Americans. They are our worst enemys and our worst nightmares should They ever get a "True-Believer" in power... Lucky for Us and the world, that the closest they got was Dick Cheney.

Fox is a network of Haters and Hypocrits... and the furthest thing from "Fair & Balanced" that you can find anywhere... Dare I say it.... Even Al Gizera is more Balance than Fox... and I would trust their "News" over anything that Fox presents... Fox is a Nework of Opinion & sensationalism.... I don't begrudge them their right to express themselves.. They do have the freedom of speech protected by the constituion... What I object to is that they constantly and consistantly rail against the right of others to hold to a different opinion... The true Value of the American Ideal that I believe the world used to admire the USA for..... The Right to hold and express differing opinions... Besides... what they present, is Just NOT NEWS !!!!

There is never an equal and balanced panel when opinions are represented... Not when there is one "Liberal" against 3 Conservatives.... and when did Liberal become a bad word???... and if they do have a strong defender of a left leaning view-point, the host invarably won't let them answer and present their views in a fair and explanatory way... usually overtalking, becoming insistent and beligerantly demanding that the the guest "Answer the Question"... with a straight Yes or No, ... no clarification or mitigation to present the facts that might educate their viewers or present a divergent point-of-view allowed.

And even though they deny any collusion between shows, or Network direction to their "reporting", it's amazing how all shows together manage to present the most Trivial Tabloid factoid as breaking news... That of course only Fox is covering, because of the "Bias" of the Left-Wing media".... and they all present the same talking points... almost like they are reading a script.... Well.. I guess they all are.... from the same writing shop.

I think it was the Nazi Goebbels that said "a lie repeated often enough becomes fact..." I'm paraphrasing here...

The really sad part to this whole story, is that Fox enjoys the highest rating of all American Cable Networks....

But I guess, if the American public can believe in The reasons for the Iraq War, elect Bush twice, and make Rush Limbaugh the highest rated Radio talk show host.... They can believe and accept anything.


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Fox has probably done more damage to Democracy and Freedom in the USA than Bush and his cronies....

With all their Fear Mongering and Divisive Particin Negativism (in cooperation with the Bushies) they have certainly done more damage than Bin Laudin and El Quida. !!

Not a story is presented without some attack on Democratics, Liberals or Obama... Whether is on Business. Health care, National security, Education, or basket weaving!

The only thing they seem to actively support are Blondes with big Cleavage....

The Morality Network, My Ass

History will back me up.


Edited by CosmicSurfer
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