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Palm Tungsten E2

lotus eater

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A couple of months back I got helpful responses to my plea for help in finding a charger - I found one for 800 baht.

Hope I can get some suggestions for a further problem that is looming. My Palm is a much used 5 year old now and the charge is not lasting long - clearly the battery is on its last legs and I need to get the data to a safe place.

Is isync with Macbook straightforward or is there a messy procedure because the Palm system doesn't 'fit' with Apple's - excuse my computor ignorance, but that's me. (I know that I tied myself in knots trying to isync with my ibook - and gave up. Am hoping the Macbook will be different.)

Otherwize I'm prepared to change the battery or buy another pda or somthing else that a Palm owner on the forum might suggest.

Am hoping for an easy solution, suggestion or perhaps tips/comment on the isync.

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