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Whenever I Come Back To Bangkok...


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Spend a week or so in Seoul, or Hong Kong, or Singapore, or Tokyo, or Macau and when you come back to Bangkok and get in a taxi to take the ride to Bangkok and the first thing you are hit with is all the sprawl, graffiti, and how ugly the city is overall. the unfinished ghost buildings. what the people on the street look like. the endless motorcycles. the powerlines hanging all over the place. the sidewalks all cut up and filled with puddles. roads that look like there was a war. crumbling over passes. the terrible infrastructure. homeless people. make shift squatter housing. granted, western cities tend to be just as bad, but man oh man, are there some really nice, clean, wonderful cities in Asia - and no, bangkok is not one of them.

....but its cheap, right?

Edited by dave9988
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Spend a week or so in Seoul, or Hong Kong, or Singapore, or Tokyo, or Macau and when you come back to Bangkok and get in a taxi to take the ride to Bangkok and the first thing you are hit with is all the sprawl, graffiti, and how ugly the city is overall. the unfinished ghost buildings. what the people on the street look like. the endless motorcycles. the powerlines hanging all over the place. the sidewalks all cut up and filled with puddles. roads that look like there was a war. crumbling over passes. the terrible infrastructure. homeless people. make shift squatter housing. granted, western cities tend to be just as bad, but man oh man, are there some really nice, clean, wonderful cities in Asia.

Your point being ? :o

You want to move to Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong ?

Can you afford to ?

Edited by Maigo6
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i am hoping that by the time i am ready to have children that i can afford to live the lifestyle i am living here, in these places cause i feel that bangkok leaves a lot to be desired.

its a complete dump.

Edited by dave9988
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Spend a week or so in Seoul, or Hong Kong, or Singapore, or Tokyo, or Macau and when you come back to Bangkok and get in a taxi to take the ride to Bangkok and the first thing you are hit with is all the sprawl, graffiti, and how ugly the city is overall. the unfinished ghost buildings. what the people on the street look like. the endless motorcycles. the powerlines hanging all over the place. the sidewalks all cut up and filled with puddles. roads that look like there was a war. crumbling over passes. the terrible infrastructure. homeless people. make shift squatter housing. granted, western cities tend to be just as bad, but man oh man, are there some really nice, clean, wonderful cities in Asia.

Your point being ? :o

You want to move to Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong ?

Can you afford to ?

We could have a whip round??

Note; Whip round - (English term) where all participants of a group, club or organisation contribute funds towards a cause of mutual benefit.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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i am hoping that by the time i am ready to have children that i can afford to live the lifestyle i am living here, in these places cause i feel that bangkok leaves a lot to be desired.

its a complete dump.

So let me get this straight, you CHOOSE to live in a complete dump, then pick some of the most expensive cities in the world to compare against the dump you live in ?

Try comparing the dump you live in to some other developing countries cities, African, Asian, South American cities, let me know how you get on.

Personally I wouldn't want to live in Bangkok either, that's why I don't ! :o

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i am hoping that by the time i am ready to have children that i can afford to live the lifestyle i am living here, in these places cause i feel that bangkok leaves a lot to be desired.

its a complete dump.

Well, as I assume that you are not Thai, then you do have a choice don't you?

I actually like Bangkok because it has the quirks. Singapore for example is a great place, but oh, it's so sterile.

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i am happy in bangkok for the most part, its just when you go to these other places that all its terrible flaws are pointed out. i can just imagine some expats taking their kids to hong kong and the kids asking "Daddy, why are there no homeless people?" or "Do you think we can have sidewalks one day in Thailand?"

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i am hoping that by the time i am ready to have children that i can afford to live the lifestyle i am living here, in these places cause i feel that bangkok leaves a lot to be desired.

its a complete dump.

you say so much with the above. where to begin.

when will you be ready to have children? 10 years me thinks

afford the lifestyle you live here - teaching doesn't pay well in singapore?

leaves alot to be desired - but isn't is a great place to desire

it's a complete dump - thank you, we wouldn't change a thing

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i am hoping that by the time i am ready to have children that i can afford to live the lifestyle i am living here, in these places cause i feel that bangkok leaves a lot to be desired.

its a complete dump.

you say so much with the above. where to begin.

when will you be ready to have children? 10 years me thinks

afford the lifestyle you live here - teaching doesn't pay well in singapore?

leaves alot to be desired - but isn't is a great place to desire

it's a complete dump - thank you, we wouldn't change a thing

My sentiments exactly.

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i am happy in bangkok for the most part, its just when you go to these other places that all its terrible flaws are pointed out. i can just imagine some expats taking their kids to hong kong and the kids asking "Daddy, why are there no homeless people?" or "Do you think we can have sidewalks one day in Thailand?"

So you think there are no homeless people in Tokyo ?

Dave, you're a total fool, you actually know very little about other Asian cities do you, c'mon admit it.

If you did, you would never say what you say, as it's total garbage. :o

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i am happy in bangkok for the most part, its just when you go to these other places that all its terrible flaws are pointed out. i can just imagine some expats taking their kids to hong kong and the kids asking "Daddy, why are there no homeless people?" or "Do you think we can have sidewalks one day in Thailand?"

Dave, how tall are you?

Do you spend most of the time with your head up in the clouds?

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Agree with the above.

Look carefully, you will see ALOT of homeless in Tokyo, visit the parks after dark or the tunnels under the streets. You will see them. At least in BKK it warm and the homeless are not freezing like in Tokyo.

HK? S'pore? Seoul?

The difference between them and BKK is that homelessness is "controlled" in these cities, their govts tries very hard to hide the fact. Probably illegal to be homeless in S'pore.

