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Baht Bus Confidential: True Life Experiences From The Front Lines


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Personally I don't think anyone (in their right mind) would be too bothered about the 10 baht/double pricing if the baht buses actually provided a good service and if the drivers were not (generally) a bunch of w*nkers who think they are above the law and beyond reproach. If they went where they were supposed to go (fixed routes, on display) without deviating for no apparent reason, at least tried to be polite, had rates displayed for private hire dependant upon distance, at least made some attempt to obey the rules of the road and tried not to be get too drunk/be too obnoxious/be too aggressive I think we could all live with their pricing structure.

Sure, if you convert the actual cost into foreign currency it is cheap transportation by anyone's standards, but what p1sses people off who live in Pattaya is that you get none of the above and are expected to pay double for it, day in day out, week in week out.... After a while it wears a bit thin.

You cannot even check where the driver is going or query anything with the driver before you board the bus as this would be considered private hire and he can then charge what he likes.

And then, just to add fuel to the fire, they announce a new a/c meter taxi service, which should at least give people an option as to whether they use the baht buses or not, and then they give the concession (as I understand it) to the same people responsible for the baht buses. Go figure.

In many ways it defies belief.

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New years eve my freind saw an angry Baht Bus driver tell 2 falangs to get off his bus unless they were going to pay 100 Bt each!!!! both refused and had to get off, the driver was out in the middle of the road and screaming and shouting at them!!! Funny thing was the two of them didnt even have a seat - they were standing on the step at the back!

This happend on second road around soi 4 area, my mate said it was quite a spectacle and a lot of people were watching??

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Jinthing, It is my understanding that from jomtien to pattaya tai it is 10 baht and if you go past pattaya tai that is considered another ride and it is an additional 10 baht

That is wrong. From inner Jomtien it is 10 baht as far as Pattaya Klang (Thai or farang). To go as far as Big C, most drivers will not accept 10 baht from a farang. Of course, the drivers are always pushing to change the "rules" so this is all very situational and very fluid (obviously, they like it like that). For people who believe the correct fare for that is 20 baht, try giving 100 baht, they will gladly accept that as well ...

But the OP keeps demanding that we complain, and never mention when things go right.

Wrong again. Read the OP. My intention was to hear about exceptionally bad experiences AND exceptionally good experiences. Especially now during this unusually difficult high season where there have been many reports that drivers are edgier than usual, which is saying something. Saying, never had a problem is pablum and off point. I can't help it if is a fact that in general there are many more cases of EXCEPTIONALLY bad experiences than EXCEPTIONALLY good experiences. Just getting decent service without an incident is to be EXPECTED and is not EXCEPTIONAL.

To be clear, personally, MOST times I get decent service and no cause for major complaint. Minor complaints like reckless driving, passing stop calls too long are common though. I cannot report even one time where I received EXCEPTIONALLY good service in all the years I have been riding the buses.

These days, I do think the service at the Pattaya Tai queue is an almost constant problem because of that drunken lout I mentioned who now seems to run the place and is on some kind of power trip. He has an abusive personality. What a bad impression for the many thousands of tourists passing through that point. Last night he was massively drunk. I assume the men there are paid by the baht bus collective. Tells us something about their standards.

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I think that there should be some kind of thread started listing numbers of baht buses in Pattaya which are good and which are bad.

Example: 186=GOOD

I am not clear as to the point of that. People pretty much take the next available bus.

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it's funny but in russia bus cost mostly about B10 (or 8 rubles) for any distance . In Khon Kaen thailand songtaw cost B13 for everybody.

long time already i not see that thais pay 5 baht. 10, 20 yes i see this everyday. i think 5 baht price only for old or very young peoply.

When i give 10 baht but driver want 20 i give 20.

Somebody talk about thappraya road songtaw problem, it is completely waste of time next time you should take a motobike taxi.

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10bht is good value - I don't whinge. :o

I agree. Again, the intended topic of the thread wasn't about 10 baht, it was about exceptional INCIDENTS, good and bad. The 5, 10, 20 baht thing has been done to death. I was trying to do something different on the subject. Perhaps not possible?

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Of course, it's never about the "5 baht" itself (contrary to what many seem to argue). It always about the "dual-pricing" and the racist aspect of that.

I have a sneaking suspicion that for most though, it really is about the "5 baht" though, and they use the "dual-pricing/racist" argument as a smokescreen. :o

I had high hopes for you until I read the second part of the sentence. Then it deflated rapidly.

People don't like to be cheated. Not for 1 baht of 100 baht.

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I think they lease the bus from the organized baht bus collective so if that is the case, they must earn their "nut" everyday before they earn baht 1. So of course they must hustle and be aggressive to earn a living in their struggle for economic survival. But there are limits to what is acceptable (grabbing and holding down my hand for example).

