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I really want to get up early and feel fresh .. like a morning person. However i guess posting on TV at 1:30 am is not a good start..

I am trying though.. I try to get 8 hour sleep. I have cut back on alcohol consumption a lot so will have many days in a row with not even a glass of wine.

I gave up coffee and cigarettes over a year ago.

I am not eating chocolate or drinking tea before bed and I don't eat a late dinner (4pm is the last meal).

I take a vitamin or two, I don't eat red meat, im not a pot smoker and im not taking sleeping pills. (wow I sound boring huh?)

However I have always preferred nights.. but I work in the day time.. 10-7 , 11-8, 12-9 and just want to wake up at 8 or 830 and feel awake and go do some mild excercise so I dont turn into a fat bastard as Im pushing 40 now and want to be healthy... Or jut wake up early and go to bed early.. and be more productive in the day. I hate mornings! but im trying to like them and to be postive and all that ...

But if I don't have to get up I roll over. Really i could stay in bed for hours and hours.. 10 hours 12 hours no problem....

How do I change this? I read some things about sleep intertia and another disorder and some suggestions like very obvious things..

If anyone has any personal experience please let me know .. i would be most appreciative.

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You need to change your 'body clock.' If you Google 'body clock' you will find many articles of interest.

Personally, I find by doing some strenuous exercise in the morning, relaxing in the afternoons with a good book or in front of the televison, dinner at 5pm and I'm ready for bed by about 9 or 10pm.

I haven't given up drinking coffee either. I can drink two cups about two hours before going to bed and I'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

As soon as I wake each morning (around 6am) I get up and start my daily activities.

Changing your daily habits or routines does take time for your body clock to adjust. Be patient and before you know it you'll be a morning person.


Whilst I believe there really are morning persons and night owls on a genetic level, it can also boil down to discipline (and if you stopped smoking and drinking coffee, that sort of discipline is there).

Me, I set my alarm clock for 04:30 and jump out of bed before I can think about it. I grab a tea and head out for a run and thus get my exercise out of the way early. Not always easy, especially as I work in a hotel and sometimes have late nights. Good thing about it is that i had to cut back alcohol consumption a whole lot.


My writing coach taught me never to write up a story about people awakening suddenly, sitting bolt upright and awake. Nobody does that. I stop drinking caffeine about 7:30 pm, and finish later with chocolate milk or a little, weak wine. I have only recently learned to turn off my brain after lying down. You appear to be in good health, and could probably work yourself into new habits. Try not to think yourself into a new way of behaving. Act your way into new habits of thinking.

My writing coach taught me never to write up a story about people awakening suddenly, sitting bolt upright and awake. Nobody does that. I stop drinking caffeine about 7:30 pm, and finish later with chocolate milk or a little, weak wine. I have only recently learned to turn off my brain after lying down. You appear to be in good health, and could probably work yourself into new habits. Try not to think yourself into a new way of behaving. Act your way into new habits of thinking.

how did you manage to turn off your brain(serious question)its my big problem to getting to sleep Have always been a light sleeper.


You are missing the best part of each day!!!

Get out of bed and go for a jog, when you get back have a cold shower....you will surprise yourself how good you start to feel.

Sounds like you are oversleeping, it only makes you feel lethargic & ikk.

You are missing the best part of each day!!!

Get out of bed and go for a jog, when you get back have a cold shower....you will surprise yourself how good you start to feel.

Sounds like you are oversleeping, it only makes you feel lethargic & ikk.

I used to run in the morinings about 10 years ago and even have had phases in my life where i work early and make it, barely out of bed and in time to work but getting up is dreadful. I have lived with a few people who were naturally morning people. Amazing. However at Midnight I am wide awake! I want to wake up and not feel lethargic so I CAN go enjoy the best part of the day..................

You are missing the best part of each day!!!

Get out of bed and go for a jog, when you get back have a cold shower....you will surprise yourself how good you start to feel.

Sounds like you are oversleeping, it only makes you feel lethargic & ikk.

I used to run in the morinings about 10 years ago and even have had phases in my life where i work early and make it, barely out of bed and in time to work but getting up is dreadful. I have lived with a few people who were naturally morning people. Amazing. However at Midnight I am wide awake! I want to wake up and not feel lethargic so I CAN go enjoy the best part of the day..................

Sorry, I really want to help you out but everytime I see the word Misterman & then that picture of that bunny....I just crack up... :o


From my perspective it all to do with body conditioning. I worked most of the last 10 years of my productive life in the offshore oil and gas industry where one was on the job by 06:00 for a 12 hour day. Unless we had a calamity to deal with it was very rarely that I was in bed later that 20:30.

8 years down the line, after retirement, I'm still in that routine although lets say I've breakfasted by 07:00. I'm not a night person we go out after dark to a restaurant maybe once a week and I have normally had my last beer by 18:00.

I do have to blank out the dreaded tinnitus which can be annoying in the early hours.