Edited by mmushr00m
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This topic should be fun :o

As for me, Bangers isn't really my thing. I do go to several meet ups there (with some members off ThaiVisa) whenever i can and i always thoroughly enjoy myself. But i couldn't see myself living there.

Saying that, if the company i work for wanted to relocate me to Bangers, on a similar package to what i'm on in Saudi, i'd be knocking the doors down in HR :D

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Agree with the above.

Look carefully, you will see ALOT of homeless in Tokyo, visit the parks after dark or the tunnels under the streets. You will see them. At least in BKK it warm and the homeless are not freezing like in Tokyo.

HK? S'pore? Seoul?

The difference between them and BKK is that homelessness is "controlled" in these cities, their govts tries very hard to hide the fact. Probably illegal to be homeless in S'pore.

There are homeless in Singapore, and if you get away from the utopia of say Orchard Road, and explore some of the HDB areas, it ain't all sweet. Couldn't comment on Seoul, but I guess that it has similar areas.

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This topic should be fun :o

As for me, Bangers isn't really my thing. I do go to several meet ups there (with some members off ThaiVisa) whenever i can and i always thoroughly enjoy myself. But i couldn't see myself living there.

Saying that, if the company i work for wanted to relocate me to Bangers, on a similar package to what i'm on in Saudi, i'd be knocking the doors down in HR :D

yep, i hear ya, at least here the culture police won't come after you unless you wear spaghetti bikinis as songkran.

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This topic should be fun :D

As for me, Bangers isn't really my thing. I do go to several meet ups there (with some members off ThaiVisa) whenever i can and i always thoroughly enjoy myself. But i couldn't see myself living there.

Saying that, if the company i work for wanted to relocate me to Bangers, on a similar package to what i'm on in Saudi, i'd be knocking the doors down in HR :D

yep, i hear ya, at least here the culture police won't come after you unless you wear spaghetti bikinis as songkran.

James, it's not something I'd even want to think about, MR Boj wearing a spaghetti bikini :o

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This topic should be fun :D

As for me, Bangers isn't really my thing. I do go to several meet ups there (with some members off ThaiVisa) whenever i can and i always thoroughly enjoy myself. But i couldn't see myself living there.

Saying that, if the company i work for wanted to relocate me to Bangers, on a similar package to what i'm on in Saudi, i'd be knocking the doors down in HR :D

yep, i hear ya, at least here the culture police won't come after you unless you wear spaghetti bikinis as songkran.

James, it's not something I'd even want to think about, MR Boj wearing a spaghetti bikini :o

well he is a city fan, they do anything for money i hear.

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This topic should be fun :D

As for me, Bangers isn't really my thing. I do go to several meet ups there (with some members off ThaiVisa) whenever i can and i always thoroughly enjoy myself. But i couldn't see myself living there.

Saying that, if the company i work for wanted to relocate me to Bangers, on a similar package to what i'm on in Saudi, i'd be knocking the doors down in HR :D

yep, i hear ya, at least here the culture police won't come after you unless you wear spaghetti bikinis as songkran.

James, it's not something I'd even want to think about, MR Boj wearing a spaghetti bikini :o

well he is a city fan, they do anything for money i hear.


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Poor ole' Dave......

The winner of this weeks " ThaiVisa's most unsuccessful troll thread " please accept my warmest congratulations. :D

He starts a Thai Bashing thread expecting a feast of abuse for Thailand and ends up getting slaughtered for his efforts.......LOL..

Dave mate, you have to post about something you know, now I suspect you will find that difficult, but there must be something. :o

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...but its cheap, right?

So live in the dumb, and keep dreaming of nice cities you like...Dont teach your kids to look down on homeless people :D

But should raise them how to give :o

I hope you can stand the cold,in Holland.

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This topic should be fun :D

As for me, Bangers isn't really my thing. I do go to several meet ups there (with some members off ThaiVisa) whenever i can and i always thoroughly enjoy myself. But i couldn't see myself living there.

Saying that, if the company i work for wanted to relocate me to Bangers, on a similar package to what i'm on in Saudi, i'd be knocking the doors down in HR :wai:

yep, i hear ya, at least here the culture police won't come after you unless you wear spaghetti bikinis as songkran.

James, it's not something I'd even want to think about, MR Boj wearing a spaghetti bikini :o

well he is a city fan, they do anything for money i hear.


Hey you two. I have feelings ya know :D

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Now I have to say ( I know nobody takes any notice of me ) The OP is not Thai bashing it is his opinion about BKK ( you all have ) I do agree with him BKK is dirty so do many other clients I had in my place

from all over the world. And I don't know why it is on the top ten in tourists attractions. To talk about

the slums and so on you have them all over the world ( yes in Singapore,New York, Sydney, Rome or where ever maybe you never ever seen them !! But just let's wait let him make his point then you can

argue with him in a decent matter and not a slinging match :o

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The OP is quite right and I think many Bangkok Thai would also share his view.

The problem facing Bangkok is that insufficient tax is raised and what is generated for infrastructure projects is generally depleted by the usual 30% spend on corruption.

The consequences are all too obvious and quite shameful.

The argument that cheap living is a concomitant exploited by those farang unable to live elsewhere is quite irrelevant to the point made by the OP who correctly concludes that in comparison to other SE Asian cities Bangkok is ugly, incoherent and devoid of any attractive features characterising its uniqueness beyond the stretch of antiquity bordering the river.

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...but its cheap, right?

So live in the dumb, and keep dreaming of nice cities you like...Dont teach your kids to look down on homeless people :D

But should raise them how to give :o

I hope you can stand the cold,in Holland.

Thank you for your concerned.

So far im doing very well though :D

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