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Fire At Santika Night Club


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and from another expat web board comes this predictable gem.
Originally Posted by buriramboy The misses just translated something for me on Thai Rath and she says it's saying it was farangs lighting fireworks in the bar.

Could easily believe that. I witnessed too many times like exactly farangs were those who behave like apes when they feel themselves sabai-sabai being out of their "behave-well!" developed home countries.

What a sad and tragic event to wake up to this morning. I hope those those injured recover fast, and to the deceased, RIP.

With regards to Thai Rath and blaming farangs, other media are reporting something a little different.

Survivors described how flames tore through the two-storey club, causing the ceiling to collapse and bury revellers in the rubble inside one of the city's top nightclubs. Oh Benjamas said guests were given sparklers as they entered the nightspot and fireworks were sprayed from the stage as people celebrated the new year.

source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jan/0...kok-fire-deaths

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This may be irrelevant but what is the purpose of all that "ISO xxxx..." certification that you often see in Bangkok?

Is that obtained thru back handers too?

First all as others have said, what a start to a new year. I express my sincere condolences and sorrow for all those that had family and friends killed in this tragic event. May they RIP. I wish a full and swift recovery for all those that survived and were hurt although I am sure with many that have very deep burns this may not occur but my prayers are with you.

As for ISO, ISO has nothing to do with safety.

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Well. From first person perspective:

It was fuc_king unreal. Like being in a movie or something; think I'm still in shock/denial.

We went in as 7, now 4 remain missing, including my bro. Couldn't find them in hospitals last night. Going down to the morgue now. I'm praying I don't see them there, so I can continue to search the hospitals.

Afterwards the most ridiculous thing about the whole thing I've realized is that they somehow built the place with no water sprinklers, fire extinguishers or emergency lights.

Sorry man....

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SO SAD.........


Everyone, I understand it was located on the 3rd floor and was a death trap to starts with.

It was just a matter of time some thing terrible would happen. Young people however feel invincible.

I guess I am to old and cautious. We all know how lax the codes, if any codes at all and enforcement are in LOS.

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While this truly is a tragedy I'm not that surprised. Thai people have no idea about safety :o

May the victims RIP.

Couldn't agree more with your post.

I once visited a music school (Siam Kolakhan or something) on the corner of Sukhumvit 67 with a Thai friend who had his son enrolled for piano lessons. It's a 5-storey shophouse. To my horror the 5 storeys were full of dozens of wooden cubicles with wooden pianos in them and not only that, for some reason as if anyone would steal a big heavy wooden piano through a window, all windows had thick metal bars in them. I walked to the the top floor and you've guessed it, the metal door to the roof was locked with a rusty padlock on it. I mentioned it to my Thai friend, he didn't react.

I happened to know the person at the Ministry of ED in charge of fire safety so needless to say I mentioned it to her. She asked me for the address of the school. After 2 months the school was closed down.

This was 3 years ago. The school moved to Taisin Square not far from there. The building I believe, is actually owned by the company or school chain because for at least 2 years I could see pianos still in there and even today the school albeit empty now remains just like it was when they vacated it.

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Well. From first person perspective:

It was fuc_king unreal. Like being in a movie or something; think I'm still in shock/denial.

We went in as 7, now 4 remain missing, including my bro. Couldn't find them in hospitals last night. Going down to the morgue now. I'm praying I don't see them there, so I can continue to search the hospitals.

Afterwards the most ridiculous thing about the whole thing I've realized is that they somehow built the place with no water sprinklers, fire extinguishers or emergency lights.

Oh no...

Which hospitals have you checked? Jor Sor 100 has reported some of the names of those in hospitals so if you have a way of tuning in that might be a start.

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One man, Somchai Frendi, who was inside the pub when the fire broke out, said the blaze was caused by a "special-effect" firework to usher in the New Year. It made the ceiling, which was made largely of inflammable sound-proof materials, catch fire which spread very quickly.

I love Thailand but if I have to pick one thing that I absolutely hate and that is here more common than in Europe it is this sort of stupidity that can become dangerous or in this case deadly. RIP :o

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Well. From first person perspective:

It was fuc_king unreal. Like being in a movie or something; think I'm still in shock/denial.

We went in as 7, now 4 remain missing, including my bro. Couldn't find them in hospitals last night. Going down to the morgue now. I'm praying I don't see them there, so I can continue to search the hospitals.

