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Uk Debt Chasing Me

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Give me five and i will post the truth!

No need to as I have already posted the truth. If you were right you could just google Bank of England prints more money and you would have 10,000,000 news articles to post.

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To the OP just relax and take no heed of what the selfrightious w*nkers are posting. Untold millions in the UK owe substantialy more than your paltry 6k. The selfrightious twits dont realize that as they stand they are being ripped of big time by big government. In the Uk the Bank of England has just announced plans to print more fiat money without accountability - thus devaluing further the value of the pound in your pocket. (first time in history and sanctioned by the government)

Unfortunate that you want to start calling people w*nkers who don't agree with you in this discussion... but i think your level has already been established so no great surprise.

Your rationale for fleeing from a debt that was entered of your own free-will (or in this case that of the OP) is quite absurd. Why don't you just stop deluding yourself that your decision (or the one you are encouraging) is based on some sort of greater moral stand against the banks and governments of the world, and just accept that you're a dishonest individual who places no importance on personal responsibility?

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To the OP just relax and take no heed of what the selfrightious w*nkers are posting. Untold millions in the UK owe substantialy more than your paltry 6k. The selfrightious twits dont realize that as they stand they are being ripped of big time by big government. In the Uk the Bank of England has just announced plans to print more fiat money without accountability - thus devaluing further the value of the pound in your pocket. (first time in history and sanctioned by the government)

Unfortunate that you want to start calling people w*nkers who don't agree with you in this discussion... but i think your level has already been established so no great surprise.

Your rationale for fleeing from a debt that was entered of your own free-will (or in this case that of the OP) is quite absurd. Why don't you just stop deluding yourself that your decision (or the one you are encouraging) is based on some sort of greater moral stand against the banks and governments of the world, and just accept that you're a dishonest individual who places no importance on personal responsibility?

Actually I am quite happy at my 'level' of conciousness. And I wasn't really refering to people -- that was just a smoke screen - I was really refering to an unnamed individual. Selfrightious, programmed - - - - - -

I would much prefer to live with the rebelious types on this planet than those who claim the moral high ground yet understand little if anything about 'self'. Sheep mentality, loves to ingratiate themselfs with higher authoritys - however corrupt they may be. Does this describe you!

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Actually I am quite happy at my 'level' of conciousness. And I wasn't really refering to people -- that was just a smoke screen - I was really refering to an unnamed individual. Selfrightious, programmed - - - - - -

I would much prefer to live with the rebelious types on this planet than those who claim the moral high ground yet understand little if anything about 'self'.


For one who enjoys calling others self-righteous, you sure do come out with some pompous nonsense.

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Wow, this thread took a nice twist - didn't see that coming!!

I'm on the side that says nobody is perfect for those perfect individuals that's never been in debt, are you still sh@gin next doors cat or driving at 50 in 30mph zone?

Onto the question, the agency handling your debt has already amazed me by getting your tel.num. here in Thailand. I think you'll find they've already out-done their capabilities. However they are very good at idol threats/bullying tactics that never amount to anything, only the whimps give in and pay them. Remember they don't know who the whimps are so they blow hot steam at everyone and perhaps 1-in-10 (the whimps) pay up.

Debts are by-law cancelled after 6yrs, as long as you don't admit to them, if you admit "yes I owe you this money" the 6yrs starts ticking again (so that's 6yrs of not admitting), they can chase you forever though, you just ignore them.

Remember the only legal course of action is for them to seize secured items (hp, car-lease, etc.) or petition for bankcrupcy, that costs them about 20k, so 1. your debt must exceed that and 2. the outcome must be financially viable, it rarely is. 3. companies that file or bankcrupcy pointlessly are frowned on by the courts so it never goes there.

Enjoy your freedom you hardened criminal, chill-out and take no notice of the idiots.

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I have a worrying question which i hope someone can help clarify for me-

I have a long outstanding debt to a UK Bank, not big, but enough. The debt collecting agency got my number here and has now said that if i don't pay it will be passed to the courts in UK to get a court order to approach immigration here and request the cancellation of any visas i have to stay in Thailand. I work here on a non B. Is this really possible ? Needless to say, I am very worried about this!

