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Taxes And Duties For Receiving Ebay Items


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Hi guys,

I'm planing to order a Macbook on Ebay USA and have it delivered by FedEx/UPS to Pattaya.

Would those who have knowledge, please enlighten me about possible taxes/duties for

this kind of stuff? Does Thai customs service charge on any value (1$ or 1000$), is it a fixed

rate or variable, and so on?

I'll really appreciate this, thanks for everybody!

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Hi guys,

I'm planing to order a Macbook on Ebay USA and have it delivered by FedEx/UPS to Pattaya.

Would those who have knowledge, please enlighten me about possible taxes/duties for

this kind of stuff? Does Thai customs service charge on any value (1$ or 1000$), is it a fixed

rate or variable, and so on?

I'll really appreciate this, thanks for everybody!

They are going to hold your computer hostage for thousands and thousands of baht. Get ready for it. I ordered a simple toy from ebay that cost me 3000 baht, the "tax" to get it from customs was another 1000 baht. They are extortionist gangsters, have fun.

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A while ago I got a UK-based secretary to forward a small electrical item to me and she used a carrier similar to UPS. Unfortunately she specified a high item value and when the package was held at customs their demand for duty was so extortionate that I left it there. I believe that all items sent by UPS etc go through a similar customs handling process, where things sent by ordinary surface mail often sneak through.

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About 2 or 3 years ago I ordered a used computer motherboard from Ebay as a replacement for the motherboard in my laptop PC. I had it sent to my friend at his address in CA, USA, and he in turn just relabeled it and sent it to me here in Bangkok. I asked him to specify on the customs declaration form that it was a "used" motherboard and that the item was worth USD$100, which was approx true. It was sent via USPS as I recall. I had no problems receiving it.

Were I you, I'd "fudge" the customs form a bit, say it's "used" and perhaps use your imagination about it's value and also what it is.

For the record, I also have sent 4 rather large boxes of things via USPS to Japan, fudged the customs forms declaring the items in each box to be approx USD$100, and had no problems either. I sold all of those items in Japan for approx USD$3000.

Seems that there is something about things that are new and worth more than USD$100 it seems... YMMV

Good luck, let us know how it works out.

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Hi guys,

I'm planing to order a Macbook on Ebay USA and have it delivered by FedEx/UPS to Pattaya.

Would those who have knowledge, please enlighten me about possible taxes/duties for

this kind of stuff? Does Thai customs service charge on any value (1$ or 1000$), is it a fixed

rate or variable, and so on?

I'll really appreciate this, thanks for everybody!

They are going to hold your computer hostage for thousands and thousands of baht. Get ready for it. I ordered a simple toy from ebay that cost me 3000 baht, the "tax" to get it from customs was another 1000 baht. They are extortionist gangsters, have fun.

Ain't that the truth.

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Funny old forum, this.

If you wish to discuss downloading pirated software, it is forbidden, and the mods will come down on you, because that is an illegal act.

If you wish to discuss evading (not avoiding, or "fudging") customs duty (ie tax), that apparently is OK, but it is also an illegal act. :o

Edited by jackspratt
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Funny old forum, this.

If you wish to discuss downloading pirated software, it is forbidden, and the mods will come down on you, because that is an illegal act.

If you wish to discuss evading (not avoiding, or "fudging") customs duty (ie tax), that apparently is OK, but it is also an illegal act. :o

I dont think most of us would mind paying the correct ( written ) charges on imports, however when you are quoted 15 per cent and charged 100 per cent ( as i was on a set of wheels ) it becomes a game of cat and mouse, us being the mice trying to avoid capture by the fat cat,...
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There should not be any taxes besid ethe standard 7 % VAT - on most daliy used product that i price below $1000 usd

or is it 20,000 b

So please check and make clear .

I had import a set of Sound system for my cars a whle back .

1500watt RMS AMP and two 900watt Pure ram Bass speaker .

which cost me $1400 usd .

i got it in paying 7 % of the total cost plus shipping cost

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Hahaha.....there are two other topics currently running about "ordinary" post going missing and recommending people to use the courier post...and here you are recommending the opposite. There is only one safe way and that is to do without or buy it here.

HL :o

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Funny old forum, this.

If you wish to discuss downloading pirated software, it is forbidden, and the mods will come down on you, because that is an illegal act.

If you wish to discuss evading (not avoiding, or "fudging") customs duty (ie tax), that apparently is OK, but it is also an illegal act. :o

Exactly right 'jackspratt'. I was reprimanded once over the fact that they allow questions on here, such as"where can I buy fake..... in Thailand ?". I thought it wrong to be asking this on the forum, and said so, as counterfeiting is illegal in Thailand.

Back on course now. 'Geekfreaklover' is correct in that if one uses ordinary 'Airmail' no taxes are collected.

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The secret is get it sent my 'normal mail' and you will be OK.

They seem to open all courier stuff now, outgoing and incoming.

The HUGE problem with "normal" mail, which no one is addressing, is the much greater risk of not getting it at all with no recourse. Any thing of value I have had sent to me through normal mail never made it here.

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The secret is get it sent my 'normal mail' and you will be OK.

They seem to open all courier stuff now, outgoing and incoming.

