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Nursery Supplies On Line In Los?


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A post on the CM forum didn't reveal any sources of black poly pots and bags, so I'm posting here on the farming forum for sources of black poly pots etc on line, reliable and good quality.

I'm sure the factories are mostly down in BKK area and wondering if I could order on line or phone.

Thanks in advance......

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Hello jaideeguy, 3 ways come to mind, 1. use a local ag store you use find it for you, it may take sometime, this has worked out for me here several times with the store I use. I take them some of the latest fruit/vegetables I just picked, they have given freebees to me also, 30kg bag of poly-bags, seeds and a bag of Bio organic fertilizer from the ag school here,(the one posted for Korat show this month) they also speak english.

2. use the BKK english online yellow pages, it's slow and can turn up some results and very few co's have web sites they list or any good info on them. Forgot, also try the BKK english "print" yellow pages. They mostly go by product name/service and most don't have adds/pictures, just name/p-number/address, but is better than the O/L one. Can require lots of Thai speaking phone calls!

You could order the yellow pages at one time from BKK-TOT.

3. try this: http://bangkokcompanies.com/ I think it's better than the yellow pages.


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