Please dont worry about this as the banks are insured against bad debt They just have to prove they have done all they can to recover the debt before they will get paid And that is what they are doing at the moment ,My mate has 28K of bad debt to credit cards and people told him he would be arrested as soon as he enters the UK Well he has been back 3 times in the last 5 years and the only person waiting at the airport for him was his sister,The only time you would have a problem is if you went back to the UK to work Then they would be knocking on your door.Good Luck.

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Wow, this thread took a nice twist - didn't see that coming!!

I'm on the side that says nobody is perfect for those perfect individuals that's never been in debt, are you still sh@gin next doors cat or driving at 50 in 30mph zone?

Onto the question, the agency handling your debt has already amazed me by getting your tel.num. here in Thailand. I think you'll find they've already out-done their capabilities. However they are very good at idol threats/bullying tactics that never amount to anything, only the whimps give in and pay them. Remember they don't know who the whimps are so they blow hot steam at everyone and perhaps 1-in-10 (the whimps) pay up.

Debts are by-law cancelled after 6yrs, as long as you don't admit to them, if you admit "yes I owe you this money" the 6yrs starts ticking again (so that's 6yrs of not admitting), they can chase you forever though, you just ignore them.

Remember the only legal course of action is for them to seize secured items (hp, car-lease, etc.) or petition for bankcrupcy, that costs them about 20k, so 1. your debt must exceed that and 2. the outcome must be financially viable, it rarely is. 3. companies that file or bankcrupcy pointlessly are frowned on by the courts so it never goes there.

Enjoy your freedom you hardened criminal, chill-out and take no notice of the idiots.

At no point has the OP ever suggested he didn't borrow the money they are asking for. So just exactly why is it that you and other posters act with such indignation and disgust that they are trying to contact him and agree some sort of repayment program? Is it their bullying tactics that you don't like? Are rebels usually such sensitive little petals?

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Remember the only legal course of action is for them to seize secured items (hp, car-lease, etc.) or petition for bankcrupcy, that costs them about 20k, so 1. your debt must exceed that and 2. the outcome must be financially viable, it rarely is. 3. companies that file or bankcrupcy pointlessly are frowned on by the courts so it never goes there.

Enjoy your freedom you hardened criminal, chill-out and take no notice of the idiots.

At no point has the OP ever suggested he didn't borrow the money they are asking for. So just exactly why is it that you and other posters act with such indignation and disgust that they are trying to contact him and agree some sort of repayment program? Is it their bullying tactics that you don't like? Are rebels usually such sensitive little petals?

Rebels for ever :D Even as a kid I refused to eat carrots - and I still have perfect eyesight :o

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If the bebt is unsecured, then I would say dont worry about it, sit back and enjoy the sun.

If it is a credit card debt then ask for a copy of the credit card agreement you signed. You might be suprised in them dropping the debt. :o


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Pay your debts !! :o

Why fled to Thailand ? because criminals think they are safe here I hope they come and get you be a man and face it :D

Do you not think you are jumping to conclusions ?. he may have a genuine reason for not being able to repay,...either way, i doubt hes a criminal ,and they WONT come and get him for sure, grow up,. :D

IF he has a genuine reason for not be able to pay WHY leave and go to Thailand ....because he is not willing to pay ! IF he was willing to pay he should have stayed works his ah.s off and repay his debts than you earn respect not by fleeing :D

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Pay your debts !! :o

Why fled to Thailand ? because criminals think they are safe here I hope they come and get you be a man and face it :D

Do you not think you are jumping to conclusions ?. he may have a genuine reason for not being able to repay,...either way, i doubt hes a criminal ,and they WONT come and get him for sure, grow up,. :D

IF he has a genuine reason for not be able to pay WHY leave and go to Thailand ....because he is not willing to pay ! IF he was willing to pay he should have stayed works his ah.s off and repay his debts than you earn respect not by fleeing :D

Well ,unlike you i wont draw any conclusions without him telling us more ( although why should he ) .i think you are the only one that would have respected him looking at the other advice here, .( and by the way you must be running out of ink as its gone red . ! ) :D
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^not paying back a loan is FRAUD!!! :o
not paying back a loan is FRAUD!!!


not paying back a loan is FRAUD!!!

no it is not if you were in full enployment at the time when you borrowered it and fully intended to pay it back

but were then made redundant or for some reason lost your job it is a civel case , no crimal act has been done

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It's called sovereignty of nations. If you owed a Thai debt and then went back to your home country, would the creditor be able to reach across your border and get your assets or cancel your passport? No. It doesn't work in either direction.

