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Aloe Vera Juice


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Can you buy aloe vera juice in Phuket for drinking purposes?

It is supposed to be good for gastric ulcers.

Dunno, but be very careful about the way the liquor has been prepared as the base 'ello Vera' juice is painfully bitter, aye, far bitter than most expats. :o

Excellent for sunburn too.....thinly sluice a fresh piece and place in the fridge for about 15 mins and then apply to groaning farang's red bits. :D

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Aloe vera grows very nicely here in Phuket and you can see many people having pots full of them. Getting a few of your own would not be difficult. The bitter part of the Aloe vera is the thin white skin under the top skin; get rid of it and use only the leaf meat and you will not have such a bitter juice.

I personally do not know how fast they grow, eg how many plants you would need for your personal use. Maybe somebody else in this forum knows (or try to look for this information in the Farming subforum).

Can you buy aloe vera juice in Phuket for drinking purposes?

It is supposed to be good for gastric ulcers.

Dunno, but be very careful about the way the liquor has been prepared as the base 'ello Vera' juice is painfully bitter, aye, far bitter than most expats. :o

Excellent for sunburn too.....thinly sluice a fresh piece and place in the fridge for about 15 mins and then apply to groaning farang's red bits. :D

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