Ditto that on the oil and gas scene.

However I am a night owl and when I get home I usually 'creep' into the night hours again.

When work offshore is kicking off again I usually 'grind' back into morning hours once more :o

how did you manage to turn off your brain(serious question).

Just tell it "to shut up"! and then forget about it!

It is not hat easy. I have to think about not thinking. A conscious thought to stop having conscious thoughts. Lately I just start counting. That is boring. Boredom is the absence of thought. Thus, sleep.

The very best way to "wake up" is to kick start your body in the morning.

Simple enough, make it work.

Easy way, when you wake up, head to the kitchen, pour yourself a tumbler of cold water (colder the better) and force yourself to drink it.

First up it alleviates the dehydration everyone has when they wake up.

Second, the cold forces your body to start to work to warm that water up inside.......the water pulls in the internal heat from the body, and the body must start to work to generate more heat to replace that lost energy used in warming the cold water up.

Don't beleive it..........try it...........

30 minutes or so after that, have your morning cup of tea or coffee as normal.......

how did you manage to turn off your brain(serious question).

Just tell it "to shut up"! and then forget about it!

It is not hat easy. I have to think about not thinking. A conscious thought to stop having conscious thoughts. Lately I just start counting. That is boring. Boredom is the absence of thought. Thus, sleep.

yes i do the same but find it quite difficult,often resort to a pill to help,but would like to do without.

The very best way to "wake up" is to kick start your body in the morning.

Simple enough, make it work.

Easy way, when you wake up, head to the kitchen, pour yourself a tumbler of cold water (colder the better) and force yourself to drink it.

First up it alleviates the dehydration everyone has when they wake up.

Second, the cold forces your body to start to work to warm that water up inside.......the water pulls in the internal heat from the body, and the body must start to work to generate more heat to replace that lost energy used in warming the cold water up.

Don't beleive it..........try it...........

30 minutes or so after that, have your morning cup of tea or coffee as normal.......

cold water or cold anything is bad for the kidneys,try water at room temperature with a squeeze of fresh limes.that wakes the body up.


Sounds like most replies are from hypocondriacs (only read 2 actually). It is simply mental dicipline. Eat and drink whatever you desire - within reason - and read up on some basic psychology in order to understand 'self'

If you take the advice that cold water is bad for the kidneys then - well :o

PS I hope you take my advice - after all blood is thicker than water

how did you manage to turn off your brain(serious question).

Just tell it "to shut up"! and then forget about it!

It is not hat easy. I have to think about not thinking. A conscious thought to stop having conscious thoughts. Lately I just start counting. That is boring. Boredom is the absence of thought. Thus, sleep.

yes i do the same but find it quite difficult,often resort to a pill to help,but would like to do without.

Try reading something absorbing (but not too exciting!) for about 10-15 minutes in bed (any partner allowing, of course).


as a retiree i feel luck that i can sleep when i want and wake when i want.sometimes i sleep 4 hours and other times 8.went out last night until 1-30am and was up at 6.30am feeling groggy but had a cold shower and coffee and felt ok,did shopping and had a good long walk then had my late afternoon 2 hours kip and awake to a cold shower again.what a life i have lol.

You are missing the best part of each day!!!

Get out of bed and go for a jog, when you get back have a cold shower....you will surprise yourself how good you start to feel.

Sounds like you are oversleeping, it only makes you feel lethargic & ikk.

I used to run in the morinings about 10 years ago and even have had phases in my life where i work early and make it, barely out of bed and in time to work but getting up is dreadful. I have lived with a few people who were naturally morning people. Amazing. However at Midnight I am wide awake! I want to wake up and not feel lethargic so I CAN go enjoy the best part of the day..................

ITs actutally a morph of a bunny and Persian. :D

Well if i could just get out of bed to get that cold glass of water...... how can I wake up not feeling so groggy/Do morning people feel groggy?

Why does getting out of bed have to be such torture?????

No matter if I get 8 hours or more?

Sorry, I really want to help you out but everytime I see the word Misterman & then that picture of that bunny....I just crack up... :o

I really want to get up early and feel fresh .. like a morning person. However i guess posting on TV at 1:30 am is not a good start..

I am trying though.. I try to get 8 hour sleep. I have cut back on alcohol consumption a lot so will have many days in a row with not even a glass of wine.

I gave up coffee and cigarettes over a year ago.

I am not eating chocolate or drinking tea before bed and I don't eat a late dinner (4pm is the last meal).

I take a vitamin or two, I don't eat red meat, im not a pot smoker and im not taking sleeping pills. (wow I sound boring huh?)

However I have always preferred nights.. but I work in the day time.. 10-7 , 11-8, 12-9 and just want to wake up at 8 or 830 and feel awake and go do some mild excercise so I dont turn into a fat bastard as Im pushing 40 now and want to be healthy... Or jut wake up early and go to bed early.. and be more productive in the day. I hate mornings! but im trying to like them and to be postive and all that ...

