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Youre more than welcome MM!

I have found the amazing power of using the brain as success driving mechanism and taking the 'postive thoughts' concept to a whole level!

Go get the Book Psycho-Cybernetics, written by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. Supporting evidence of the belief mechanisms of success, sports application to basketballers, golfers and sales people, normal people.

Our brain connot determine what is real and what we perceive as being the truth! Hence locking into a self guiding sub conscious journey to achieve the desired outcome.

This is no hocus pocus. Its real, it works, and it defines your goals, and the level of success you will achieve in life.

Read it. it costs about 250 baht, was written 50 years ago and is applicable today more than ever. Over 30 million copies sold.

Doesn't knocking back a 200 baht bottle of Sang Som or Mekong achieve much the same thing? :o

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Not to knock a sponsor's recommendation, but I read old Max Maltz's book about forty years ago He was a cosmetic surgeon, I think. Anyway, it did nothing for me, because I needed no surgery then. I could use a tummy tuck and some eyelid tucks now, though.

I have found the amazing power of using the brain as success driving mechanism and taking the 'postive thoughts' concept to a whole level!

Go get the Book Psycho-Cybernetics, written by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. Supporting evidence of the belief mechanisms of success, sports application to basketballers, golfers and sales people, normal people.

Our brain connot determine what is real and what we perceive as being the truth! Hence locking into a self guiding sub conscious journey to achieve the desired outcome.

This is no hocus pocus. Its real, it works, and it defines your goals, and the level of success you will achieve in life.

:o:D:D ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Different strokes for different folks. Interesting to see the different things people find helpful. I was a real slug-a-bed when I was young. Having to get up early for children changed that. I found coffee and a good book compensation for getting up before dawn and having to stay up. For the past 30+ years I've started the day that way - coffee and a book. If I'm really enjoying the book and/or getting a lot from it I'm really motivated to get up - usually around 3.15 these days. Early to bed though.

You really have to have something you want to get up for. A glass of cold water or a 10 kilometre run wouldn't have me leaping out of bed.


If it's from oversleeping,then the answer is obvious....However,if you feel that you are not oversleeping,just feel lazy and groggy in the morning,then maybe you could do with an airconditioner?If you set it to fresh air,you won't get the stale air hangover,and may have a much nicer nights sleep,thereby feeling more enthusiastic to go about your day.It worked for me. :o

If it's from oversleeping,then the answer is obvious....However,if you feel that you are not oversleeping,just feel lazy and groggy in the morning,then maybe you could do with an airconditioner?If you set it to fresh air,you won't get the stale air hangover,and may have a much nicer nights sleep,thereby feeling more enthusiastic to go about your day.It worked for me. :o

Ok I will try it tonight as I usualy don't run it, especially these freezing days!!haha

I do like the noise of the ac though and that it blocks out the outside noise/ obnoxious neighbiors

If it's from oversleeping,then the answer is obvious....However,if you feel that you are not oversleeping,just feel lazy and groggy in the morning,then maybe you could do with an airconditioner?If you set it to fresh air,you won't get the stale air hangover,and may have a much nicer nights sleep,thereby feeling more enthusiastic to go about your day.It worked for me. :D

Ok I will try it tonight as I usualy don't run it, especially these freezing days!!haha

I do like the noise of the ac though and that it blocks out the outside noise/ obnoxious neighbiors

Yeah,that is a big thing for me to,blocking outside noise.I find the hum from the airconditioner soothing,although at first it was annoying.I know it's been cold lately,but even on low is nice,and it's not THAT cold!! :D Just watch out with the electricity bill,it really climbs when you use the A/C...Or is it because i leave it on 24hours a day....lol :D I also find that if i consume a decent amount of water during the day,i sleep better at night.Having said that,i will now have another Pepsi... :o Just checking that the wifes not looking... :D She tells me"In Thai peeepole no is good nooo pepsi drink more" :wai:



:o:D:D ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Excellent contribution buddy!

With 30 million copies sold, there must be at least a few million who have benefited from the information. All successful people I know, multimillionnaires, executives, entrepreneurs, coaches etc have taken parts of the book and used in their own success.

If you learn just one new thing from every book you read, isnt that worthwhile??


For most of my adult life I also used to feel ratshit when waking up in the morning, but I have found that If I only have a light meal early in the evening I wake up feeling bright and cheerful. I have read that going to sleep with a heavy meal on your stomach is the cause of morning tiredness. The body uses up a lot of energy through the night to digest the food and leaves you tired when you wake up. The old saying goes :-

"For good health and long life, Breakfast like a king, Lunch like a prince, Dine like a pauper".

From my perspective it all to do with body conditioning. I worked most of the last 10 years of my productive life in the offshore oil and gas industry where one was on the job by 06:00 for a 12 hour day. Unless we had a calamity to deal with it was very rarely that I was in bed later that 20:30.

8 years down the line, after retirement, I'm still in that routine although lets say I've breakfasted by 07:00. I'm not a night person we go out after dark to a restaurant maybe once a week and I have normally had my last beer by 18:00.

I do have to blank out the dreaded tinnitus which can be annoying in the early hours.

Yes, I feel the opposite to many. I wake every day around 6am after around 6 hours sleep, I would love to be able to sleep until 8am and thus get my 8 hours but old habits die hard I guess.

I really want to get up early and feel fresh .. like a morning person. However i guess posting on TV at 1:30 am is not a good start..

I am trying though.. I try to get 8 hour sleep. I have cut back on alcohol consumption a lot so will have many days in a row with not even a glass of wine.

I gave up coffee and cigarettes over a year ago.

I am not eating chocolate or drinking tea before bed and I don't eat a late dinner (4pm is the last meal).

I take a vitamin or two, I don't eat red meat, im not a pot smoker and im not taking sleeping pills. (wow I sound boring huh?)

However I have always preferred nights.. but I work in the day time.. 10-7 , 11-8, 12-9 and just want to wake up at 8 or 830 and feel awake and go do some mild excercise so I dont turn into a fat bastard as Im pushing 40 now and want to be healthy... Or jut wake up early and go to bed early.. and be more productive in the day. I hate mornings! but im trying to like them and to be postive and all that ...

But if I don't have to get up I roll over. Really i could stay in bed for hours and hours.. 10 hours 12 hours no problem....

How do I change this? I read some things about sleep intertia and another disorder and some suggestions like very obvious things..

If anyone has any personal experience please let me know .. i would be most appreciative.

eat an apple- its supposed to be better than coffee and much better for you

eat only fruits with no diarys for first few hours

as these way will give you energys and diary prevents natual glusose from entering quickly

have you tried, yoga, mediatation, chi-kung ( chinese breathing technique's)

an sort of light exercise will help, so will good music's, not too much so early

next,maybe try to base your activity around thing you love and have passion for

i do think the early is the best time of the day

good luck



1 // You may need more sleep than you think.

Research by Henry Ford Hospital Sleep Disorders Center found that people who slept eight hours and then claimed they were "well rested" actually performed better and were more alert if they slept another two hours. That figures. Until the invention of the lightbulb (dam_n you, Edison!), the average person slumbered 10 hours a night.

2 // Night owls are more creative.

Artists, writers, and coders typically fire on all cylinders by crashing near dawn and awakening at the crack of noon. In one study, "evening people" almost universally slam-dunked a standardized creativity test. Their early-bird brethren struggled for passing scores.

3 // Rising early is stressful.

The stress hormone cortisol peaks in your blood around 7 am. So if you get up then, you may experience tension. Grab some extra Zs! You'll wake up feeling less like Bert, more like Ernie.

More of that here:


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