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Army Demands Protest-free Summit


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Army chief Anupong Paojinda, referring to the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) protesters, called on people with different political views to stop obstructing the country from hosting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summit because the event is considered a national agenda.

According to Gen Anupong, the country would gain benefits, if it can properly host the summit.

Commenting on the plan to dissolve the Southern Border Province Administration Centre (SBPAC), he said he had discussed this with Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thuagsuban and they agreed that the centre will not be disbanded.

The army chief said the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) Region 4 will continue to look after security in the deep South, but another large committee will be jointly responsible for this matter as well.

Bangkok Post

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And where was the army when the PAD was forcing the PPP governmnet to move the summit to Chiang Mai?

It was silently lurking behind the PAD supporting their every move with political, logistical and financial backing.

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did you mean this one that has now been moved to hua hin ( bye bye millions of baht being spent in chiang mai ) coz the army can secure the area better ?

secure against what ? ..... its supposed to be a meeeting between asean countries .... Not a war zone

when is this roundabout going to stop coz im getting giddy !

dave2 : )

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quote 'Gravelrash'

Commenting on the plan to dissolve the Southern Border Province Administration Centre (SBPAC), he said he had discussed this with Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thuagsuban and they agreed that the centre will not be disbanded.

Oh --- that's good! Army chief Anupong Paojinda is at least discussing it with them before he decides what shall be done. Strong leadership is important.

The army chief said the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) Region 4 will continue to look after security in the deep South, but another large committee will be jointly responsible for this matter as well.

In sound proven hands then. Feeling better now. "another large committee" ---- hmmmmmmmmm ??

Has anyone noticed a government anywhere? :o

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Army chief Anupong Paojinda, referring to the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) protesters, called on people with different political views to stop obstructing the country from hosting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summit because the event is considered a national agenda.

According to Gen Anupong, the country would gain benefits, if it can properly host the summit.

Bangkok Post

The General is a comedian --- if he wanted the country to "gain benefits" he could cause the army to refrain from interfering in the running of the country.The removal of an elected government should not be at the whim of individuals such as he.

If he genuinely wanted to help the country he could start to reign-in the rampant corruption of the upper level army commanders. Thaksin was a newcomer to the trough who may have been starting to erode the "take" of the select few.

Corruption was not the target of the PAD ----- only Thaksin's corruption.

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...the event is considered a national agenda.

According to Gen Anupong, the country would gain benefits, if it can properly host the summit...

And where was the army when the PAD was forcing the PPP governmnet to move the summit to Chiang Mai?

I guess that stopping people people from shutting down the country's Airports and costing the country 290 Billion baht was not a part of the national agenda.

And 290 Billion baht and 500,000 jobs were not a big enough benefit to the country to convince him to do his job last time around...

That being said of course they should maintain order, it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth to see blatent double standard.

It removes all credability from the Army and Police... where were guys before

Edited by CWMcMurray
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  • 1 month later...

Perhaps the general should copy previous best-practice, and just build a very large hoarding, to block the view of anything untoward, from the delegates as they race past in their executive-minibuses ? :o

Credit should perhaps be given to the new government, for actually being sufficiently in-control of the country, to permit the ASEAN-summit to actually go ahead ? :D

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And where was the army when the PAD was forcing the PPP governmnet to move the summit to Chiang Mai?

It was silently lurking behind the PAD supporting their every move with political, logistical and financial backing.

Please document these allegations ... particularly logistical and financial

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And where was the army when the PAD was forcing the PPP governmnet to move the summit to Chiang Mai?

It was silently lurking behind the PAD supporting their every move with political, logistical and financial backing.


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