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Over Thousand Of Motorists Filmed For Jumping Red Light


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The 1,000-plus motorists filmed jumping a Bangkok red light yesterday can expect a Bt500 traffic ticket in the mail soon.

Sending out the tickets is all very well, but collecting the money is another matter.

In most cases that will have to wait until the annual vehicle tax comes due........ :o

The fine is far too small to really be a deterrent. :D

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Then again maybe not as 1,740,000 drivers where convicted by speed cameras in UK in 2006..........

You can make it work if you stiffen penalties. Immediate loss of licence for doing over certain speeds is a good start.

I bet if they start confiscating cars as they do in the Netherlands people will slow down (in a hurry :o). You can actually lose your car permanently in the Netherlands for speeding.

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When i attended the classes in Sukhumvit LTD they told me that you should not cross the intersection or drive into the intersection if it's blocked. I.e. even if the light is green you are to wait until it's clear to cross over without having to stop in the middle of busy intersection. Amazingly it also helps with the general flow of traffic. Free lessons available in the city of Singapore for anyone interested :o

Actually the lessons in Singapore can be very expensive if you are not careful, and this is one of the reasons why the driving is so much better. I think I read in the Straits times that police were concerned because they had arrested 18 drivers for drink driving offences over the Christmas holiday...... sounded like a rising trend..

Talk about S'pore. They even put camera infront of bus, controlled by bus driver. Conviniently, they will take your photo if you enter the bus lane in front of them. I must say it is a very good idea. I hope there is a token for the driver for every valid photo taken. This might add up to a big bonus.

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Speed Cameras may slow down Farangs in Fortuners doing 170 Kph on a 90 Kph speed limit road.

Not sure how this thread turned into yet another opportunity for farang-bashing...

When I am driving each day, almost all of the people I see driving are Thai, so almost all the people I see driving through red lights or speeding are Thai. Just simple numbers. The traffic light cameras are going to catch mostly Thais with a small percentage, probably about the same percentage as the number of farang drivers as a percentage of total drivers, being farang.

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Speed Cameras may slow down Farangs in Fortuners doing 170 Kph on a 90 Kph speed limit road.

Not sure how this thread turned into yet another opportunity for farang-bashing...

When I am driving each day, almost all of the people I see driving are Thai, so almost all the people I see driving through red lights or speeding are Thai. Just simple numbers. The traffic light cameras are going to catch mostly Thais with a small percentage, probably about the same percentage as the number of farang drivers as a percentage of total drivers, being farang.

Bonobo.....its not farang bashing...its just jealously, as he cant afford a Fortuner... :o

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I watch Mythbuster once on the refflector plat (and other devices, including clink film). Save your money, they all do not work.

Mythbusters are bulls#it.

Do you really think that they are going to educate the public on network TV about how to break the law ?

Why not?  THey have no affiliation with any civic organization.  On the last episode shown here,they showed how it would be possible to break out of jail with salsa.

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Then again maybe not as 1,740,000 drivers where convicted by speed cameras in UK in 2006..........

You can make it work if you stiffen penalties. Immediate loss of licence for doing over certain speeds is a good start.

I bet if they start confiscating cars as they do in the Netherlands people will slow down (in a hurry :D). You can actually lose your car permanently in the Netherlands for speeding.

I am reliably informed that a vast number of Thais operating mocys do not actually have a driver's license.

And many farangs living in Thailand for years still use their home country driver's license. :o


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