It's a back alley collection agency using what (at least in the USA) are illegal tactics. Change your local phone number, turn out the light, and get some sleep.

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You ( kharsi)are castigating "the banks" for not paying their creditors, yet advocating that the "poor OP" is quite justified in doing so.

Why the double standard?

because the aptly named kharsi has no idea how to construct a convincing case and is content to repeat the usual childish mantras spouted by those who think that those with the least are entitled to the most.
And all of this self rightious rubbish from a nut with the Avator "tax exile"

but at least i am right !!

In lending banks assess risk which is reflected in the rate of interest, generally quite usurious and far in excess of the rates they set between themselves. In any competitive, consumer society there are those who have basic needs but not the wherewithal to meet them and have no other option but to use credit. Desperation inevitably leads to exploitation and consequently huge profits can be made viz. credit card rates charging 18%. Bad debt comes with the parish but they don't particularly care since the interest rates charged more than compensate.

Walking away from a bank debt is really of no consequence and has little to do with ethics.

The meek shall inherit the earth and it will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man.

Another mantra for you.

Edited by Kharzi
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I have no sympathy at all for the banks

Nor do I, for the very reasons that you mentioned, however, it's no longer the banks' debt.

They sell it to private, non-banking institutions at a huge discount, and those companies then dog the debtor (for years, or until bankruptcy, in the USA).

The banks already have all the money they'll get from that debt. Not paying now screws a different set of financial leeches, who've not (yet) been bailed out by taxpayers.

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Agree with the others that it's most unlikely that they could do that and are just trying to scare you.

BUT they might be able to get a court order so that when it comes time for you to renew your passport the Embassy will refuse and you will have to return to the UK. It's happened to a couple of US mates of mine over unpaid child support.

Mind, a UK mate that did a runner with a couple of hundred grand and had the law looking for him has never had any problems getting a new passport.

Priceless. Must be a great feeling to order another round of lady drinks of the child support while feeling up some 18 year old bar girl. Makes you feel like a real man.

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I have no sympathy for these companies they feed off other peoples misfortune and misery.

where is the misery and misfortune in this case?

someone did a runner to Thailand 3 years ago leaving someone else to pick up his tab and clear up his mess.

it seems that most people here are cheering him on for running away from his responsibilities to the people he willingly entered into a legal contract with to borrow and then repay the money.

its cases like this that make borrowing harder for those who really need the loans and fully intend to pay them back.

although its unlikely that he will be chased up for it in thailand , a debt of 6000 over 3 years works out as under 6 pounds a day. hardly misery and misfortune.

I was in a real fix at the time and it was the only way to survive.

as he is working here now , he should pay it back and stop looking to escape his responsibilities to those who were willing to help him when he most needed it.

Yep, well said. Why is it that all you guys make these loan companies out to be the devil? Nobody forced you to take their help and you knew the conditions of the loan.

Rather than trying to find ways of wriggling out of standing up to your responsibilities, why not just work out some sort of repayment plan with them. As i understand it, they usually are ready to accept even fairly paltry payments.

some things make you go hmmmm... 2 pages of support for someone who is a 1/2 step above a shoplifter and making the rest of us pay on our bank charges. Above Posters refer to the banks as 'unethical' and 'disgraceful'; what does that make the punter?

Soon someone will be wading in with the 'change name' solution. seen it here before!

To the question OP's though, the Thais have monetary requirements for most visas. B50k per month working, B40K per month for nonO. Do they only look at the credit column? What is stopping anyone from 'cashing in' maxing out cards to live in a 3rd world country anon?


If there is not some way to catch scoundrels, there should be though TV is certainly the best place to get 'advice' on ethics required to avoid responsibility.

I have more respect for homeless people who collect bottles in the parks than someone who feels it is okay to rip banks off, with the 'justification' he 'was in dire straits and had to"

If the OP is back on his feet, the only 'ethical' advice would be to arrange a repayment schedule.

An above poster was particularly 'jocular' about all the expats who are 'delinquent' on their child support payments back home. Wot heroes!? I know for a fact child support debts can be turned into jail time. I used to process cases for the attorney general.

I wish I could change my screen name to CALL ME SARDONIC :o because, while this is an Amazing Forum, there is a real element of support for those who cannot meet certain standards :D

They will be reborn in Thailand next with a chance to rebuild karma by driving motorcycle taxi for 60 years. :D

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This is a general post and not directed at the OP because I don't know the OP's full circumstances but rather a comment in context with the general direction this thread has gone.