The HUGE problem with "normal" mail, which no one is addressing, is the much greater risk of not getting it at all with no recourse. Any thing of value I have had sent to me through normal mail never made it here.

Yes true. The OP is talking about having a laptop posted. Would have to use a courier or find somewhere nearer and go and buy it. I think the import tariff is around 40%.

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The rate of customs duty in Thailand for imported computers is 0%. A 7% VAT applies (cost of computer, plus freight costs to Thailand)

Armed with the correct information (ie the appropriate tariff item, with associated duty rate) you should be able to challenge any attempt to impose duty.

It is also pretty easy to provide evidence of the correct value for a laptop computer if Customs dispute the declared value.

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The rate of customs duty in Thailand for imported computers is 0%. A 7% VAT applies (cost of computer, plus freight costs to Thailand)

Armed with the correct information (ie the appropriate tariff item, with associated duty rate) you should be able to challenge any attempt to impose duty.

It is also pretty easy to provide evidence of the correct value for a laptop computer if Customs dispute the declared value.

Their quoted figures/tariffs are worthless,. i imported a used set of car wheels from the states,declared/genuine purchase price $400, tax quoted 10 pc, taxes paid 14000 baht,!. and no i didnt lay down, i left it with them for a month and tried all ways, it was that or lose them, .
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I bring in between 10 and 20 packages a month, most from Ebay, of sizes varying from a padded envelope to large boxes - about 1 in 5 get stopped and held and I get a green printed letter in the post to tell me that the import duty is 20% and the VAT is 7%. There is also a storage fee which is 20 baht per week (I think its per week).

Usually they work of the value on the shipping label - which if it is undervalued, can be cheap, but if the sender puts a high value for insurance purposes, it can end up cost you a lot, so I request a lower shipping value. Some sellers will, some wont.

It really is a roulette - sometime I get stopped on a $20 item, other times they let through a huge $500 item.

In my experience, if you can prove that you didn't pay what Customs valued it at, take that documentation - Ebay receipts have been enough - its calculated on what you paid AND freight - although sometimes their value overrides what you paid. Be polite and courteous in the face of customs officers or the post office. If you have a good relationship, things can be smooth. If you don't, then they will hold your package hostage and not budge.

I bought in about $1,000 of uncut gems from Pakistan a few years ago that came in a tin box with string and wax seals. Looks suspicious and customs called me in and I opened it in front of them. Their eyes lit up when I tipped the contents on their desks. It took me 4 months of hassle as they first tried to get me for 40,000 baht import fess (no duty on uncut stones as per their website). When that failed, they "lost" the shipping documents 3 times and I had to get them re-issued in Bangkok. Finally, my wife handles it, and paid VAT of 7%.

But be informed, read their website and print out if it helps, have proof of what you paid, and be nice...which is sometimes VERY hard to do.

My advice. Buy the computer locally.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The HUGE problem with "normal" mail, which no one is addressing, is the much greater risk of not getting it at all with no recourse. Any thing of value I have had sent to me through normal mail never made it here.

Maybe I have been lucky but my office mail from the states gets here in a week by normal mail. Prioriety mail a bit faster. Perhaps the problem with your "never made its" is the value marked on it. A big red flag for those who steal. Was the value on the package? Has your paper mail been ok?

Now i hve to ship some stuff to the states and wondering the cheapest way. Its a bunch of framed photos. About 20 of them. The frames are about 18 x 24. They are all my photos and have my name on each print so dont think there will be duty stateside. If one marks the declaired value less than 250 usd then they usually pass without us customs intervention. At least through the post. I dont know if there is surface post out of LOS now or not. Does anyone know? It doesnt matter if shipping takes a few months as long as I get them.

Packaging is another problem. Finding someone to cut some boxes to fit for me. Pehaps I will find some at the supermarket and cut them... Difficulty is not speaking Thai so will have to wait for the gf to help and hope she will undestand 555 :o

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Funny old forum, this.

If you wish to discuss downloading pirated software, it is forbidden, and the mods will come down on you, because that is an illegal act.

If you wish to discuss evading (not avoiding, or "fudging") customs duty (ie tax), that apparently is OK, but it is also an illegal act. :o

customs levies arbitrary fees and holds legally purchased goods hostage for money, illegal software is simply illegal. its not that complicated.

Shipping anything via UPS/FEDEX is asking to get stung, EMS mail is much better.

large courier companies act as customs brokers as well, i suspect there is a comission included somewhere so the tax is always high.

How high a savings is the macbook over ebay? Apple has a thai online store now and you can get computers in 2 days to your door (i believe from singapore), no fuss no muss the posted price is the price you pay.

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I have a similar situation so I thought I just ask in this thread.

I was planning to order some dried dog food from Amazon. My wife says imported foods gets heavily taxed by customs too. We don't really know if it's true, but the last time we shipped in dried meat treats when we moved here, she was so afraid of them opening up the boxes and slipped quite some money under the table.

I was also thinking of ordering some BluRay discs and one or two kitchen appliances, but by the responses on this thread, these types of things are immediate magnets for the fat cats and should probably be avoided.

I could ship them to a friend in the US and have those items repackaged and shipped to me, but I don't know if it's going to help in any way. What if I address it to a Thai?



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