Afterwards the most ridiculous thing about the whole thing I've realized is that they somehow built the place with no water sprinklers, fire extinguishers or emergency lights.

Terrible, hope everything will turn out to be ok mate

Horrible tragedy :o

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Well. From first person perspective:

It was fuc_king unreal. Like being in a movie or something; think I'm still in shock/denial.

We went in as 7, now 4 remain missing, including my bro. Couldn't find them in hospitals last night. Going down to the morgue now. I'm praying I don't see them there, so I can continue to search the hospitals.

Afterwards the most ridiculous thing about the whole thing I've realized is that they somehow built the place with no water sprinklers, fire extinguishers or emergency lights.

Sorry to hear that. I hope everyone is OK. My friends weren't there last night.

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When I first came to Thailand I was pretty reckless, driving a motorbike without a helmet stuff like that, I loved how Thailand didn't have 'none of those stupid rules like in the UK' but the longer I stay here the more I realise why we have such strict safety/driving laws and I appreciate them much more.

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A very sad way to start out the new year. My condolences to all involved. But situations like this are just waiting to happen. I was just talking to a teacher friend who said he teaches in a school with about 4000 student and there is not one fire extinguisher in the school. I wonder how many fire extinguishers the night club had?? Is there a fire code in Thailand??

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I just looked at the Santika website (posted in an earlier post) and there is a message on their that appears to be from the Owner/Mgr of this establishment. I did a Google search and found his Facebook page and his Classmates page. Google appear to have a few links to gather info on this guy. I am wondering is now he'll be 'on the run'.

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Lucifer's is a prime fire trap if there ever was one.... every time I have been in there I comment that if a fire ever started here we'd be fked.

So, why do you go there?

If potential customers boycotted venues with obvious safety problems, things would soon get fixed.

Well, unless there is a mass boycott, along with clear reasons why, then nothing will change. Just stopping going there will not send a message - the management will just change the decor or venue, thinking those things were keeping the punters away.

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how many foreign music groups light fireworks at their concerts in closed halls? those white light

vulcanos and stuff?

.... I cannot believe anyone would light fireworks indoors, nevermind in a space like that with so many people present.

My condolences to all. I want my friends to get in contact with me as soon as possible.

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A couple of months ago, before I came to Thailand, I read a story about an elephant getting run over and killed on a busy street in Bangkok. Apparently it is illegal for them to be there in the first place, but the mahouts pay the police, and everyone turns a blind eye. Then it was just an elephant that paid the price for pay-off to those in authority. Don't get me wrong, that was a tragic event, and it saddened me very much.

Fast forward a few months 60 killed in a blazing inferno, and I am hearing that maybe local authorities were paid off, turned a blind eye etc etc, to safety concerns, fire exists etc.

I guess what I am trying to say, is that greed and corruption does not just kill baby elephants ....

Just my thoughts anyway.

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My Sincere condolences to the unfortunate victims and their families of this horrific event.

I can not imagine why fireworks were allowed to be brought in and who in their right minds would even contemplate setting off these in a crowded environment..i am sure i saw some tv footage of some one bringing out a spent fire work, it looked like one of those multi tube devices where 6 or 8 mortar type mortars go off in relatively quick succession many tens of meters in the air before they explode.


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how many foreign music groups light fireworks at their concerts in closed halls? those white light

vulcanos and stuff?

.... I cannot believe anyone would light fireworks indoors, nevermind in a space like that with so many people present.

My condolences to all. I want my friends to get in contact with me as soon as possible.

True, very true. In fact, the fire at the Rhode Island nightclub in 2003 sounds similar. Pyrotechnics set fire to the soundproofing foam and spread rapidly, causing everyone to panic and rush toward one exit. However, it's my understanding that "pyrotechnics" don't necessarily translate into ordinary fireworks, if that was the case. Either way, it's horrible and people need to be held responsible for such callous neglect and waste of human life.

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Filming dying people! Disgusting! Nice to start the new year with! god bless all the people theyr at Santika club.

I'm not sure what is wrong with you and others that flamed the camera man on youtube, are you expecting him to go around and verify peoples status before turning on the camera? Do basic triage by pushing away rescue personell and then do depth interviews with the ones that are fluent and coherent only?


I for one want to thank him to take the photage so one can grasp the extent of the damage.