I'm not a Brit but the same thing occurs in my country. People don't hold up their part of the contract for whatever reason and I/we other citizens end up paying our end of our bargains and some of those other people's. I think such people (leeches) should be required to make restitution, even if it is picking up litter off the highway, cutting grass at the municipal cemeteries or doing maintenance on public fixed assets etc. One doesn't have to have money to repay debts, if they really want too. If you've failed to perform on a contractual agreement with me, you can come to my house and replace my roof, paint my house, cut my grass etc etc until the debt is discharged.

I do of course understand and offer exception for those who have substantially changing situations and become physically or mentally unable to perform their contractual obligations, but as far as deadbeats go...I loathe them and would shoot them in a minute if given the legal opportunity.

I can't see how the collectors chasing you can do anything. It isn't a criminal matter and they cannot incarcerate you over a civil matter. Look no further than to OJ Simpson....he won the criminal trial but lost the civil trial and the winners of the civil trial can't do hardly anything in pursuit of their awards..sad really. Courts should put teeth behind such judgments and far fewer would come to court.



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I have a worrying question which i hope someone can help clarify for me-

I have a long outstanding debt to a UK Bank, not big, but enough. The debt collecting agency got my number here and has now said that if i don't pay it will be passed to the courts in UK to get a court order to approach immigration here and request the cancellation of any visas i have to stay in Thailand. I work here on a non B. Is this really possible ? Needless to say, I am very worried about this!

I owe in excess of £50000 in the UK and don't give a flying toss about it, its just a debt recovery company doing what they do best and that is intimidating people with bluffs and mind games.

Enjoy your stay in Thailand and do not bother yourself thinking about it. GOOD LUCK

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I have a worrying question which i hope someone can help clarify for me-

I have a long outstanding debt to a UK Bank, not big, but enough. The debt collecting agency got my number here and has now said that if i don't pay it will be passed to the courts in UK to get a court order to approach immigration here and request the cancellation of any visas i have to stay in Thailand. I work here on a non B. Is this really possible ? Needless to say, I am very worried about this!

Yes it is. They arrested then deported a German bar owner from Pattaya recently because He owed 4 Million baht to credit cards.

They are getting tough in the Uk now and they also can change unsecured debt into secured debt and take your house...even though it was initially called an unsecured loan. It's called a change order.

Yes they can get you and the Thais will co operate.

NO This is not correct, this is a civil matter and cannot leverage immigration or visa status. The guy owing4 Million probably committed fraud, so was a criminal matter... cheers

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Looks like there are loads of people in Thailand that owe money to banks , gives me a great idea for a business , contact some of the debt agancies and buy the debts , bet they pay up when a thai bloke sticks a gun in their face when there lying in bed ! Could be a good earner :o

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I have a worrying question which i hope someone can help clarify for me-

I have a long outstanding debt to a UK Bank, not big, but enough. The debt collecting agency got my number here and has now said that if i don't pay it will be passed to the courts in UK to get a court order to approach immigration here and request the cancellation of any visas i have to stay in Thailand. I work here on a non B. Is this really possible ? Needless to say, I am very worried about this!

Yes it is. They arrested then deported a German bar owner from Pattaya recently because He owed 4 Million baht to credit cards.

They are getting tough in the Uk now and they also can change unsecured debt into secured debt and take your house...even though it was initially called an unsecured loan. It's called a change order.

Yes they can get you and the Thais will co operate.

Uups, :o

If we are talking about the same guy?!

That german guy have had a warrant of about 62 cases of credit card frauds committed so far, if you put another 0 behind the 4 you will come nearby the real sum and he also offended the rules of suspended sentences.

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I have a worrying question which i hope someone can help clarify for me-

I have a long outstanding debt to a UK Bank, not big, but enough. The debt collecting agency got my number here and has now said that if i don't pay it will be passed to the courts in UK to get a court order to approach immigration here and request the cancellation of any visas i have to stay in Thailand. I work here on a non B. Is this really possible ? Needless to say, I am very worried about this!

Hi dogslife? I guess you've got more to hide, right? You shouldn't post something like that here man. Let me guess: The outstanding amount was the money to come to Thailand? Can't you just ask somebody? Why don't you post your Addy here? :o

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