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How To Make A Donation?

Mike & Pook

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Dear all,

first we would like to pass our deepest feelings and thoughts to the persons who is marked by the tragic accident in the countries around the Indian Ocean. As a thai related family our focus is heading back home. We sit here in Denmark and is chocked of what happend and what didn't happend through the last 72 hours. It is always easy to look back and blame someone but with the news hitting this site and the general media make us feel that the government authorities should be blamed of not respecting the quake warnings.

We would like to participating in helping as much as we can and then think who and which organisation we should donate money to. Is there an official thai one - private/local or goverment??

Who is helping the local thais and how much are they hurt - how many homeless etc. ??.....what do they need and who help them??

We import Phuket Lager Beer to Scandinavia an together with the owners of the beer brand and other importers we now start to collect money which we would like to donate - but we also want to make sure that the donation ends in the right pockets so it will be spend to do direct help and support.

Can anyone tip us??

Kind regards and happy new year to all of you.

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