The queue men I was talking about who stand around Pattaya Tai and 2nd do not drive buses, so I assume they are paid by the baht bus collective. But who knows. I don't know exactly what their money motivation is to yell at riders.

I haven't seen any of those signs pictured above for quite some time.

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I think the Bhat bus service is excellent and if it was not there we would all miss it.

The problem with the service is the low fare structure of 10 Bhat. Whilst the low fare is helpful to most the problem with the low fare it that it does not encourage tipping. The only encouragment seems to for cheap charlies to get around town and moan when things do not work out.

Now my suggestion is that if the bus goes exactly where you expect, give 10 bhat and then say "here is another 10 bhat for you"

Tipping creates excellent service. Without a tipping culture you can only expect poor levels of service that will only go one way, the service will continually get worse. knowing there is the chance of getting a tip does improve service as people will do more than the bare minimum.

I have been driving a London Taxi for over 20 years so I feel more qualified than most on this subject.

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I have been driving a London Taxi for over 20 years so I feel more qualified than most on this subject.

Do you make a calculated guess mid journey that youre not going to get tipped and drive badly or through extra traffic ...... what extra service do you people offer? all you do is drive a car. London cabbies are the most overpaid taxi drivers in the world with your protectionist policies, with satnav there is no need for the knowledge, try competing in a free market like the people who you expect tips from.

As for tipping a baht bus driver, im sure you dont tip them lunatic bus drivers in London for not killing you between A and B.

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"The regular fare of mini bus in Pattaya is not over 10 baht per person acording to the law of enforced by the department of land transport."


The above is displayed in many "baht buses"

I suppose no one understands English.

Not over 10, not over 9 not over 8 not over 7 not over 6 not over 5 all amount to the same thing.

It could have said not over 1000 baht and still be correct.

It's 5 baht.

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Jumped on a baht bus opposite Carrefore - heading for Big C 2nd road. Other people got on further down, after they talked to driver, when we arrived at lights on 2nd Road the driver jumped out and told me to change bus, (right there in the next lane) no charge.

I have never had a problem with the baht buses - had a drunk driver many years ago - it was raining and I was sitting in the front - no one else on board, I got him to stop at Tourist Police station when it used to be on 2nd Road and asked him to wait. Went in to the office told the policeman and he came out and took the keys from the ignition and told the guy to move over, drove the car into the car park and told the driver to sleep it off.

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"The regular fare of mini bus in Pattaya is not over 10 baht per person acording to the law of enforced by the department of land transport."


The above is displayed in many "baht buses"

I suppose no one understands English.

Not over 10, not over 9 not over 8 not over 7 not over 6 not over 5 all amount to the same thing.

It could have said not over 1000 baht and still be correct.

It's 5 baht.

This red & white fare display has been replaced with an all white update.

The minimum fare is officially 8 baht per trip.

When I make short trips I pay 8 baht. For the Pattaya Tai-Jomtien trip I pay 10 baht if I get off at the near end of Jomtien Beach Road and 20 Baht if I get off at Sai Chaiyapuke which is the far end of Jomtien Beach Road.

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"The regular fare of mini bus in Pattaya is not over 10 baht per person acording to the law of enforced by the department of land transport."


The above is displayed in many "baht buses"

I suppose no one understands English.

Not over 10, not over 9 not over 8 not over 7 not over 6 not over 5 all amount to the same thing.

It could have said not over 1000 baht and still be correct.

It's 5 baht.

This red & white fare display has been replaced with an all white update.

The minimum fare is officially 8 baht per trip.

When I make short trips I pay 8 baht. For the Pattaya Tai-Jomtien trip I pay 10 baht if I get off at the near end of Jomtien Beach Road and 20 Baht if I get off at Sai Chaiyapuke which is the far end of Jomtien Beach Road.

The few times I have gone that far it has been a non-issue as they have always stopped at the police box(in the middle of jomtien beach rd) and told me it's 20 baht to go any further. Which is fair enough. So why not be as clear everytime?

To me it just creates ill-will.Have a clear map and clearly defined fair boundaries.

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The minimum fare is officially 8 baht per trip.

Wow. First I heard about 8 baht. I can see why they don't want to publicize this. A difficult number, change-wise.

I think what you pay to Jomtien is standard though a Thai would pay 10 going to Pukey.

These days I almost always walk rather than take a short baht bus ride (unless its raining hard or hauling stuff.)

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I have been driving a London Taxi for over 20 years so I feel more qualified than most on this subject.

Do you make a calculated guess mid journey that youre not going to get tipped and drive badly or through extra traffic ...... what extra service do you people offer? all you do is drive a car. London cabbies are the most overpaid taxi drivers in the world with your protectionist policies, with satnav there is no need for the knowledge, try competing in a free market like the people who you expect tips from.