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I prayed for their souls. Please join with me. Dear God, how was this allowed to happen?

i cant even express my words , i am in tears. ive met some good friends in thailand and this just hurts to know that everyone i ever met was friendly and a good person. may your budha be with you and godspeed with all my prayers. when u think u have it rough, think to yourself and be thankful for a new year people. i cant even think right now how bad people are affected by this. no one ever should complain about anything.

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wouldn't think so, it is not a farang place.


Most of killed victims of pub fire are foreigners: deputy police chief

Deputy Police Commissioner-General Pol Lt-Gen Jongrak Juthanon said most of those killed in the Santika Pub fire were foreigners.

He said they were tourists from Nepal, Austria and Japan.

The Nation

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Well. From first person perspective:

It was fuc_king unreal. Like being in a movie or something; think I'm still in shock/denial.

We went in as 7, now 4 remain missing, including my bro. Couldn't find them in hospitals last night. Going down to the morgue now. I'm praying I don't see them there, so I can continue to search the hospitals.

Afterwards the most ridiculous thing about the whole thing I've realized is that they somehow built the place with no water sprinklers, fire extinguishers or emergency lights.

My condolences for your ordeal. I sincerely hope you will find your brother. I don't know you but my thoughts are with you. Keep us posted if you're up to it.

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A horrific story that breaks one's heart. Could have been anyone of us. Last night I stuck to 2 outside bars, but still ended up with burning embers landing on me including burning my shirt and hair. Nothing we can say or do will change this, so best to not let this tragedy be wasted without learning from it. Sprinklers, fire extinguishers would have done nothing. Nor even construction code compliance. All it took was having only 1 working exit. Do not go to clubs where you do not know the exit and safety situation. Trust nothing unless you have verified and if you are unsure, get the hel_l out of the place.

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Well. From first person perspective:

It was fuc_king unreal. Like being in a movie or something; think I'm still in shock/denial.

We went in as 7, now 4 remain missing, including my bro. Couldn't find them in hospitals last night. Going down to the morgue now. I'm praying I don't see them there, so I can continue to search the hospitals.

Afterwards the most ridiculous thing about the whole thing I've realized is that they somehow built the place with no water sprinklers, fire extinguishers or emergency lights.

My condolences for your ordeal. I sincerely hope you will find your brother. I don't know you but my thoughts are with you. Keep us posted if you're up to it.

Sir you have my respect and condolences, find your brother. you shouldnt be here. as i sit her pittying myself for being alone on new years, i cant even imagine what people are going through. i felt so much regret in my life when the tsunami came and did so much destruction. it seems just to keep going across the world. people please be careful take care of eachother and live life. wish that i had the power of god with me , i would detour such destruction in the world. heartaches is the worst. think about your neighbors

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Shit .. once again Thailand has to be in the World News.

Do pyrotechnics have to be certified in this country? Do lawyers, doctors, builders are? How much brains does it involve to know about safety measures, flamable materials, fire exits and staff training for someone how is professionally in the business of running a night club?

And is it a coincidence that first time I find out about this tragedy is from World News while the Thai channels are showing pre-recorder and pre-arranged New Year programmes?

Please all influential Farang, Farang with Thai partners and all Thais who miraclesly can read this Forums do something to influence the way things work in LOS. Write in Thai politicians, explain, talk gently or threaten .. I don't know, but we have a new and educated PM .. maybe few "first steps" can be made. Maybe some good can come from this horrible event.

As for me, living here, driving, riding motrobikes, flying, going out partying or shopping I am ALWAYS afraid of shit happening and try to take some precautions. I often even wonder that things work as well as they do .. considering what's going on.

Condolences to all affected. RIP to the dead.

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Most of the discos I have been in thailand are blatant fire traps.... inadequate/locked emergency exits, shoddy construction (go into flames in an instant), over capacity. I mentioned numerous times once I am in, if a fire ever goes off we are pretty much done, unless you stay close to the entrance.

Anyways my condolences to the those who lost family/mates and speedy recovery to those injured. Let's hope a lesson is learned, but I really doubt it. :o

And many condos I go into have fire doors always wide open to help speed the fire through the building. I close them many times but they are reopened within minutes.

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how is this not in the english media? jesus they take teh night off?

It was the AP that broke this story NOT Thai media. It was the local media that was asleep. Don't ever expect the local media to get on a hot story. Thai reporters wouldn't know a story unless it's nicely rapped up for them and spoon fed to them at a press conference with dancing girls and free food.

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