But if I don't have to get up I roll over. Really i could stay in bed for hours and hours.. 10 hours 12 hours no problem....

How do I change this? I read some things about sleep intertia and another disorder and some suggestions like very obvious things..

If anyone has any personal experience please let me know .. i would be most appreciative.

You don't have to be a bastard when your fat,and you should look in the mirror and kick yourself in the arse and get on with your life who cares if you want to lay in bed maybe you should try a girlfriend or you to lazy for that to.


I am a light sleeper, have been in the past a proper insomniac and used to have a hellish time to sleep, especially in this climate..

However the last couple of years I have turned my clock around to a point where its even gone too far (awake this morning at 5 - 5:30 in full dark, fist coffee looking at the stars).. For me I cant sleep if theres light in the room.. So start by sleeping with open curtains, that gets you into the circadian rhythm thing and now as soon as first light is coming in, pre dawn, is when my body tends to wake itself.

The difference in how healthy I feel now I wake at dawn and sleep at 10 or 11 is huge.. No more groggy, shitty, low energy feel.. If I am out late or feel low energy I can and do siesta / cat nap too, something I was never able to do before.

I do many of the things we are told not to, gallons of super strength fresh ground coffee.. Even espressos... Do drink still (but afternooners more than not) but find I have limited hangovers if its a day v night session.. For me that dawn to 9am is the best time of the day, cool, pleasant, quiet..

You don't have to be a bastard when your fat,and you should look in the mirror and kick yourself in the arse and get on with your life who cares if you want to lay in bed maybe you should try a girlfriend or you to lazy for that to.

Well you certainly don't have to be fat to be a bastard also! Kick myself in the ar*se and get a girlfriend? If you don't care then why did you bother reading and posting?

Well at least I am not a grumpy bastard!

I sleep with the curtains open and get light in.. im trynig. Strangely I think the problem maybe to much sleep.... I do very much appreciate all the suggestions and feedback!!! Thank you!


My writing coach taught me never to write up a story about people awakening suddenly, sitting bolt upright and awake. Nobody does that.

nobody does that except perhaps me. however, i do not sit up but slowly roll out of bed (wide awake), leave the bedroom and quite often meet Mrs. Naam who might have decided or not to switch off her computer and finally go to sleep. this happens between 03.00 and 04.00 hours... monday through sunday, come rain or shine, 360 days a year. rare exceptions are those days i spent in intensive care after they sawed through my sternum to remodel my heart's piping.



Yep, conditioning the body and the mind is essential. Create a new routine. It will take the body at least 21 days to synchronise.

Changing your mind set is crucial in creating change. Eliminate the negative thoughts and focus on all the positive points of adding more to your day, feeling energised and creating a healthy, active lifestyle. Get rid of the 'hate'! Although you dont literally hate mornings, you have programmed yourself and your brain to thnk like this which will make you even more reluctant to get up and be productive. You brain works on a sub conscious level to implement your feelings and thoughts.

Firstly, you have to want to make it happen. This you have done already. Next is to take action. Set the alarm, dont snooze, get up when it gets off and make the comittment to yourself that you will get up at a certain time to ensure that routine has been established.

Your body will take care of itself.

Physical activity and exercise. The more productive and consistent you are with your training, the less sleep you will need, and yes, you will feel more lethargic when you are not exercising. Also make sure your choice of exercise reflects your objectives.

From experience, get moving as early as possible. Make sure you eat within 30 minutes of rising (same principle as the water). Start your metabolism and all bodily functions to increase circulation and mental alertness.

Like wise, set a time that you are going to switch the TV off or the computer and hit the sack.


Thank you such a good point about "hate mornings" !!! From now on I will start to think more positive about mornings!! I completely believe in the power of our thoughts etc..

However that means I also have to stop lovin' the snooze!!!!haha

Ok but really the whole morning things and programing the mind is a great point that i neer thought of . Thanks!

Posting at 12:40 doesn't help your cause..


Easy for me to laugh: 07:30 and I had my 16K run and breakfast (mind you, I was in bed by 22:00).

Naam, you are up and kicking! Or nearly so; praise the Lord.

a good definition PB :o one month in Germany, now back in Thailand since one month.


Youre more than welcome MM!

I have found the amazing power of using the brain as success driving mechanism and taking the 'postive thoughts' concept to a whole level!

Go get the Book Psycho-Cybernetics, written by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. Supporting evidence of the belief mechanisms of success, sports application to basketballers, golfers and sales people, normal people.

Our brain connot determine what is real and what we perceive as being the truth! Hence locking into a self guiding sub conscious journey to achieve the desired outcome.

This is no hocus pocus. Its real, it works, and it defines your goals, and the level of success you will achieve in life.

Read it. it costs about 250 baht, was written 50 years ago and is applicable today more than ever. Over 30 million copies sold.

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