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Fight Club


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Very difficult undertaking. Work permits, paying off the appropriate authorities, marketing.

However, if you can get all that done, then it might have a chance to take off and be successful.

There is some island over phuket way that is actually in Burma, where you might be able to organise such an event.

first off all, there is no need of an working permit. I see an event like this as entertainment and not as a way to make money.

I don't have to work or anything, just talking to the right people.

then I don't know about rule 1 or 2 because I never was in an fighting club, not yet :o .

But I got 1 big question, why is this sport event illegal?

thank you all for your opinions and sorry for my bad english

You ABSOLUTELY WILL need a work permit.

I'm not sure where you live, but I know this area pretty good and I know when I need a WP or not.

maybe in the tourist areas they are watching every step you do, but not here.

I really would like to know if people would be interested.

thank you

SJ, Are you posting from outside Thailand by chance, because if you are NOT then you must understand that dispite how much you might think you know your area......It is still part of the country of Thailand & the Law about work permits is fairly clear. It may be very easy to get one for this purpose......don't let me stop you, but if you want to do things legally, which is the best way to do things, then you will need to get yourself the work permit.

Seems to me you may already have a fight on your hands & you havent even adorn the gloves yet! Good luck with your venture!

PS: When I was reading up on this that there is an exemption for certain classes of people Re: Work Permits. In particular, Exemption: diplomatic staff, consuls, UN, working for Kingdom, if allowed by the government, if coming to enhance education, culture, sport, or arts or any other prescribed by Royal decree.

I'm not sure if a 'fight club'will fall into the cateogry of enhancing sport.....but I would imagine NOT.

Edited by neverdie
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Probably already in trouble with the cash on hand as well as potential work skills. Try bug (roach), cock, etc fights. potential legal liability will be much less, and not too much in the way of relatives or next of kin to deal with. Small venue required, or you could set up a crap or blackjack table at your local watering hole, using your start up money for fight game, no need for entry fee. If this idea of no interst (no I do not to fight) try odd man or just head/tail coin flip with all your friends.

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Im up for a fight, my mate lives do that area too, pm your number and i'll give you a bell when im down there next.

Both put 10000 baht in a hat winner takes all.

seeya soon :o

dont forget to video record the even and post on thaivisa :D

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I think I also would fight, just for fun, even knowing that I would go down very fast :o .

I'll try to get more into it, one of my neighbours is a big guy at the local cable tv company.

If I know more then I'll keep you updated.

have a nice weekend

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I think I also would fight, just for fun, even knowing that I would go down very fast :o .

I'll try to get more into it, one of my neighbours is a big guy at the local cable tv company.

If I know more then I'll keep you updated.

have a nice weekend

well if he is a big physical guy and wants to fight to, count me out. :D

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ok guys. I'm not sure where this thread is leading.

All I wanted to know is if someone is interested in an event like this.

Moderators please feel free to close this topic.

thank you


Looks like Suratjohn is down for the count & round 1 hasnt even started! :o

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ok guys. I'm not sure where this thread is leading.

All I wanted to know is if someone is interested in an event like this.

Moderators please feel free to close this topic.

thank you


Looks like Suratjohn is down for the count & round 1 hasnt even started! :D

:D fighting with the jungle in the back of my house. be back later. I hope I gonna win :o

see ya

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If i was crossing the bridge to get where the grass is greener :D and you popped up from under the bridge snarling at me, Yes then i would fight.

I won't fight you, but my brother will be crossing the bridge in a minute and he's much bigger than me. :o

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Actually I thought of "real" amateur fights, like just bored businessman, the drunken german from the bar across the street,...

Sure I have to think about the fees and prizes!

But it would be real fun, wouldn't it?

So that seems like a good idea, once in a while everyone could use a little exercise.

Getting the crap kicked out of you is just another excuse to go for massage!!!


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So that seems like a good idea, once in a while everyone could use a little exercise.

Getting the crap kicked out of you is just another excuse to go for massage!!!


:o I think it's gonna be the other way, you're kicking me.

but the beer after the fight is on you :D

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  • 1 month later...

Lemme know when you put it together. Got alot of family and friends that do this kind of thing for free. You should make it 1 continuous round no brakes no rounds, with mouth guards and hand wraps no gloves or protection other than a steel cup(and mouth guard). Thas a real fight club. Like I said definitley let me know when you get it together. salaam...

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Let consider , a few basic here ,

OK maybe you are flooded by the Income you going to have and is building sky castle here ,

i am not saying is not possible . but there is far more planning then just get a fighter .

a good fight can easily knock the daylight out of Noob . - do you have a medical back up .

a few wrong move and untrained . Brute - can seriously get hurt or hurt someone . esepciall since some of the drug addict who is dying for fast cash will join you .


let say someone die during the match . what is your backup ?


you might say . feeding the tiger is enough to get the gig running .

-- but the tiger only get more hungry . after all you are one big farang to juice .

- the last farang who run a ORGY gig . and make alot of money from 3000baht per head . exchanging wife . did get arrested .

- the thing about news is such that - you need people to know your matches in order to get income . from bet . and controlling info - so that those who get it get a share of the pie .

you are better off . being a drug mules . then to go over the trouble . get bite by the tiger itself .


fighter get paid to fight for underground fight and nobody will pay you 10,000 to join in . unless some red neck . farang who is rich and love a beating .

- most good fighter are broken . and profesisonal would not go into such fight .


you are better off opening a titty bar .

good luck

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everybody can enter, thais and farang.

The Thais will not fight unless they outnumber the farang opponent by at least 3:1. This is the international cowards' code.


I had a similar idea for Pattaya. There's all these farang guys who are shitfaced the entire day, and all they do is sit around bending the elbow with their buddies and getting on each other's nerves. I don't hang out in bars, but lots of times, walking around, I've seen guys at the brink, usually a "hey mate" type arm-around-the-shoulder with an aggressive intention, and other guys coming over trying to prevent a punch up. I've never seen an exchange of blows myself.

I thought "what about having a bar with a reputation for fights breaking out?" Not actually sanctioned by the establishment, mind, but just known as a rough place. Get some resident rummies to be shills/instigators. Precautions like chairs bolted to the floor, drinks served in plastic cups, etc. Maybe some rule like any spoil-sport who breaks up a fight is obliged to ring the bell and buy a round for all. Combining your idea, maybe you can do something like this but have a patch of dirt out back where the lads can settle their differences and the punters can make bets.

Forget the idea of the prizes, they will become property of the local police chief.

I've seen some real fools around Pattaya and wouldn't mind seeing a few a them get bashed. Used to be this yobbo who hung out near where I was staying, beer from breakfast to bedtime at his outdoor table giving everyone the hairy eyeball, torso fully tattooed and so was his neck and face. He was always carrying on, loudly, about how stupid everybody else was, which was funny but I had the impression this guy was a nasty piece of work and probably on the lam (imagine being on the run from the law and having a tattooed face!). Wouldn't have minded seeing someone shut his trap for him.

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