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Windows 7 Beta 1 Available 2 Weeks For Download Unlimited

Guest Reimar

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Latest news from Microsoft:

Update: Around 9:30 p.m. ET on January 10, Microsoft officials finally acknowledged availability of the Windows 7 Beta bits via a posting to the Windows Team blog. They also said they would make the Beta code and product keys available to anyone who downloads it during the next two weeks, even if that number exceeds the original 2.5 million to whom Microsoft originally committed to making theBeta available.

So, hurry on who like to get the original.


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It can be misleading when you write >hurry to get the original<

Make it more transparent that everyone who downloads this version should keep in mind what is clearly stated on the download web site

"Don’t install the Beta on your primary home or work computer.

The Beta will expire on August 1, 2009.

Please be prepared to reinstall a prior version of Windows or a subsequent release of Windows 7 before that date."

- even with a provided "original" key

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This beta is looking better than the final version of Vista ever did though. Finally a worth-while upgrade from XP...


Hmm let me get this straight, Vista wasn't worth the upgrade but Windows 7 is ?

You are running Windows 6.1, which is basically Vista with a few added features, and a few substracted features. The upgrade for Vista users is mininum, indeed the upgrade will be massive for XP users. But of course they would already have a massive upgrade going to Vista.

Windows 7 will greatly benefit from the framework laid out by vista, in terms of security and driver model.

But let´s not kid ourselves, Windows 7 is bascially Vista SP3, it´s not a major upgrade from Vista, both in terms of added features and underlying technology.

I´m not saying I don´t like Win7, but it´s not a major upgrade from Vista.

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This beta is looking better than the final version of Vista ever did though. Finally a worth-while upgrade from XP...


Hmm let me get this straight, Vista wasn't worth the upgrade but Windows 7 is ?

You are running Windows 6.1, which is basically Vista with a few added features, and a few substracted features. The upgrade for Vista users is mininum, indeed the upgrade will be massive for XP users. But of course they would already have a massive upgrade going to Vista.

Windows 7 will greatly benefit from the framework laid out by vista, in terms of security and driver model.

But let´s not kid ourselves, Windows 7 is bascially Vista SP3, it´s not a major upgrade from Vista, both in terms of added features and underlying technology.

I´m not saying I don´t like Win7, but it´s not a major upgrade from Vista.

Just from my experiences the last 2 weeks, I must say that your totally wrong! And just to clear: Windows 7 isn't Windows 6.1!

I do not understand why the Anti -Windows users need to show off everytime?! As this version is just a Beta 1 what you like to admit? I mean others than negative comments? OS-X has much more annoying features than Windows 7!

And just for to clear that as well: Vista SP3 is on Beta Stage as well and tested it it didn't brings what Win 7 is gives you!

By the way: which Version is Windows Server 2008?!

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Server 2008 has the same kernel as Vista SP1, that's why when it was released, it was already Server 2008 SP1.

And I don't know where I'm wrong, as it is Windows 6.1, do a run, winver if you don't believe me :o

Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised that by the time Windows 7 goes RTM, Microsoft will probably change it to be Windows 7 (they claim that it is 6.1 for compatibliy reasons) I think moving it up to 7 will be more a marketing decision. Technically there is no doubt, this is Windows 6.1.

Don't get me wrong, I do love Windows 7, and I have been running build 6801 for many months as my main operating system, but the upgrade is vastly smaller then the one from XP to Vista. The new features are great, but are focussed at easy of use part, Aero Peek, and Aero Shake being in the spotlight, together with the new taksbar, libraries is another example. Media Centre has been improved. All great things. But under the hood almost no changes. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's a fact nevertheless.

Microsoft probably want to keep the more profound changes to an absolute minimum, to prevent another Vista effect. But the fact is, that Microsoft made a fundamental change with Vista, and it;s funny that people who have been slagging Vista for years, now find Windows 7 so great. :D

Edited by sjaak327
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This beta is looking better than the final version of Vista ever did though. Finally a worth-while upgrade from XP...


Hmm let me get this straight, Vista wasn't worth the upgrade but Windows 7 is ?

You are running Windows 6.1, which is basically Vista with a few added features, and a few substracted features. The upgrade for Vista users is mininum, indeed the upgrade will be massive for XP users. But of course they would already have a massive upgrade going to Vista.

Windows 7 will greatly benefit from the framework laid out by vista, in terms of security and driver model.

But let´s not kid ourselves, Windows 7 is bascially Vista SP3, it´s not a major upgrade from Vista, both in terms of added features and underlying technology.

I´m not saying I don´t like Win7, but it´s not a major upgrade from Vista.

For many people who dont have cutting edge hardware vista was a trade off, what they gained in bells and whistles, they lost in lag times waiting for windows to open etc..

So yes for many theres a case that windows7 if it really is that much leaner is now worth the upgrade, they get the bells and whistles and without the performance drain..

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