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After living in Thailand for years my body has acclimatised and I am now "kee na", as the locals say( I feel the cold).

It has been very cold here in Khon Kaen and up in Poo Gradeung(Loei).

I have 3 tips:-

1) Keep your waist/lower back well covered. I learned this in a temple in the Himalaya. I got strange looks from the Thais.

2) Keep your head covered.

3) Layers are better than thick. I wore 5 t-shirts while others wore one sweatshirt.

Do you have any more?

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After living in Thailand for years my body has acclimatised and I am now "kee na", as the locals say( I feel the cold).

It has been very cold here in Khon Kaen and up in Poo Gradeung(Loei).

I have 3 tips:-

1) Keep your waist/lower back well covered. I learned this in a temple in the Himalaya. I got strange looks from the Thais.

2) Keep your head covered.

3) Layers are better than thick. I wore 5 t-shirts while others wore one sweatshirt.

Do you have any more?

4) Find yourself a nice warm companion. (dog, cat or komodo dragon)


Something we learn in the frozen north.

Keep your extremities covered. gloves, sock, hat.

Also get a wind breaker.......and of course those scarves which are a fashion must have in Bangkok..

or simply sit in the sunlight.


It's all about conserving heat, not necessarily producing it. Your body produces a lot of heat by itself.

Did you know that about 70% of body heat escapes through your head and feet? (30% through your your hands)?, I have heard tho

So I would guess, your first priority is to cover your feet and your head.

It's all about conserving heat, not necessarily producing it. Your body produces a lot of heat by itself.

Did you know that about 70% of body heat escapes through your head and feet? (30% through your your hands)?, I have heard tho

So I would guess, your first priority is to cover your feet and your head.

So you are saying that if I cover my head, feet and hands and then walk around naked, I won't lose any heat. Can't argue with that math, will try it tomorrow.

It's all about conserving heat, not necessarily producing it. Your body produces a lot of heat by itself.

Did you know that about 70% of body heat escapes through your head and feet? (30% through your your hands)?, I have heard tho

So I would guess, your first priority is to cover your feet and your head.

So you are saying that if I cover my head, feet and hands and then walk around naked, I won't lose any heat. Can't argue with that math, will try it tomorrow.

NAKED you say?…..

Well you will have a fever and you would probably get all sweaty...the sweat would evaporate and you'd become chilled…the dampness will make you colder!

PS: Please do a favor for those soi dogs for once!

Dr Teacup here :o


It has been brutally mild in Bangkok last few days - over nights and early morning temps brushing 14 degrees! Thats 7-8 degrees colder than a shopping centre, and a full degree colder than a Bangkok cinema at night.

I got up early yesterday morning and sat in front of the computer wearing only boxers, and I actually shivered. I slipped on my knee length shorts, AND a t-shirt, half closed the door, made a nice hot cuppa - and everything was fine after that. I was ready to go back to bed though if it got any colder.

Stay safe people.


I actually find that having a cold shower helps!

Im not trying to be a smart-ar#e but for some reason after you hop out of a cold shower and towel off, my entire body becomes nice and warm & then I put on something warm & I am right for the nite.....works well just prior to bed time. TRY IT! Hasnt killed me yet :o


Also in Isaan. With temperatures varying from 12 degrees (at 6 a.m.) to 25 degrees at 2:00pm, LAYERS really make sense. I take off and put on all day/all night long!

Just came back from a ski vacation in North America and wondered if I was crazy bringing the long underwear, wool hats/gloves/sweaters back with me to Thailand instead of leaving them with the relatives. Thought I might want them on a future ski vacation in Japan or Korea. However, last night and early this morning, they have become my best friends! :o

It's all about conserving heat, not necessarily producing it. Your body produces a lot of heat by itself.

Did you know that about 70% of body heat escapes through your head and feet? (30% through your your hands)?, I have heard tho

So I would guess, your first priority is to cover your feet and your head.

With so many 'Follicly Challenged' people out there the head covering seems a must.

Wee Willie Winkie springs to mind :o

I actually find that having a cold shower helps!

Im not trying to be a smart-ar#e but for some reason after you hop out of a cold shower and towel off, my entire body becomes nice and warm & then I put on something warm & I am right for the nite.....works well just prior to bed time. TRY IT! Hasnt killed me yet :D

Yes, this is very good advice, if you can stand the cold shower.



Have a pal bring a 2kw fan heater from Argos UK. Only 10 inches high and fit in his suitcase great. Have it on for 15 minutes and warms up the bedroom by 15 degrees. Yeh softie I know; but a warm softie. Only 44/8 degrees in Nak Phanom 06.00 Sunday morning -- not as cold as Loei but getting there.


Layers of loose clothing does the trick.

The air pockets between the layers are the effective insulators, not the clothes themselves.

A wool hat works wonders too.


I waited until 2pm today before i had a shower hoping the water would heat up. It didnt really make much different but more bearable than very cold.

First shower for 3 days. I dont think i'll be having one tomorrow if its cool again.

Im serious to.


buoght a really good heater in tachilek/mai sai,

a heat bulb heater,never saw one before,

really healthy heat,doesn't make the air dry or the room damp,

made in china,


I used to do survival manouvers in Germany at the height of winter , minus 20 or more , we were allowed a poncho and 2 blankets , dug a hole in the snow , placed the poncho in , made up a folded blanket bed , stripped off the clothes and put them between the blankets , covered the whole thing with snow . Got up in the morning , had a good rub down with snow , dried off and put on the warm clothes enfolded in the blankets . No tents , no sleeping in trucks , just face the fury of nature , not once in six years did i catch a cold . Here in Asia I do it the easy way , simply , fire up the gas stove with a large pot of water on the burner , heats up the place fine , thank you very much , have to admit though , I also happen to be fortunate to have a hot bloodied lady , warms the cockles of my heart . :D:o

I actually find that having a cold shower helps!

Im not trying to be a smart-ar#e but for some reason after you hop out of a cold shower and towel off, my entire body becomes nice and warm & then I put on something warm & I am right for the nite.....works well just prior to bed time. TRY IT! Hasnt killed me yet :o

I worked in Helsinki one winter when it was -15C. I found a dip in a cold pool after a sauna was great for keeping warm for a few hours.

Candles really warm a room too.

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