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Thai marriage 2


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thank you all for the various interesting answers (some of them not too intelligent I must say) but others very helpful. I forgot to mention, that my girl has managed to build up a reputaded beauty salon in Khorat with just 20 000 Baht input from me 2 years ago. Her family had suggested many times that we get married, we just wanted to wait, until I am ready to move to Thailand and stay with my family. this pregnancy came a bit of a shock at first, but now we are over it. I will have a home wedding (non-legal) during my next visit in December and making it legal on a later stage. this will satisfy her father and I need to pay only for feeding the relatives and the monks. There was also the aspect of her being 24 and me 57, and of me having to work a few more years at sea (I am a seaman with 5 months vacation per year) but hey, we are in Thailand and with a little bit of luck we will have another 20 happy years and when I have to go, I will have the good feeling, of having given a poor Thai girl and her children a better life than they would have had otherwise. I will now start my planning /preparations for living in Thailand sometimes in the not too distant future.

Thank you all again


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There was also the aspect of her being 24 and me 57, and of me having to work a few more years at sea (I am a seaman with 5 months vacation per year)

If you're 57, and she's just 24, then I'm sure her pregnancy came as a shock. I know a guy your age who decided to have kids. He now looks very tired. After five months here you'll be pleased to get back on that boat.

I know a seaman, too, the captain of a cargo ship based in China. He is at sea for months at a time and when he is here, with his girlfriend in Pattaya, he can't wait to get back. Will find any excuse, even hiring a fishing boat to fish in waters where there are no fish.

He sends back his American-dollar earnings and his girlfriend (in her 40s, with a teenage boy of her own from another relationship) spends it, I guess. She has just bought a two-level place in Pattaya.

They're both happy, I think, and perhaps happiest most when they are apart.

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