As for tipping a baht bus driver, im sure you dont tip them lunatic bus drivers in London for not killing you between A and B.

These comments display the sort of ignorance that makes me feel sorry for the Thai Bhat Bus drivers - they have to put up with the sort of fares I would rather not have in my taxi in London - the once a year rider that sits watching every click of the meter and is only using you as they had no choice. <snip>

If you feel tipping a Bhat bus driver is out of the question than you will get the sort of service you deserve. You also do not understand tipping and why you do it.

Edited by soundman
Removed flame. No more please.
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Just sounded daft to me. An open air cattle truck bus in Pattaya is not even a taxi, much less a London taxi. Nowhere in the world are BUS DRIVERS tipped. I can see if you chartered a baht bus for a special trip, and you were treated very well, and the price was fair for the Thailand market, then a tip would be a nice gesture (in the very unlikely event of all that happening).

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Actually the Pattaya Tai-Jomtien taxi drivers are getting more aggressive. It is probably due to the slow-down in tourism. 10 Baht should be the fare, but male drivers demand 20 baht and after sunset it is more dangerous.

I try to look at the whole situation philosophically: It is still good value for money.

Recently in the UK I paid 2.20 GBP for a bus ride lasting eight minutes.

I agree most baht bus drivers are bad, but in the hot humid months ahead.... 10/20 baht for a few miles is good value.

I agree with you Syd, in comparison with bus fares in the States or Europe it is a bargain but that is really not the question is it.

To start with there is not one public bus or public transportation company in USA, Canada, Australia/NZ or Europe that would demand one fair for the people of the country and another for the tourists.

For a long time now the bus drivers behaviour in Pattaya have been an ongoing debate as well as the fact that they do not always drive their designated routes. But as always nobody in charge neither understands the problem nor care!

The only thing in this mess that I have ever thought was funny, was a couple of years ago when one bus driver tried to stitch up a couple of bodybuilders from the States. After a long couple of minutes of verbal abuse from the bus driver when he wanted them to pay 20 instead of 10 bath for the fair "because they were so big"???, they simply turned his bus with him in it over on the side.

I have seldom laughed so hard in my life!

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Baht Bus Fare List for you to print out and keep in your pocket at all times.

From Pattaya Mail: January 23-29 2009 Volume XVII #4

Official minibus fares listed by the Chonburi Transport Office are:

The Charoenrat Pattana-Najomtien Village route:

Charoenrat Pattana-Nipa Lodge Hotel 8 baht

Charoenrat Pattana -Asia Hotel 21 baht

Charoenrat Pattana-Soi Chaiyapruk 29 baht

Nipa Lodge Hotel-Pattaya Market 8 baht

Nipa Lodge Hotel-Asia Hotel 14 baht

Nipa Lodge Hotel-Soi Chaiyapruk 22 baht

The Pattaya Market -Soi Chaiyapruk 15 baht

Asia Hotel-Soi Chaiyapruk 8 baht

The around Pattaya route:

From the beginning of South Pattaya-Banglamung Plaza 8 baht

From the beginning of South Pattaya-Nipa Lodge (North Pattaya) 10 baht

From Banglamung Plaza-Nipa Lodge junction (North Pattaya) 8 baht

From Banglamung Plaza-beginning of South Pattaya 10 baht

From Nipa Lodge junction (North Pattaya)-Banglamung Plaza 8 baht

North Pattaya-Central Pattaya:

North Pattaya-Central Pattaya Road Intersection 8 baht

North Pattaya-Somprasong Plaza 11 baht

North Pattaya-Wat Bunkanjanaram 23 baht

Central Pattaya Road Intersection-Somprasong Plaza 8 baht

Central Pattaya Road Intersection-Central Pattaya T-Intersection 17 baht

Somprasong Plaza-Wat Bunkanjanaram 8 baht

Somprasong Plaza-Central Pattaya T-Intersection 12 baht

Wat Bunkanjanaram-Central Pattaya T-Intersection 8 baht

For more fare information please contact the Pattaya Information Desk at 038-253-131-32 or the Pattaya City Call Center at 1337.

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Last week's Baht bus news !

Got on a bus on the corner of Soi 2/3 Second Road going down towards Beach Road, intending to go to Waking Street. Just after the turn to Beach Road, an obnoxious Russian and his hooker (why is it always these &lt;deleted&gt; ?) wanted to charter the bus which had 2 people on it. I know where he was going (Bt100 fare agreed) which meant I would be turfed off at Centre Road (or drive with them) so I got off. Bus driver wanted paying. Why ?

Told stupid Ruskie that it was correct form to attempt to hire an empty bus of which there were a plethora.

A couple looked in disbelief that I wanted change from my Bt20. One fish wife almost chucked 10 1 baht coins at me.

Other than that, no dramas.

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